Masters and Partials: A Comic Perspective of Pre-Sales/Sales-Engineering! 🤣


In this playful comic, we delve into the diverse roles of pre-sales/sales-engineering professionals. Humorously depicted as jacks of all trades, it’s a gentle nudge at the sarcasm that they often know a bit of everything, yet not entirely of something. Despite this jest, I’ve had the privilege of contributing to, leading, and forming innovative and inter-disciplinary pre-sales teams. Their adaptability and extensive knowledge cannot be understated. Enjoy this comic take, but remember to celebrate the real heroes behind the scenes!

The Comic


An IT services company is in the spotlight. The team is trying to place an employee in the right team.

Meet the Characters

Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!

In board meetings, pay-rise days, client meetings, or evening get-togethers, Wigss has a unique wig for every occasion. Steering the company like a Don, he extracts the best from everyone. And amidst all this, he’s ever ready to personally help his crew out.

Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

Diggz is all about those zesty one-liners. He secretly dreams of swapping places with Wigss, but hey, not everyone can rock those wigs. With a knack for sharp jabs that shake up the old ways, Diggz is the spice in every corporate meeting!

Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!

While Waggz is a touch on the gullible side, there’s no questioning his dedication. He’s the one always nodding in agreement, fervently wagging away at every directive. Secretly, he wishes he had the wit of Diggz, but for now, he’s content being the loyal sidekick, even if it means occasionally getting lost in the shuffle.

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Waggz: “Boss, I just can’t fit this guy in any team.”

Waggz: “Tech team says he codes less analyzes more, BA team says he analyzes less, talks more.”
Wigss (Boss): “Fix him in Marketing.”

Waggz: “Tried that. Marketing says he is less of marketing and more of sales; Sales says he’s is less of sales and more of strategy …”

Diggz: “Fix him in Pre-Sales!”

Contrarian Views

Pre-sales roles are often humorously dubbed as “knowing a bit about everything.” Let’s explore some alternate perspectives that challenge this sarcastic joke:

  1. Holistic Understanding: In an interdisciplinary world, broad knowledge can outvalue deep expertise in a singular domain.
  2. Versatility as Strength: Adapting to multiple domains showcases cognitive flexibility—a prized trait in modern business.
  3. Specialists in Integration: Pre-sales experts don’t just know a bit about everything; they specialize in combining diverse knowledge.
  4. Seeing the Bigger Picture: Applying broad knowledge to real-world scenarios allows for better holistic solutions.
  5. Siloed Departments Lose Out: The real joke might be on departments unwilling to integrate or recognize the power of versatility.
  6. Empathy Drives Pre-Sales: Understanding multiple stakeholders necessitates top-notch empathy and communication skills.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Illustrate a humorous corporate scene in a bustling IT office environment: At the center, Wigss, the confident leader, stands tall, donning a flamboyant wig that symbolizes authority. The wig has a touch of flair, reflecting his quirky nature. To his left, Diggz, looking stylish, leans against a desk, holding a coffee cup. His eyes are locked onto Wigss, and a smirk reveals his cheeky nature. Maybe he’s just delivered one of his trademark one-liners, catching the attention of nearby colleagues. To the right of Wigss, Waggz, the ever-loyal manager, stands with a notebook in hand, pen poised, ready to take notes. His eyes are wide, and he’s nodding excessively, signaling his unwavering agreement with everything Wigss says. The background shows a typical IT office setup: colleagues chatting by water coolers, some engrossed in their computer screens, and a few sneaking peeks at the trio, curious about their animated discussion. Ambient details: A whiteboard with tech jargon scribbled on, potted plants for a touch of greenery, and overhead lights casting a warm glow. –ar 16:9