Ignorance and Bliss: Unveiling the Unexpected Virtues of Ignorance in Corporate World! đŸ€Ł


Picture this: A company wins a project with a lowball bid, and the boss couldn’t be happier. But what happens next? Well, let’s just say it’s a recipe for hilarity, irony, and a few raised eyebrows. Join us as we dive into these humorous snapshots of the corporate circus, where ignorance can be a bizarre kind of bliss. Get ready to laugh, think, and maybe even recognize a bit of your own corporate adventure in our tales. So, grab your seat, and let the corporate comedy begin!

The Comic


After winning a project with a remarkably, an IT services organization finds themselves in a tight spot as they begin executing the project.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Wigss – The Bald but Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!
– The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Waggz: “I have a problem. Too many project issues. We shouldn’t have bid for this project.”

Wigss: “Ha Ha, we wouldn’t have quoted less and won this project if we had understood the issues then

Wigss: “I’m happy”

Diggz: “Yeah, that is called the ‘Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance’”

Contrarian Views

These contrarian views offer a different perspective on the situation, highlighting potential benefits and justifications for taking on challenging projects with low bids:

  1. Risk-Averse Approach: Some might argue that winning projects with low bids is a sound strategy as it allows companies to secure more work and maintain a competitive edge, even if it means occasional challenges during execution.
  2. Value Proposition: Contrary to the joke’s premise, proponents of low bids might argue that it’s a testament to a company’s ability to deliver value efficiently, thus saving clients’ money in the long run.
  3. Learning Opportunity: Taking on projects with unexpected challenges can be seen as an excellent learning opportunity for employees and a chance for the company to develop resilience and problem-solving skills.
  4. Client Expectations: From a client’s perspective, some may argue that they should thoroughly evaluate bids and be aware of the potential implications of choosing the lowest bidder, rather than expecting perfection at a lower cost.
  5. Flexibility: Those in favor of low bids might emphasize that they provide the flexibility to adapt and find creative solutions in unforeseen circumstances, which can lead to more innovative outcomes.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a comical cartoon-style image depicting a boss with an overly enthusiastic grin celebrating the company’s project win, while employees, with perplexed and exaggerated expressions, look on as they realize the unexpected hurdles they’ve encountered during project execution. –ar 16:9

Strategy and Reality: Pitching Higher and Higher to go Lower and Lower! đŸ€Ł


In the bustling theater of corporate lingo and dynamic sales pitches, our charismatic trio, Wigss, Diggz, and Buzzo, are on a mission to “transform” and “strategize” their way into sealing a monumental deal. Amidst the glitter of polished jargon and captivating gestures, sometimes the most straightforward queries echo the loudest. Venture into this light-hearted escapade where soaring ambitions meet the grounded realities of the business world. Can Buzzo’s enthralling digital dance impress, or is the customer team tapping to a different tune altogether? đŸŽ¶

The Comic


Buzzo, pitching fervently, riding the waves of corporate jargon, while a challenging scene unfolds.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Wigss – The Bald but Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Sales Guy – Buzzo, The Blabbering Dynamo!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Wigss, Motivational: “Hey Sales Hero, dazzle and fix the customer team this time. Sing the strategy song or do the digital dance or an AI gig or something.”
Diggz, Doubtful: “Won’t work.”

Buzzo, Pitching: “We can transform your digital business with AI, we are a strategic partner

Buzzo, Pitching Higher: “We can create value, 
.. end-to-end 

 360 degrees 

Customer Prospect, Inquisitive: “How many React and Data Science resources can you provide in the next 2 weeks? Pl, share your rate card too!”
Diggz, Sarcastic: “Thought so.”

After All … How Many? and How Much? Matters

Despite Buzzo’s passionate and high-flying pitch filled with technical buzzwords and grand promises, the customer, ever so practical, grounds the entire conversation with a simple and direct query about capacity and rates. The vast chasm between strategic jargon and practical needs has never been so hilariously evident!

Inspiration – Mileage and Maruti: “Kitna deti hai?” in Indian Auto Ads.

In the world of advertising, especially in Indian auto ads, it’s not just about glossy features or sleek designs. A classic Maruti TV ad nailed it when a customer simply inquired, “Kitna deti hai?” (How much mileage does it give?). It underscores that practical concerns often drive consumer choices more than glitzy presentations.

Maruti Suzuki – Kitna Deti Hai – Tank
Maruti Suzuki – Kitna Deti Hai – Yacht

Contrarian Views

Remember, humor is subjective. What resonates with one person might not with another. The joke might be seen as a light-hearted take on the sales process, but these contrarian views provide a more nuanced perspective.

  1. Depth of Strategy: The joke might oversimplify the value of strategic planning. Genuine strategy can bring transformative benefits.
  2. Sales Complexity: Pitches are varied and tailored. Not all are just buzzwords; many sales professionals put in significant effort.
  3. Customer Diversity: Not every customer is solely cost-focused. Some genuinely seek innovative solutions beyond immediate numbers.
  4. Undermining Skillset: The joke risks undervaluing the skills and expertise that go into selling transformative solutions.
  5. Reality of Negotiation: Sales is more than just numbers. It involves trust, relationship-building, and showcasing value. The joke might seem to reduce it to a mere transaction.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a comic strip styled image with two main characters set against a modern corporate background: Buzzo: A young, dynamic salesperson exuding energy and confidence. He’s dressed sharply in a well-fitted suit, his tie possibly fluttering, capturing the essence of his animated pitching. His hands could be gesturing as if emphasizing a point, eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. Customer: A more serious, down-to-earth character. This individual is dressed in a subtle, professional manner, possibly with glasses, exuding an aura of practicality. Their posture is upright, possibly leaning slightly forward with a keen yet skeptical expression. The backdrop should be a sleek boardroom, reflecting the ambiance of high-level corporate discussions. Please ensure the image is void of any text or speech bubbles. –ar 16:9

Chatter and Clatter: A Sales Talkathon for Nothing! đŸ€Ł


Ever had that cringeworthy moment when you’re trying to tell a salesperson what you need, and all they seem to want to do is talk about themselves? Well, you’re not alone! In this comic strip, we’re diving into the all-too-familiar world of IT services sales, where the first meeting can sometimes feel like a monologue on “Our Company’s Greatest Hits.” Stay tuned for a hilarious exploration of the art of not quite listening, brought to you by our favorite tech sales superhero – Captain Company Spotlight! đŸŽ€đŸ’Ź

The Comic


Buzzo, our ever-enthusiastic Sales Guy, is on cloud nine after a prospect call. His energy is infectious, but Diggz, the witty sidekick, can’t help but deconstruct what might have happened.

Meet the Characters

Sales Guy – Buzzo, The Blabbering Dynamo!
Meet Buzzo, our Sales Guy extraordinaire! Like a buzzing bee, he’s always on the move, generating leads with his non-stop chatter. While he may not have all the qualifications of a seasoned pro, Buzzo’s enthusiasm and talkative nature make him a memorable character in our corporate circus.

(read more about the following characters here)
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!
– The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Buzzo, in an ecstatic mood: “Had a great call today with a prospect!

Diggz, silently rolling his eyes with amusement: “I know what would have happened.

Waggz, the eager but puzzled project guy: “What do they want?

Buzzo, his happy mood growing even more infectious: “He wants something but he acknowledged we are great. I gave a compelling pitch.”
Waggz, in a mixed state of eagerness and disappointment: “But what is the requirement?”

Diggz, with a playful and witty tone: “Oh yeah, this is what would have happened. Audio check 3 minutes, Intro 5 minutes, Pitch 20 minutes on we do blah blah and we did blah blah, and in the last 2 minutes customer acknowledges to show some decency!

Contrarian Views

These contrarian views highlight potential justifications for salespeople talking about their company in the initial stages of a conversation, emphasizing the importance of building relationships, educating prospects, and providing context.

  1. Relationship Building: Some might argue that sharing information about the company and its successes in the early stages of a sales conversation can help build trust and credibility with the prospect, setting a foundation for a stronger business relationship.
  2. Educational Approach: Advocates for this approach may claim that providing insights about the company’s capabilities and achievements can help educate the prospect, making them more informed and better prepared to discuss their needs.
  3. Understanding Company Culture: In some cases, discussing the company’s background and culture can be seen as essential for ensuring alignment between the prospect’s needs and the company’s values and principles.
  4. Context Setting: Those in favor might argue that providing context about the company’s achievements can help the prospect understand the expertise and experience that the company brings to the table, which can be relevant to the discussion.
  5. Engaging the Prospect: Proponents of this approach may suggest that sharing success stories and achievements can engage the prospect’s interest and make the conversation more enjoyable, ultimately leading to a more productive discussion.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a comical cartoon-style image featuring three characters: Buzzo, the enthusiastic Sales Guy, animatedly sharing his ‘success’ with a big smile; Diggz, the witty sidekick, who’s in full witty mode, playfully rolling his eyes and ready with a humorous comment; and Waggz, the disappointed and puzzled project guy, scratching his head in bewilderment. They should be seated around a conference table in a typical office setting, capturing the essence of a humorous corporate conversation. Add subtle elements like whiteboards filled with doodles and quirky office decorations to enhance the comical atmosphere. –ar 16:9