Love (Joy + Trust) and Optimism (Joy + Anticipation): Navigating the Emotional Landscape with Possible Actions! 🧩


Welcome to my journey through Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions, a fascinating guide to my inner feelings. In this blog, I’m about to dive into the world of “Love (Joy + Trust) and Optimism (Joy + Anticipation).” What makes it exciting? I’m going to explore real-life examples of both positive and not-so-positive actions tied to these emotions (using ChatGPT). It doesn’t matter whether they’re usually seen as good or not – emotions are complex! Before I set sail, check out my previous blog post, “Expression and Empathy: Navigating Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions – Pairs, Intensities, and Combinations,” for a quick refresher on this intriguing model.

Examples of Potential Actions

Love (Joy + Trust)

Positive Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Nurturing RelationshipsCultivating and nurturing loving relationships with friends, family, or partners, fostering connection and emotional support.
Expressing AffectionDemonstrating love through affectionate gestures, such as hugs, kisses, and words of endearment, to strengthen bonds.
Acts of KindnessDisplaying love by performing acts of kindness and thoughtfulness towards loved ones, enhancing their well-being.
Emotional IntimacyBuilding emotional intimacy by sharing thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities with loved ones, creating trust and closeness.
Fostering TrustTrusting and being trustworthy in relationships, which is essential for the longevity and depth of love.

Negative Actions

Action NameAction Brief
JealousyAllowing jealousy to erode trust and love in relationships, leading to insecurity and potential conflicts.
PossessivenessExhibiting possessive behaviors that stifle the freedom and autonomy of loved ones, potentially harming love.
Neglecting BoundariesIgnoring personal boundaries within relationships, leading to discomfort and potential harm to loved ones.
Manipulative IntentUsing manipulative tactics to control or dominate loved ones, which can damage trust and love in the long run.
BetrayalBetraying the trust and commitment in a loving relationship, resulting in the erosion of love and emotional pain.

Optimism (Joy + Anticipation)

Positive Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Positive ThinkingEmbracing a positive mindset and focusing on hopeful outcomes in various life situations, promoting resilience.
Goal SettingSetting and pursuing ambitious goals with enthusiasm and the belief in successful outcomes, driving motivation.
Embracing ChallengesViewing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, approaching them with confidence and determination.
Encouraging OthersSharing optimism with others and offering encouragement and support to inspire hope and positivity in their lives.
Seeking OpportunitiesActively seeking opportunities for personal and professional development, fueled by the anticipation of positive outcomes.

Negative Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Unrealistic ExpectationsHolding unrealistic or overly idealistic expectations, leading to disappointment and disillusionment when unmet.
Ignoring Potential RisksNeglecting to consider potential risks or challenges in pursuit of optimistic goals, which can lead to setbacks.
Denial of ProblemsDenying or downplaying existing problems or issues, hindering the ability to address and resolve them effectively.
Underestimating EffortUnderestimating the effort and perseverance required to achieve optimistic goals, resulting in unmet expectations.
Insensitive PositivityDisplaying insensitivity to others’ challenges or negative experiences due to excessive optimism, creating disconnect.

Diverse avenues of exploring emotions

In this small attempt to provide examples of actions, we’ve explored how positive and negative feelings can lead to corresponding actions. However, emotions are multifaceted, and there are numerous ways to understand them. Beyond actions, alternative methods such as mindfulness, creative expression, journaling, open conversations, literature and film, self-assessment tools, cultural context, psychological research, literary analysis, nature’s impact, and dream analysis offer diver

Music and Echoes: A Symphony of Ilaiyaraaja and Rahman Through the Years! 🎶

In the span of over three decades, from the vibrant years of my youth to the reflective days of late adulthood, the music of two maestros has been my constant companion. Ilaiyaraaja, with his deep-rooted melodies, and A.R. Rahman, with his grand soundscapes, have not just filled the background of my life but have become a part of its very fabric. Just when I thought Ilaiyaraaja’s tunes were the epitome of music, Rahman entered the stage, adding new layers to my auditory palette. Now, their music intermingles in my memories, a harmonious blend that continues to accompany me on my journey.

Melody and Rhythm: Ilaiyaraaja’s Music, a Lifelong Dance of Emotions

Ilaiyaraaja’s music is a vivid canvas from my youth, painted with strokes of Western classical and rock, alongside the soulful hues of Indian classical and folk. His dance numbers were the beats to my steps, while his soulful tunes carried the joys and sorrows of my formative years. Even now, I smile recalling how I’d wait for those interludes, the instrumental bridges in his songs that felt like secret conversations. They weren’t the main act, but in them, I found an unexpected delight that still echoes through the cadence of my life.

Sound and Grandeur: A.R. Rahman’s Crescendo in My Musical Journey

A.R. Rahman’s entry with ‘Roja’ was a sonic bloom in Indian cinema—his sound design was revolutionary, marrying deep classical motifs with innovative soundscapes. This fresh wave wasn’t just in the melodies but also in the voices he chose, introducing us to a new era of vocal diversity. His dance numbers, a true delight, left us wanting more. Rahman’s versatility in embracing both South Indian and Hindi cinema allowed us to experience his evocative style across linguistic borders, making every composition a moment to savor.


As the notes of Ilaiyaraaja and A.R. Rahman’s melodies continue to resonate within, their music remains an ever-present echo of my past, a companion in the present, and the muse for my future’s soundtrack. It’s a symphony of life’s moments, played out through chords and rhythms that transcend time.

Contrarian Views

In the realm of music, where harmony meets opinion, even the most revered compositions can strike a dissonant chord with some. Here, we delve into the less-heard critiques of two maestros, Ilaiyaraaja and A.R. Rahman, exploring the contrarian views that offer a different perspective on their celebrated legacies.

Alternate Takes on Ilaiyaraaja’s Music

  • Classical Constraints: Some view Ilaiyaraaja’s strict classical style as a barrier to musical experimentation.
  • Melodic Monotony: There’s a sentiment that his melodies, while iconic, can be overly familiar and predictable.
  • Global Reach: Critics suggest that his music, deeply rooted in Indian traditions, may not resonate as widely on the global stage.
  • Modern Fusion: His tentative steps in blending modern elements are seen by some as too reserved.

Diverse Perspectives on A.R. Rahman’s Music

  • Complexity Over Melody: Critics sometimes argue that Rahman’s compositions can be too complex, overshadowing simple melody.
  • Vocal Experimentation: The frequent introduction of new voices has been seen to overshadow established classical singers, which doesn’t always sit well with purists.
  • Consistent Innovation: While innovation is his hallmark, some feel Rahman’s constant experimentation can lead to a lack of consistent musical theme or identity.
  • East-West Blend: His fusion of Eastern and Western styles, though revolutionary, is occasionally viewed as too eclectic or lacking in traditional purity.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Depict an array of Indian classical instruments, including the sitar, tabla, veena, mridangam, ghatam, sarod, shehnai, and santoor, set against a tapestry of musical notes. Transition this scene to feature a complete band setup with Western rock music instruments like electric guitars, bass guitars, drum kits including kick drums, snares, tom-toms, hi-hats, ride cymbals, a keyboard, and a saxophone. Ensure the background is filled with an assortment of floating musical notes that bind the two musical worlds in a visual symphony. –ar 16:9

Being Present and Overthinking: Exploring Personalities and Conversations Through Examples! 🧩


Ever feel tangled in overthinking or crave the simplicity of the present moment? We’re all navigating this balance, often teetering between analysis paralysis and embracing the ‘now.’ Here, we’re just scratching the surface, sharing examples that illuminate these everyday mental dances. It’s a casual exploration, a shared journey through the nuances of our minds and conversations. Let’s uncover the extraordinary within the ordinary, together.

Example Situations and Statements or Questions

This table shows a contrast between being in the moment and engaging with situations as they are, versus stepping back and overanalyzing or overcomplicating them, at times. This is just an attempt to provide examples (may be right, may be wrong …) but more importantly to illustrate that we can understand the situation and the differences through statements and questions.

Situation NameSituation BriefPossible Statement in the PresentPossible Deeper, Positive StatementPossible Deep, Positive Question
Enhanced Gathering ConversationsElevating discussions at social gatherings with insightful thoughtsThat’s a hilarious story, tell us more!”“That’s hilarious, and such a unique cultural experience…”“How do you think our own experiences shape the humor we find in stories?”
Reflecting on KindnessRecognizing the impact of a friend’s kind gesture“Thank you, that’s so thoughtful of you!”“Thank you, your kindness really made my day…”“Have you ever experienced a random act of kindness that altered your perspective?”
Compliment ConnectionConnecting a compliment to broader personal efforts“Thanks for the compliment!”“Thank you! I’ve been working on self-improvement…”“In what ways do you think personal growth can be reflected in our outward appearance or demeanor?”
Analytical Movie OpinionsSharing an opinion on a movie with deep analytical appreciation“I loved the movie, it was really entertaining!”“The movie was captivating! It’s fascinating how…”“What contemporary issues do you think were highlighted in the movie’s storyline?”
Proactive ParticipationEnthusiastic involvement with forward-thinking suggestions“Sounds like a great plan, I’m in!”“I’m all for this plan! I was thinking we could…”“How might our experience be different if we incorporate mindfulness into our outing?”
Cultural Cuisine ExplorationDiscussing the experience of trying a new cultural dish“This dish is delicious, so flavorful!”“This dish isn’t just delicious, it’s like a culinary journey through [culture]…”“How do you think the history and geography of a region contribute to the uniqueness of its cuisine?”
Musical MusingReflecting on the emotional impact of a piece of music“This song is really moving.”“This song isn’t just moving, it speaks to the soul, almost as if the composer understood…”“What is it about music that you think has the power to evoke such profound emotions across different cultures?”

Example Situations and Indications

The tendency to “think too much” or overanalyze can manifest in various ways during conversations, not only in the immediate response to a situation but also in reflections or questions that arise afterward. These indications can be subtle and might be evident in a person’s communication style, focus, or the nature of their follow-up conversations. Here are some examples and situations to illustrate this:

SituationIndication (Being Present)Indication (Overthinking)
Persistent Focus on DetailsThe person consistently focuses on small details or hypotheticals of past events, even when the conversation has moved on.The person consistently focuses on small details or hypotheticals of past events, even when the conversation has moved on.
Difficulty Accepting Compliments or Positive OutcomesThe person accepts compliments graciously and feels gratitude, without overanalyzing the motive behind them.The individual often deflects compliments or positive comments, questioning their validity or the motives behind them.
Excessive Worry About Future ImplicationsThe individual enjoys the outing and trusts that their friends understand their sense of humor, without fixating on potential misinterpretations.There’s a consistent pattern of worrying about the future implications of any decision or event, big or small.
Seeking Reassurance Through Repeated AnalysisThe person feels confident in the decision made during the family meeting, without needing constant reassurance.The person often revisits past events in discussions, seeking validation or reassurance that their actions or decisions were correct.
Overinterpretation of Others’ Behaviors or StatementsThe individual accepts the friend’s statement at face value, understanding that being busy is normal, without assuming hidden meanings.There’s a tendency to read deeply into others’ words or actions, seeking meaning that may not be there.
Reluctance to Commit Due to Perceived RisksThe person makes a decision about the trip based on current information and their desire to participate, without becoming paralyzed by hypotheticals.The individual habitually hesitates to make decisions or commit to plans due to an exhaustive analysis of what could potentially go wrong, even for relatively minor matters.
Projecting Assumptions in Absence of InformationThe individual remains patient for the coworker’s response, recognizing that there are numerous possible reasons for a delay, without concocting elaborate scenarios.When faced with uncertainty or a lack of information, the person tends to fill in the gaps with their own assumptions, often imagining complex backstories or motives.

Contrarian Views

Navigating the realms of overthinking and being present can offer insights, yet it’s a nuanced field with diverse perspectives. Here are some contrarian views that challenge the conventional approach:

  1. Oversimplification of Psychology: Reducing human behavior to “overthinking” vs. “being present” ignores the multifaceted nature of our psyche.
  2. Undermining Deep Reflection: Labeling profound reflection as overthinking might discourage critical introspection, essential for personal growth and empathy.
  3. Idealization of Mindfulness: The push for constant mindfulness may undervalue the importance of learning from the past and strategically planning for the future.
  4. Subjectivity of Experiences: Using generalized examples fails to capture the subjective nature of human experiences, leading to potential misinterpretations.
  5. Neglecting Underlying Issues: Focusing solely on surface behaviors risks overlooking deeper mental health issues or emotional complexities.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create an artwork that symbolizes the contrast between overthinking and being present. show a male and a female …. On one side, depict a human brain with intricate, tangled vines or wires to represent the complexity and chaos of overthinking. On the other side, illustrate a serene, tranquil scene within the human mind, perhaps a person meditating in a calm landscape or a brain with blooming flowers, to symbolize the peace and clarity of being present. Ensure there’s a clear but subtle transition between the two states, indicating that they are parts of the same whole. The overall style should be abstract yet relatable, with a balanced use of colors that reflect both the turmoil of overthinking (darker, more intense colors) and the tranquility of mindfulness (lighter, softer hues). –ar 16:9

Search and Surprise: Unintended Revelations in the Digital Age! 🤣


You know those days when you just can’t find what you’re searching for? And other times when you find way more than you bargained for? Well, Waggz sure knows the feeling. Join Waggz and Diggz as they wade through the unpredictable waters of search results, and the surprises that come with privacy settings and those tricky “who can see this” options. Because in the digital world, sometimes it’s not about finding the needle in the haystack—it’s about figuring out who else can see the needle with you! Dive in and enjoy this laugh-worthy episode from Cirque du Biz. Happy searching! 🕵️‍♂️🔍

The Comic


At the tech office, Waggz is at it again, fingers flying over the keyboard. He’s always searching for something, from the profound to the quirky.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!
– The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Waggz – Concerned: “Diggz, something strange happened. I can see my bills when I search. Guess I opted into something before.”

Waggz – Relieved: “But thank god, it says ‘Only you can see this result’.”

Diggz – Sarcastic: “It should have been ‘Only you and I can see this result’!”

Contrarian Views

Remember, humor is subjective, and while some might find the joke amusing, others might see it as an opportunity for a more serious discussion on digital privacy.

  1. Personal Responsibility: Some argue that users should be more informed and cautious about the platforms they use and the permissions they grant. In other words, if someone opts into certain settings, they should be aware of the implications.
  2. Trust in Platforms: There’s a view that major platforms have robust privacy controls, and these sort of scenarios are exaggerated for comedic effect. They believe that established platforms wouldn’t risk their reputation with such privacy intrusions.
  3. Complexity of Digital Privacy: Privacy settings and user agreements can be complex. Some might argue that the joke oversimplifies the intricate world of digital privacy and might mislead people about the real issues.
  4. Digital Literacy: Instead of making light of such situations, there’s a perspective that emphasizes the need for better digital literacy education. Jokes like these, in their view, can perpetuate misconceptions.
  5. Respect for User Choices: While the punchline hinges on the platform’s awareness, some might argue that respecting a user’s choices (even if they might be seen as mistakes by others) is paramount, and making light of it can be seen as dismissive.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Design a humorous, cartoon-style scene set inside a modern tech office focused on the theme of ‘Search’. In the center, depict a computer screen showcasing an unexpected search result, revealing an awkwardly personal item, like a bill or diary entry. To the side, a character with wide eyes is peeking over the monitor, while another character is hastily typing into a search bar labeled ‘How to change privacy settings?’. Around the room, integrate elements like a magnifying glass hovering over a folder titled ‘Private’, or a poster with an eye and the caption ‘Who’s searching?’. Emphasize the playful tension between search surprises and privacy settings. –ar 16:9

Music and Fanfare: A Resounding Celebration of Art, Adulation, and Fan Devotion! 🎥🎶


Fans’ love for movie stars burns with a passion that knows no bounds. Icons like Rajinikanth inspire an extraordinary level of devotion that’s truly remarkable. Now, let’s take a glimpse into the 2023 cinematic sensation, “Jailer,” where Rajinikanth takes the spotlight. Within this cinematic experience lies the heart of it all: “Hukum,” an innovative, fun, and evocative musical creation by the multi-talented Anirudh Ravichander. This song isn’t just music; it’s a captivating blend of rap, rock, and local rhythms that embodies the profound connection between stars and their fans. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the depths of “Hukum,” exploring its meaning and interpretation.

Lyrics – Chorus – First

Chorus – The Core

Onn Alumba Pathavan, Ungoppan Whistle Ah Keattavan
Onn Mavanum Peranum, Atam Poda Veppavan

Ivan Pera Thooka Nalu Peru
Pattatha Parikka Nooru Peru
Kutti Chevuttha Etti Partha
Usura Kodukka Kodi Peru

He has seen you make trouble He’s familiar with your father’s game He will make you kith and kin dance to his tunes

A few may try to tarnish his name
A hundred may try to snatch his crown
Peep over the wall
Millions will lay their lives for him

Full Lyrics – Tamil, Transliteration, and Meaning

Here’s the table with the Tamil lyrics, transliteration, and meaning (from Chat GPT and this site)

Tamil LyricsTransliterationMeaning
Rajanikath’s Dialogue:

எங்க நா தான் கிங்’உ
நா வெச்சதுதான் ரூல்ஸு’
அந்த ரூல்ஸ் ஏ யே இஸ்டதுக்கு
அப்போ அப்போ மாதிடே எறுப்பேன்
அத கப்சி புன்னு கேட்டுட்டு போலோ பண்ணணும்
அத வெட்டுட்டு எதவது அடவாடித்தானோ பண்ணணும் நு நெனச்சா
உன்ன கண்டதுண்டமா வெட்டி
கலாச்சி போட்டுடுவேன்.
டைகர் கா ஹுகும்..
Rajanikath’s Dialogue:

Engga Naa Than King’u
Naa Vechathuthan Rules’u
Antha Rules Eh Ye Istathukku Apo Apo Mathitae Eruppean
Atha Kabchipunu Kettuttu Follow Pannanum
Atha Vettuttu Ethavathu Adavadithano Pannanum Nu Nenacha
Unna Kandathundama Vetti Kalachi Pottuduvean.
Tiger Ka Hukum..
Rajanikath’s Dialogue:

I am the King here,
I am the one who makes the rules,
For those very rules, I will change them now and then.
You have to listen carefully and follow them.
If you think of doing anything by breaking them, I will find you and finish you off.
Tiger’s Command..
அலப்பறை கிளப்புறோம்
தா பாரு டா
கலவரம் எறங்கினா
தா டாரு டா
நிலவரம் புரியுதா
தலைவரு களத்துல
சூப்பர் ஸ்டார்-உ டா
Alappara Kelapparom
Dha Paru Da
Kalavaram Teranguna
Tha Daru Da
Nelavaram Puriyudha Okkaruda
Thalaivaru Kalathula
Superstar-u Da
Let’s make a grand noise, come and see.
If the riot spreads, it’s going to be trouble.
Do you understand the situation? Calm down.
In the arena, the leader is the superstar.
வரமொற ஒடைச்சிட
செட் ஆனவன்
தலமொற கடக்குற
ஹிட் ஆனவன்
எளியவன் மனசுல
பிட் ஆனவன்
முடிவுல ஜெயிச்சிட
Varamora Odachida
Set Anavan
Thalamura Kadakkura
Hit Anavan
Eliyavan Manasula
Fit Anavan
Mudivula Jeichida
When the rules are broken,
He’s the one who sets [them right]
Facing the challenges,
He’s the one who delivers the hits.
He is the one who fits in the simple man’s heart.
In the end, He is the one who is destined to succeed.
நடக்குர நட புயல போச்சே
முடி ஓத்துக்குன ஸ்டைல்ய ஆசே
கனவுஇல்ல இது ரியலா போச்சே
தல முதல் ஆடி வர தலைவரு அலப்பற
Nadakura Nada Puyala
Mudi Othukuna Styleya
Kanavuilla Idhu Realaa
Thala Mudhal Adi Vara Thalaivaru Alappara
The happening storm has gone.
The style is such that even the hair agrees.
This is not a dream, it has become reality.
From head to toe, the leader will make a grand entrance.
தனி தலபல வெயிலா
அட நூறுக்கு டயலா
செத்துக்குற இடம் ஜெயிலா
சேர முதல் தேர வரை
தலைவரின் அலப்பறை
Thani Thalapala Veyila
Ada Nooruku Dialogue
Sethukura Idam Jail-
Sera Muthal Thera Varai Thalaivarin Alappara
He alone is the scorching sun in the field.
He’s the one they dial for if they need to call 100 (Police).
He makes sure that the place for troublemakers is jail.
From the roots to the carriage, it’s the leader’s command.

அலும்ப பார்த்தவன்,
உங்கோப்பன் விசில் அக் கேட்டவன்
மவனும் பேரனும்,
ஆட்டம் போட வைப்பவன்

இவன் பேர தூக்க நாலு
பட்டத்த பறிக்க நூறு
குட்டி செவுத்த எட்டி பார்த்த
உசுர கொடுக்க கோடி
Alumba Pathavan,
Ungoppan Whistle Ah Keattavan
Mavanum Peranum,
Atam Poda Veppavan

Ivan Pera Thooka Nalu Pere
Pattatha Parikka Nooru Pere
Kutti Chevuttha Etti Partha
Usura Kodukka Kodi Pere
The one who has seen you in trouble/distress.
The one who has heard your guardian’s/protector’s whistle/signal.
Your son and kin,
He’ll make them dance to his tune.

A few (four) may try to tarnish his name
A hundred may try to snatch his crown
Peep over the wall
Crores will lay their lives for him
அலப்பறை கிளப்புறோம்,
தலைவரு நிரந்தரம்
நீ எண்டு கார்டு வச்சா
இவன் ட்ரெண்ட் மாத்தி வப்பான்
நீ குழிய பறிச்சி வச்சா
இவன் மலையில் எறி நிப்பான்
Alapparai Kilappurom, Thalaivaru Nirantharam
Nee Endu Kaardu Vachcha
Ivan Trend Maathi Vappaan
Nee Kuzhiya Paricchi Vachcha
Ivan Malaiyil Eri Nippaan
Let’s make some noise,
our leader is eternal!
If you have set up a trap (or played a card/trick),
he will change the trend!
If you’ve dug a pit (set a trap),
He will climb up the mountain
சுத்தி அடிக்கிற லத்தி கிட்ட சிக்கினா அட்டகாத்தி எல்லாம் பொடி தான் கண்டபை நீ கம்பெடுத்து நீ சுத்துனா உச்சந்தலையில இடி தான்Suthi Adikkira Lathi Kitta Sikkina
Attakathi Ellam Podi Dhan
Kandabai Nee Kambeduthu Ne Suthuna
Uchanthalaiyila Idi Dhan
If caught by the baton that’s striking around,
All the swagger turns to dust.
If you strut around overconfidently,
You’ll get a smack on the head.
நரசிருத்துனு முறைக்க

துரை கிட்ட வந்து கோரைக்க

சிறையில சிக்கி தோலைக்க

உரசுர வரையில உனக்கொரு கோரையில்லா
Narachirudhunu Muraika
Durai Kitta Vanthu Koraikka
Siraiyila Sikki Tholaika
Urasura Varaiyila Unakkoru Koraiyilla
Even if you beg, pleading humanity,
And appeal to Durai,
If you’re trapped in prison,
In the domain of Urasura, there’s no space for you.
தோட நெருங்குற முடியா

எடுத்து இழுக்குது தெரியா

குள்ள நரிக்குது புரியா

விதிகளை திருப்புற, தலைவரின் அலப்பறை
Thoda Nerungura Mudaiya
Eduthu Izhukudhu Theriya
Kulla Narikkuthu Puriya
Vidhigalai Thiruppura, Thalaivarin Alappara
Can’t come close to touch,
Knows how to pull it off,
Smelling like a fox, understand?
Changing the rules, Leader’s proclamation.
அலும்ப பார்த்தவன்,

உசுர கொடுக்க கோடி
Alumba Pathavan,

Usura Kodukka Kodi Pere
The one who has seen you in trouble/distress.

Crores will lay their lives for him
அலப்பறை கிளப்புறோம்,
தலைவரு நிரந்தரம்
Alapparai Kilappurom, Thalaivaru Nirantharam Let’s make some noise,
our leader is eternal!
டைகரின் ஆணை
(टाइगर का हुकुम)
Tiger Ka HukumTiger’s Command
புரிஞ்சுதா ராசா?
(అర్ధమయ్యిందా రాజా)
Ardhamayyinda RaajaDid you understand, dear?

Please note that Tamil transliteration may not be exact, as Tamil script can have subtle nuances that are difficult to capture in Roman characters. The provided transliteration is an approximation of the pronunciation (comment from ChatGPT)


As an Analyst

“Hukum” from “Jailer” serves as a remarkable example of how music can resonate with audiences on multiple levels. Its fusion of rap, rock, and local rhythms creates an enticing soundscape that appeals to a wide range of listeners. Beyond its musical prowess, the song’s lyrics convey a profound message about Rajinikanth’s enduring influence in Indian cinema and the deep connection he shares with his fans. It underscores the cultural significance of Rajinikanth, bridging the gap between mass appeal and intellectual appreciation.

As a Die-Hard Fan

For me, “Hukum” is more than just a song; it’s a testament to the indomitable spirit of our beloved Thalaivar, Rajinikanth. Every time I hear its beats, I’m transported into a world where Rajinikanth reigns supreme. The music’s electrifying blend of rap, rock, and local rhythms mirrors the dynamism of our superstar, making it impossible not to dance along. But it’s the lyrics that truly touch my heart. They remind me of the unbreakable bond between Rajinikanth and his fans, and how he continues to inspire us. “Hukum” encapsulates our shared devotion and the magic of being part of the Rajinikanth fan community, and for that, it will forever hold a special place in my heart.

In Search of other Fan Anthems

I’m on a quest to discover more such fan fare songs in other languages, particularly from the Telugu industry (stars like Chiranjeevi), and also in Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi cinemas.

Contrarian Views

  1. Fanfare: Excessive fanfare can overshadow cinema’s artistic aspects.
  2. Music: Critics may view “Hukum” as prioritizing style over substance.
  3. Lyrics: Some argue the lyrics are relatively simplistic and lack depth.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create an image depicting the fervent excitement at a film premiere starring South Indian cinema legend, Rajinikanth. The setting is in Tamil Nadu, outside a majestic cinema hall that’s illuminated by the vibrant glow of neon lights, with large, colorful banners and posters of Rajinikanth’s latest film. An immense crowd of devoted fans is gathered, their faces lit up with admiration and thrill. They are diverse, ranging from the elderly to young children, all united by their shared reverence for the superstar. Many fans are holding aloft hand-painted banners with Rajinikanth’s famous movie quotes, wearing t-shirts emblazoned with his iconic film characters, and some mimicking his unique and beloved mannerisms. Street vendors are scattered around, selling Rajinikanth masks, movie merchandise, and traditional South Indian snacks. The air is filled with the sound of fans chanting Rajinikanth’s name in a rhythmic harmony, while the press’s cameras flash incessantly, all waiting in eager anticipation for that moment when Rajinikanth makes his grand entrance, showcasing his characteristic charismatic smile and humble wave, further igniting the crowd’s frenzy.” –ar 16:9

Symbolism and Storytelling: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity Unfolded in Kieślowski’s Tricolore – The French Flag’s Blue, White, and Red! 🎥


Hey cinephiles! Ever found yourself lost in the intricacies of a film, sensing a story that digs deeper than just the visuals and dialogues? That’s the magic of movies that transcend the ordinary, compelling us to introspect, relate, and ultimately, to find ourselves in them.

Dive into the cinematic universe with Krzysztof Kieślowski’s “Three Colors Trilogy.” Drawing inspiration from the French Tricolore flag, each film vibrantly manifests its colors: Blue, White, and Red, delving into themes of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. Renowned in film circles worldwide, Kieślowski’s brilliance shines as he transforms abstract national ideals into personal, poignant tales. Join me as we unwrap this lauded masterpiece, step by intricate step. 🎬🍿🔍

The Tricolore Tapes by Krzysztof Kieślowski

“Three Colors: Blue” (1993) — Liberty

In the melancholic shades of blue, the film revolves around Julie, the wife of a renowned composer. After a tragic accident claims the lives of her husband and daughter, Julie tries to dissociate herself from the past and live in anonymity. “Blue” beautifully portrays the theme of ‘Liberty’, focusing on personal freedom and the art of letting go.

I want no possessions, no memories. No friends, no lovers. Who needs them?

“Three Colors: White” (1994) — Equality

Delving into ‘Equality’, “White” is the tale of Karol Karol, a Polish immigrant in France. The film follows his journey after an embarrassing public divorce with his wife Dominique. Bankrupt and broken-hearted, Karol strives to rebuild his life, aiming to exact revenge and restore equilibrium.

I have nothing. I have nothing to give you. I have no pride, no dignity, no money. I don’t even know how we’ll make a living, but I promise I’ll love you.

“Three Colors: Red” (1994) — Fraternity

The final film, representing ‘Fraternity’, intertwines the lives of a model, Valentine, and a retired judge, Kern. Exploring interconnectedness and shared human experiences, “Red” illustrates how seemingly disparate lives can impact one another profoundly. This culmination of the trilogy ties all themes together, ending on a hopeful and harmonious note.

Valentine: Are you trying to play tricks on me?
Judge Kern: No, I’m trying to help you. You dropped this. [shows a broken glass ball] Think of it as a new beginning.

Trio Trailers in One

Conclusion and more …

Wrapping up our journey through the “Three Colors” Trilogy, it’s clear how cinema has the prowess to depict deep human emotions: from the sorrowful solace of ‘Liberty’ in “Blue”, the tumultuous tides of ‘Equality’ in “White”, to the profound connections of ‘Fraternity’ in “Red”. But remember, my cinematic tastes span a vast spectrum. On the horizon, we’ve got captivating cinema that might trace another enthralling arc: perhaps ‘Tradition, Transition, and Transformation’ or maybe ‘Struggle, Strength, and Survival’. So, fasten your seatbelts, because our filmic explorations are venturing into new territories! 🎬🍿🔍

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

An artistic representation of the French Tricolore flag, with each color (blue, white, and red) morphing into symbolic elements: ‘Blue’ showcasing a tear merging into an ocean, ‘White’ illustrating a balanced scale amid a snowstorm, and ‘Red’ emitting warmth from interconnected human hands. –ar 16:9

Proactiveness and Demands: Treading the Fine Line – With Whom and Where? 🤣


In the ever-evolving corporate jungle, buzzwords like “proactivity” get thrown around more often than coffee spills on a Monday morning. But what happens when an employee takes that advice a tad too close to heart… and maybe in the wrong direction? Dive into this comic to see how Diggz gives a whole new meaning to being “proactive” at the workplace! 😉

The Comic


Wigss believes that pushing employees to step up for customers might just be the game-changer. So, he’s rolling out a fresh tactic.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Wigss – Advising: Hey Diggz, why don’t you use your smartness and be a bit pro-active?

Diggz – Questioning: What do you mean by Pro-active?
Wigss – Clarifying: Not like those digs at the end where you respond to a situation after it has happened.

Diggz – Trying: Ok, let me try. Can you increase my salary out of turn pl.

Wigss – Correcting: I actually meant – be proactive with the customers not with me!

Contrarian Views

While workplace humor can bring smiles, some may find it offensive or overly exaggerated. Here are a few contrarian perspectives on the comic’s portrayal of “proactivity”.

  1. Buzzword Misuse: Critics argue the comic makes light of corporate buzzwords, perpetuating the idea of employee misunderstandings.
  2. Trivializing Advice: Some see the comic as trivializing vital workplace advice, reducing it to a punchline.
  3. Self-Interest Focus: Viewers may feel it exaggerates employees’ self-centeredness, portraying them as solely driven by personal gain.
  4. Insensitive Humor: Using salary discussions as humor might be viewed as insensitive, as they’re often serious matters.
  5. Boss-Employee Dynamic: The comic’s portrayal of the boss-employee dynamic could reinforce stereotypes about management-employee disconnect.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a cartoonish workplace scene where Wigss, the boss, looks puzzled and angry as he advises Diggz to be proactive about customer service. Diggz, with a cheeky and winking expression, responds by asking for a salary raise prematurely. The image should humorously emphasize the pay rise request and the contrasting expressions of the characters. –ar 16:9

Undercurrents and Undertones: Charting the Undercover, the Unsaid, and the Unseen (Spies and Moles)! 🎥


Hey movie aficionados! Picture this: a covert spy lurking in the shadows, a mole whispering secrets in hushed tones, and your heart pounding as the very fabric of trust gets torn by layers of deception. Films that plunge you into this thrilling world of espionage and double-crossing are not just stories; they are masterclasses in suspense. They not only blur the line between reality and fiction but make you question every alliance, every face, and every hidden agenda.

Ever felt that eerie sensation, perhaps in the daily grind or the corporate corridors, where you’ve suspected a mole among you? Or, ever played the spy, even if just for a fleeting moment? Today, we dive deep into the suspense-filled world of three legendary movies that masterfully navigate the treacherous waters of moles and spies. While their settings might be worlds apart, their essence binds them in a web of intrigue. It compels us to ponder: In our very lives, how often do we really see what’s concealed in plain sight? 🎬🍿🎥

Navigating the Depths of Deception

1. Droh Kaal (Hindi, 1994, Govind Nihalani) / Kuruthipunal (Tamil, 1995, P. C. Sreeram)

Starting in India, the story centers on two officers who infiltrate a terrorist group. It’s a tale of immense personal sacrifice, testing the limits of duty, and the price one pays when blending in with the enemy becomes a necessity.

Officer (Spy): “To protect our people, sometimes we must become like our enemies.”
Terrorist Leader (Mole): “But how long before you forget which side you’re on?”

2. “The Departed” (2006, Martin Scorsese)

A gritty tale set in Boston, two moles find themselves on opposite ends – one within the mob, and the other in the police force. Their survival and identities become a treacherous game of cat and mouse, with trust as the most expensive currency.

Costigan (Police’s Mole): “I can’t be someone else every day.”
Sullivan (Mob’s Mole): “Most people in the world do. What’s the big deal?”

3. “Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy” (2011, Tomas Alfredson)

In the cold landscape of the Cold War, a veteran spy is tasked with uncovering a Soviet mole within the British intelligence service. It’s a maze of deception, with layers peeling away to reveal even more intricate webs of betrayal and espionage.

George Smiley (Spy): “Things aren’t always what they seem.”
Peter Guillam (Spy): “Then how do we ever trust anyone?”
George Smiley (Spy): “We don’t. We trust their pattern and your listening.”

Bill Haydon (Mole): “Do you know ‘mole’? It’s a Russian word. Dig deep, and you will reach its heart.” (He is part of “The Circus”, a nick name for British Intelligence Services in the story)

Conclusion and More … Infiltration > Identity > Intrigue

Beginning with Drohkaal, the theme of “Infiltration” takes center stage, spotlighting the personal costs and the blurred lines between duty and deception. As we transition to The Departed, the stakes amplify, focusing on “Identity” – who you are versus who you pretend to be. Finally, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy elevates the narrative to “Intrigue” – a high-stakes game where global power dynamics play out in hushed rooms and silent glances. This cinematic journey takes us from personal peril to global gambits, from the fear of exposure to the thrill of the chase.

ChatGPT’s other options for Infiltration > Identity > Intrigue

  1. Deception > Duality > Disclosure
  2. Penetration > Persona > Paranoia
  3. Espionage > Ego > Enigma
  4. Subterfuge > Self > Secrecy
  5. Camouflage > Character > Conspiracy

MidJourney Prompt with input from ChatGPT

Layout: Three vertical frames, side by side, forming a split screen. Backgrounds: Frame 1 (leftmost): Background: A muted still from the movie “Kuruthipunal/Drohkaal” – perhaps a tense scene, with characters immersed in a covert operation. Frame 2 (middle): Background: A grainy, urban backdrop from “The Departed”. This could be a dimly lit alleyway or the interior of a gritty police department. Frame 3 (rightmost): Background: An atmospheric shot from “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”, possibly a smoke-filled room with 70s decor or a vintage spy office setting. Foreground (spanning across all three frames): Silhouettes of two individuals, one being a spy and the other being a mole. The spy, dressed in a trench coat and possibly a fedora, is shown in a posture of active listening or investigating, perhaps holding a briefcase or a listening device. The mole, on the other hand, appears to be whispering secrets, leaning in close to the spy, or passing over some confidential information. –ar 16:9

Melody and Mayhem: The Soulful Symphony of Rock Ballads! 🎶


Ever notice how rock legends occasionally swap electric riffs for soulful strains? That’s the magic of rock ballads! It’s when the heart-thumping chaos of rock meets the deep, lyrical pulse of a ballad, giving us tunes that linger on for years. These songs, favorites among many, are more than just music; they’re stories infused with the raw intensity of rock and the sweeping emotions of ballads, each one a cherished memory in melody. And trust me, the ones I’ve mentioned barely scratch the surface; there’s a whole symphony out there waiting to be explored!

A few examples

Led Zeppelin

“Stairway to Heaven,” March 1971, “Led Zeppelin IV”

Official Music Video
Lyrics Video
Performance Video

With lyrics like “There’s a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold, And she’s buying a stairway to heaven,” this song is an epic ballad that gradually builds from a soft acoustic beginning to a hard rock crescendo, reflecting a profound journey of seeking meaning and contentment. Its poetic lyrics and intricate instrumentation make it a timeless classic in the rock ballad genre.


“Bohemian Rhapsody,” October 1975, “A Night at the Opera”

Official Music Video
Lyrics Video
Performance Video

“Bohemian Rhapsody” is a masterpiece of multiple musical styles. “Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?” the song questions, taking listeners on a dramatic journey from a melancholic piano ballad to a hard rock explosion, then serenely ending, epitomizing the fusion of rock intensity and ballad sensitivity.


“Tom Sawyer,” February 1981, “Moving Pictures”

Official Music Video
Lyrics Video
Performance Video

“Tom Sawyer” stands out in my memory, not exactly fitting the rock ballad genre but holding a similar emotional space. The line, “Today’s Tom Sawyer, he gets high on you, and the space he invades, he gets by on you,” captures the song’s essence of individuality and resilience. It’s not just a song; it’s an anthem celebrating the spirit of autonomy, and for some reason, it echoes the introspective depth of a ballad.


“Nothing Else Matters,” August 1991, “Metallica” (also known as “The Black Album”)

Official Music Video
Lyrics Video
Performance Video

Marked by lyrics like “So close no matter how far, Couldn’t be much more from the heart,” “Nothing Else Matters” is a powerful ballad that deviates from Metallica’s usual heavy metal style, focusing on themes of love and trust. The song’s tender harmonies combined with electric guitar solos illustrate the blend of softness and strength, a hallmark of rock ballads.

Guns N’ Roses

“November Rain,” February 1992, “Use Your Illusion I”

Official Music Video
Lyrics Video
Performance Video

A power ballad, “November Rain” features lyrics such as “Nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain.” This epic song from Guns N’ Roses combines the emotive force of a ballad with the grandiosity of rock, characterized by sweeping orchestral arrangements, fierce guitar solos, and Axl Rose’s passionate vocal delivery.

X (Japan)

“Tears,” November 1993, “Dahlia”

Music Video
Lyrics Video
Performance Video

X Japan’s “Tears” with its moving lyrics, “I’m lost in the deep of your eyes, I couldn’t find myself,” is a poignant ballad that blends classical and rock elements. The song’s heartfelt lyrical narrative, combined with its musical intensity, showcases the emotional vulnerability and dramatic instrumentation characteristic of rock ballads.


“I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing,” August 1998, “Armageddon: The Album (Soundtrack)”

Official Music Video
Lyrics Video
Performance Video

“I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” by Aerosmith is the epitome of a rock ballad, with its tender opening, soaring chorus, and heartfelt lyrics about love and devotion. The line, “I don’t wanna close my eyes, I don’t wanna fall asleep, ’cause I’d miss you, babe, and I don’t wanna miss a thing,” captures the song’s emotional depth, conveying an intensity of feeling that’s characteristic of the best rock ballads. Featured in the film “Armageddon,” it’s a powerful composition that beautifully blends the sentimental pull of a ballad with the electric energy of rock.

Green Day

“Wake Me Up When September Ends,” June 2005, “American Idiot”

Official Music Video
Lyrics Video
Performance Video

Green Day’s “Wake Me Up When September Ends” is marked by plaintive lyrics like “Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars,” reflecting on loss and healing. This ballad, with its acoustic origins and crescendo into a rock sound, conveys deep emotion, establishing a sense of longing and remembrance synonymous with the rock ballad genre.

Within Temptation

“Shot in the Dark,” March 2011, “The Unforgiving”

Official Music Video
Lyrics Video
Performance Video

Within Temptation’s “Shot in the Dark” features evocative lyrics such as “A shot in the dark, a past lost in space.” This symphonic rock ballad weaves a tale of loss and desperation, utilizing the band’s signature mix of Sharon den Adel’s ethereal vocals, symphonic elements, and driving guitar riffs, encapsulating the emotive storytelling of ballads with the dynamic power of rock.

Contrarian Views

Rock ballads stir deep emotions, but they’re not without their critics. Here’s a brief look at some contrarian views:

  1. Over-commercialization: Critics argue some ballads were crafted more for sales than artistic authenticity.
  2. Sentimentality vs. Substance: Detractors feel they sometimes lack lyrical substance, leaning too heavily on emotional appeal.
  3. Shadowing Hard Rock Essence: Purists believe ballads dilute rock’s core rebellious nature with their softer tones.
  4. Dominance in Legacy: The popularity of ballads can eclipse other significant, edgier works in a band’s repertoire.
  5. Simplification for Mass Appeal: Critics argue ballads often simplify emotions for broader appeal, missing nuanced realities.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

(ChatGPT gave such a lengthy input that MidJourney seems to have got confused and gave a simple abstract image!)

Title: Melody and Mayhem: The Soulful Symphony of Rock Ballads

Concept/Theme: Create an artwork that visualizes the fusion of the raw energy of rock music with the emotional depth of classic ballads. The image should represent iconic elements of rock (like electric guitars or drums) intertwined with more traditional, softer symbols of music (like violins or sheet music), symbolizing the blend of intensity and melody.

Style: A blend of classic and modern, showcasing the contrast and harmony between rock and ballads. Think of using bold, dynamic lines and striking colors to represent rock, perhaps with softer, flowing shapes and pastel shades to depict the melodious aspect.

Elements to Include:

  1. Musical instruments associated with rock (e.g., electric guitars, drums) and those linked with ballads (e.g., acoustic guitars, pianos, violins).
  2. Musical notes or sheet music, possibly swirling around or emanating from the instruments, to represent the creation of music.
  3. Textures or background elements that evoke a sense of energy and movement for rock (e.g., sharp, jagged patterns or vibrant splashes of color) juxtaposed with smoother, more fluid forms or soothing colors for ballads.

Color Palette: A mix of intense, vibrant colors (like reds, blacks, or electric blues) representing the rock genre, and softer, more muted tones (like creams, soft whites, or pastel shades) for the ballad side. The contrast should be visually striking but also harmonious.

Typography (if applicable): If text is to be included, opt for a font style that complements the theme — perhaps something bold or edgy for the word “Mayhem,” and a more elegant, classic script for “Melody.”

Mood: The overall mood should be powerful yet emotive, illustrating the passion and depth that both rock music and ballads convey. It should evoke a sense of nostalgia while also pulsing with energy.

Note: Please ensure the final design is balanced, capturing the essence of both genres without overemphasizing one over the other.

–ar 16:9

Gadgets and Giggles: A Comic Quirk for Character Development of Our Business Circus Stars with their Wearables! 🤣


Hello, Cirque du Biz, viewers, if any 🙂 ! Way back when this comic series was just a twinkle in my eye and wearables were the new rage, I had this whimsical idea: naming wearables for each character. Picture our corporate stars sporting these quirky gadgets in future strips! I hesitated about sharing this early brainstorming session, but hey, why not laugh a bit, even if it’s at my own antics? After all, that’s the Cirque du Biz spirit! So here it is, my little trip down memory lane. Enjoy, and remember, in our circus of business, every chuckle is welcome!

Cirque du Biz Characters and their Wearable Branding

Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!


Addresses issues or problems effectively.

It can fix almost anyone, err.., anything, except for a bad hair day. Got a wig for that!

Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!


Enhances one’s loyalty especially towards those who are loyal to their bosses!.

Perfect for those wanting to be the boss’s pet. Might induce excessive nodding.

Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!


An aid to voice truths that others might not wish to hear.

When the truth stings, be sure I’ve got a zinger!

Chirpii – The HR Songbird of Mentorship & Discipline!


Keeps the wearer in constant joy and spreads glee to others.

Why settle for mundane when with Gleegear, every day’s a chirp-tastic, glee-filled delight?

XYise – Questions and Graphs, Written All Over His Face!


A tool for advanced multi-dimensional analysis.

Why limit to 3D when you can think in 5D with Dimensionator? Dive deeper, soar higher, and always think outside the… well, you get the drift!

Buzzo – The Blabbering Sales Dynamo!


Designed for long and extended pitching sessions.

Now I can pitch till the cows come home, and then… pitch to the cows too!

Breezey – The Jet-Setting Salesy Captain CEO of the Ship!


Specialized in generating business jargons instantly.

Why just say ‘hello’ when I can “leverage synergies and ideate the paradigm shift”? Jet-set with jargon!

Guru BOT – Old Wisdom, New Circuitry!


A device that ensures others listen and even lets them hear their own words for reflection.

Now you can not only listen to others but also can listen to yourself… and realize how you crap you sound!

Cirque du Biz – Circus of Business!


Marrying the whimsy of the circus with the clarity of spectacles, this wearable reveals the deep comedic undertones hidden in the shadows of the corporate tent.

See beyond the boardroom’s big top; where every pitch isn’t just a proposal, but a performance. Don your Circuspect and let the corporate comedy commence!

Closing, to be continued …

Wrapping up our whimsical wearable journey for the Cirque du Biz stars, I hope it brought a chuckle or two! Stay tuned for more lighthearted takes on our team, as we playfully experiment with characterizations. Keep laughing and stay curious! 🎪🤓🎉

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

A vivid, cartoonish image set in a corporate office that’s infused with elements of a circus tent. Center stage is a large, shiny digital wearable watch resembling an Apple Watch, floating above, emitting a glow that attracts attention. Multiple comic characters are seen excitedly jumping up, trying to grab the watch, their faces filled with anticipation. In the background, you can see office desks with circus props like juggling pins, hoops, and balls. The atmosphere is electric, hinting at the coveted prize that the watch represents. –ar 16:9

Some analysis of how ChatGPT is providing prompts

I took a number of conversations to get the above prompt. I asked ChatGPT to provide the differences between the different prompts, a few of them … following is a table .. just for funs and knowledge!

Feature / PromptPrompt 1Prompt 2Prompt 3
Corporate-Circus EnvironmentStressed – merger of corporate and circus vibesMerger of corporate and circus aestheticsMixture of corporate and circus elements
Digital Wearable Watch DescriptionNot explicitly mentionedDigital wearable watch (like Apple Watch)Large, sleek digital wearable watch (reminiscent of an Apple iWatch)
Prominence of WatchNot specifically emphasizedMore emphasizedHighly emphasized with detailed features
Comic CharactersMentioned (in background)Not specifically mentionedEager characters in quirky attire, jumping towards the watch
Circus Props in OfficeYes (not in detail)Yes (juggling pins, tightropes, etc.)Yes (juggling pins, hoops, balls on desks)
Vibrancy of ImageCartoonishVibrant, cartoonishHighly vibrant, cartoonish
Character EngagementCharacters are drawn to the watchNo direct character interactionCharacters actively leaping towards watch
General AtmosphereExcitement about the watch in circus-corporate settingCircus-themed corporate space without direct character interactionExcitement and eagerness in a circus-themed corporate setting
Detail Level of WatchGeneralMore detailed with mention of being “like Apple Watch”Extremely detailed, meant to be the focal point of the scene
By delving into the specifics, we can see the evolution in the description from Prompt 1 to Prompt 3. Each successive prompt adds more detail, specificity, and interaction related to the digital wearable watch and its surrounding environment.

Roles and Resourcefulness: Tailored Approaches to Team Leadership for Any Role! 🗣

Welcome back to our series, where we delve into pivotal statements that have not just crossed my path but have helped pave it. In the last entry, we explored the importance of timely action and reimagining aspirations. This time, I’m honing in on professional evolution—how innovative advice has sculpted my approach to the roles I play and the orchestration of my teams. Here’s to the wisdom that reshaped my leadership and may just inspire a redefinition of your own role.

1. Teams and Reconfiguration: Mastering Team Dynamics for Leadership Role Fulfillment

Context: Early Career Ambitions and Leadership Roles

In the budding stage of my career, I found myself grappling with my role’s direction. Amidst rising leadership responsibilities, I feared my position was veering too much towards administration rather than the coveted technical architect role I desired. Seeking clarity, I turned to my boss—a mentor known for his sharp business insight and clear vision.

Advice: Embrace the Multifaceted Leader Within

My mentor’s advice, although not a direct solution to my restlessness, sparked a realization. He said, “Your versatility over these three years suggests that you’ll seamlessly juggle various hats—program management, technology, business, and product management. Maintain the leader’s role, the one the organization values at its core.” It wasn’t about choosing one path but embracing them all, with leadership as the anchor.

You will anyway play multiple roles, so continue to keep the leader hat anyways

Impact: Restructuring for Role Satisfaction

His words catalyzed a change in my approach. I redistributed my team’s duties, empowering project managers with operational tasks they were keen to undertake and instilling in them a trust that negated my need for detailed oversight. This restructuring carved out the time I needed to delve into technology and solutions, a departure from how my peers managed their responsibilities. It was a strategic shift, enabling me to fulfill my technical aspirations while retaining my leadership mantle.

2. Roles and Adaptability: Embracing Multifaceted Challenges in Leadership

Context: A Halt in Go-Live Sparks a Role Reevaluation

In the early stages of my career, while leading a complex program, a significant technical issue threatened the project’s go-live, casting a shadow of doubt and worry. Despite having a senior architect already stretched thin over the problem, I couldn’t stand idly by. I rolled up my sleeves, delving into the technical depths alongside the team, determined to contribute to a solution.

Advice: Questioned Roles Lead to Refined Focus

In the midst of crisis, amid tension and concern, a boss’s sharp critique—questioning whether I was acting as a module lead or a program manager—ignited a fire in me. It was less of advice and more of a challenge. His words, intended to remind me of my primary role in communication and coordination, instead galvanized me to prove my multifaceted value. Equipped with insights from a previous mentor, I was already evolving beyond traditional role boundaries without neglecting my responsibilities.

Are you a module leader or a program manager?

Impact: A Strategic Balancing Act Unveils Solutions

The critique turned into a catalyst. While ensuring the flow of communication remained uninterrupted, I plunged into the technical fray. Our combined efforts paid off, and within days we unearthed the elusive solution, with me playing a not insignificant part. This experience cemented my belief in the ‘horses for courses’ approach—adapting roles to the situation while ingeniously upholding the core responsibilities of the original role.


In this series on adaptable leadership, we’ve touched on the importance of flexibility and service in our roles. Stay tuned for more as we continue to delve into the art of leading innovatively and empathetically.

Contrarian Views

Exploring Different Perspectives: While adaptability and servant leadership are widely advocated for their inclusive and dynamic approach, it’s essential to recognize that dissenting opinions exist, offering a more nuanced understanding of leadership efficacy.

  1. Decisive Leadership Preference: Critics suggest that adaptable leadership might falter in crisis situations where swift, top-down decisions are required.
  2. Leadership Overextension: There’s a concern that adaptability can lead to leaders losing focus and direction due to trying to juggle too many roles.
  3. Inconsistency Risk: Constantly changing leadership styles can cause confusion and a lack of clear strategy within a team.
  4. Competitive Disadvantage: Some argue servant leadership may not foster the competitive edge needed in certain aggressive industries.
  5. Role Ambiguity: Highly flexible roles can lead to unclear hierarchies and decision-making processes.
  6. Neglected Performance: Overemphasis on serving the team could result in overlooking business performance and innovation.
  7. Cultural Clash: Adaptable and servant leadership styles may not align with every organizational culture, potentially causing internal conflicts.

Guidance and Gratitude: Statements by People in My Life That Shaped and Are Shaping My Path! 🗣

Have you ever noticed how the right words, whether from a casual chat or during a deep quest for advice, can suddenly make everything fall into place? That’s what I’ve discovered. Sometimes, the clarity of why we do things, what we should pursue, and how to proceed comes from the most familiar sources—friends, family, mentors, colleagues—or even a fleeting yet profound interaction with a stranger. This series is both an exploration of those critical whys, whats, and hows, and a heartfelt thank you to the individuals who have offered far more than simple advice.

In this entry, I’m rolling out two pieces of advice that were real game-changers for me. They’ve helped me steer my leadership in new directions, given me the push to take action when I’m on the fence, and inspired me to reshape my dreams with intention. So pull up a chair and join me in revisiting these life-altering conversations. Who knows? They might just reshape something for you, too.

Urges and Urgency: The Late-Mid-Life Call to Immediate Action

Context: Navigating Crossroads After Personal and Professional Setbacks

Facing a series of tough personal and professional challenges, I was at a crossroads, unsure of my next step. The situation felt unprecedented, with each choice carrying significant weight. During this time, a mentor, though briefly in my life, offered sharp insights that helped clear the fog.

Advice: The Urgency of Action

During one of our earnest discussions, he shared an observation that immediately reframed my perspective. He said, “When we’re young, we tend to postpone our ambitions, much like preparing for an exam to get into a good school, believing that’s what will eventually lead us to our desires. But as we enter mid-life or the late stages of it, we no longer have the luxury of time on our side. We must act immediately on what we want, without postponing. The window for action is narrower in this phase of life, and it must be seized without delay or hesitation.

Attend to your aspirations without postponing.”

Impact: A Shift to Immediate Action

This advice struck a chord deep within me. It was a clarion call to shift from a mindset of deferment to one of immediate action. I stopped waiting for ‘the right time’ and started to make the most of the ‘time right now.’ I prioritized my goals, re-evaluated my daily habits, and took tangible steps towards what I wanted to achieve without delay.

Vison and Versatility: Reframing the Path to Impact

Context: Reaching Out Amid a Professional Dilemma

Facing the potential closure or complete overhaul of the product company I’d passionately built over five years, I was disheartened. In such moments, I’d typically turn to a trusted friend, who was well-versed in my dedication and the fervor behind my project. The fear of not reaching my goals loomed large.

Advice: Broadening the Ways to Achieve Aspiration

In a moment of vulnerability, my friend inquired about the true goal of my product company. Beyond success and financial gain, I admitted my primary motivation was to reach and aid one million users. That’s when he challenged me: “Focus on impacting one million people. If not through this business, explore other avenues for fulfilling this goal.” This shifted my perspective to consider the impact, not just the product.

“Product creation is not the only way to fulfill your aspirations.”

Impact: Rethinking My Approach to My Dream

The advice set me on a path of introspection and gradual progress. I’ve hit pause on the original trajectory of reaching my aspiration, yet in this moment of stillness, my mind is actively exploring alternative avenues to fulfill my aspiration, even if partial. Though not there yet, I’m in the process!

Inspiring Words: The TED Talks Edition

Discover how words can shape our journeys through these seven TED Talks, offering powerful insights into the impact of advice, mentorship, and vulnerability on personal growth and success.

Discusses connection and being open to advice.
Covers inspiring action through purpose.
Emphasizes the importance of embracing diverse viewpoints.


And that’s a wrap for this post. It’s just the start, really. I’ve got more stories lined up about the wise words that nudged me forward. Stick around, there’s plenty more gratitude and growth to talk about. Thanks for walking a bit of this road with me – your company means a lot. Catch you in the next one!

Contararian Views

As is customary in my posts, while I hold the advice given to me in high regard, it’s equally vital to consider and discuss the contrarian views that offer a different lens on these insights:

“Urges and Urgency”:

  1. Patience as Virtue: A rushed life may miss out on depth and reflection.
  2. Broad Success: Success isn’t only about urgent accomplishments but also about well-being and connection.
  3. Beyond Age: Life’s potential isn’t confined to age; every stage has its own pace and opportunities.

“Vision and Versatility”:

  1. Mastery in Focus: Specialization might lead to greater impact than constant versatility.
  2. Consistency Counts: Sticking with a vision can be more effective than frequent reframing.
  3. Commitment vs. Change: Constantly changing paths might be a barrier to fulfilling an original, impactful vision.

MidJourney Prompts with inputs from Chat GPT

Create an image that combines a winding path leading through a crossroads, with the dawn of sunrise in the background, symbolizing hope and new beginnings. Include silhouettes of diverse groups of people standing along the path, suggesting the presence of friends, mentors, and colleagues. Overlay the image with subtle, glowing phrases or quotes that have inspired personal growth. Incorporate elements of nature, like a sturdy oak tree with deep roots and sprawling branches. Add a few scattered handwritten thank you notes to represent gratitude.” –ar 16:9

Create an image that visualizes the concept of speed and immediate action in achieving one’s aspirations. Depict a figure running swiftly up a staircase that transforms into an upward arrow, symbolizing progress and urgency. The steps should be lit with a warm glow, indicating clarity and focus, with the top of the staircase merging into a bright horizon that represents the aspirational goals.” – Image #3 @sridvana

Generate an image of a landscape with a person at a crossroads, where five different paths begin. The paths should be a dirt track, a stone-paved road, a grassy lane, a sandy path, and a path through water. Each path should lead towards a distant mountain where a bright light shines at the summit, symbolizing the person’s aspiration.”

Contempt (Anger + Disgust) and Aggressiveness (Anger + Anticipation): Navigating the Emotional Landscape with Possible Actions! 🧩


Welcome to my journey through Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions, a fascinating guide to my inner feelings. In this blog, I’m about to dive into the world of “Contempt (Anger + Disgust) and Aggressiveness (Anger + Anticipation).” What makes it exciting? I’m going to explore real-life examples of both positive and not-so-positive actions tied to these emotions (using ChatGPT). It doesn’t matter whether they’re usually seen as good or not – emotions are complex! Before I set sail, check out my previous blog post, “Expression and Empathy: Navigating Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions – Pairs, Intensities, and Combinations,” for a quick refresher on this intriguing model.

Examples of Potential Actions

Contempt (Anger + Disgust)

Positive Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Constructive CritiqueProviding constructive critique when experiencing contempt, offering a chance for growth and improvement.
Self-ReflectionEngaging in self-reflection to understand the source of contempt and addressing personal biases and prejudices.
Conflict ResolutionUsing contempt as a catalyst for conflict resolution, addressing issues and fostering healthier relationships.
EmpathyCultivating empathy to understand the perspectives of others when contempt arises, promoting understanding.
Healing ConversationsInitiating healing conversations to address contemptuous feelings and reconcile differences in relationships.

Negative Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Toxic JudgmentAllowing contempt to fuel toxic judgments and discrimination, which can harm individuals and communities.
StubbornnessMaintaining stubbornness and refusing to see the other side when contempt arises, potentially escalating conflicts.
AvoidanceAvoiding necessary conversations and conflict resolution when experiencing contempt, which can hinder growth.
Grudge HoldingHolding onto grudges and fostering long-term contempt, potentially damaging relationships and emotional well-being.
SarcasmUsing sarcasm and derision as a means of expressing contempt, which can lead to negative communication patterns.

Aggressiveness (Anger + Anticipation)

Positive Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Controlled EnergyChanneling the energy of aggression into constructive pursuits, such as sports, art, or problem-solving.
Assertive CommunicationEmploying assertive communication when dealing with anticipation-driven anger, promoting effective dialogues.
Conflict ResolutionUsing anticipation-driven anger as motivation for conflict resolution, addressing issues and fostering growth.
Goal AchievementHarnessing the drive of aggression to set and accomplish personal or professional goals, boosting achievement.
Self-ControlPracticing self-control and emotional regulation when anticipation fuels anger, preventing impulsive reactions.

Negative Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Aggressive OutburstsAllowing anticipation-driven anger to result in aggressive outbursts or physical violence, causing harm.
ImpulsivityActing impulsively when experiencing anticipation-driven anger, potentially causing regrettable consequences.
Verbal AbuseUsing verbal abuse and hostility as a means of expressing anger driven by anticipation, harming relationships.
RevengeSeeking revenge or retaliation as a response to anticipation-driven anger, leading to ongoing conflicts.
Stress EscalationAllowing anticipation-driven anger to escalate stress levels, potentially impacting mental and physical health.

Diverse avenues of exploring emotions

In this small attempt to provide examples of actions, we’ve explored how positive and negative feelings can lead to corresponding actions. However, emotions are multifaceted, and there are numerous ways to understand them. Beyond actions, alternative methods such as mindfulness, creative expression, journaling, open conversations, literature and film, self-assessment tools, cultural context, psychological research, literary analysis, nature’s impact, and dream analysis offer diver

Digital and Self: A Pun at Transformation for Others or for Themselves! 🤣


In the world of cutting-edge technology and Digital Transformation projects, it’s not uncommon to encounter a digital disconnect. While a company may be on the path to digital innovation, individual team members might have varying levels of digital literacy. This comic, written a few years ago, still resonates today, highlighting the timeless humor in the clash between ambition and digital dilemmas. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and chuckle at the age-old digital confusion in the workplace.

The Comic


Wigss is feeling ambitious yet restless, eager to shake things up. He’s about to gather his team and instigate some action.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Wigss – Restless: “Need to transform something. Give me ideas.”
Waggz – Enthusiastic: “Let us do digital transformation, that is the in thing now”

Wigss – Eager: “Good idea, let us start”
Waggz – Wagging: “Ok Boss”

Diggz – Amused: “You guys do not have a clue on what is digital. Ok, take a selfie and share it with me over chat.”

Wigss – Confident: “I know what Selfie is and how to share. Let us see, if you know Selfie. Come on, take my selfie with my mobile. I will then download and email you from my comp”.

Contrarian Views

This comic humorously tackles the contrasting digital abilities within a workplace, but it’s crucial to acknowledge that there will be other perspectives – a few as listed below:

  1. Promoting Inclusivity: Fostering an inclusive workplace where individuals of varying tech skills collaborate without ridicule is seen as more productive.
  2. Respecting Experience: Legacy members often bring valuable experience, and mocking their tech proficiency can diminish their contributions.
  3. Encouraging Learning: Some suggest providing digital literacy training instead of mockery to support employees’ growth.
  4. Maintaining Professionalism: Critics argue that humor, even well-intentioned, can sometimes be unprofessional in a corporate setting.
  5. Considering Individual Journeys: Recognizing that everyone’s tech journey is unique and that patience can be more effective than ridicule.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a cartoonish image featuring the boss (Wigss) trying to take a selfie with great effort and enthusiasm, while his team members (Waggz and Diggz) in the background are seen laughing at his attempts. The scene should emphasize the humorous aspect of the boss’s limited digital knowledge and his eagerness to engage with technology –ar 16:9

Disapproval (Sadness + Surprise) and Remorse (Sadness + Disgust): Navigating the Emotional Landscape with Possible Actions! 🧩


Welcome to my journey through Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions, a fascinating guide to my inner feelings. In this blog, I’m about to dive into the world of “Disapproval (Sadness + Surprise) and Remorse (Sadness + Disgust).” What makes it exciting? I’m going to explore real-life examples of both positive and not-so-positive actions tied to these emotions (using ChatGPT). It doesn’t matter whether they’re usually seen as good or not – emotions are complex! Before I set sail, check out my previous blog post, “Expression and Empathy: Navigating Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions – Pairs, Intensities, and Combinations,” for a quick refresher on this intriguing model.

Examples of Potential Actions

Disapproval (Sadness + Surprise)

Positive Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Constructive FeedbackExpressing disapproval through constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement, fostering growth and learning.
Open CommunicationEngaging in open and honest communication to address concerns and conflicts, promoting resolution and understanding.
Setting BoundariesEstablishing and communicating personal boundaries to maintain respect and boundaries within relationships and situations.
Encouraging ChangeEncouraging positive change and growth in oneself or others when disapproval arises, promoting personal development.
Seeking SolutionsActively seeking solutions and alternatives when faced with disapproval, aiming for effective problem-solving.

Negative Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Criticism Without SolutionProviding criticism or disapproval without offering constructive solutions, potentially leading to frustration and conflict.
Avoidance of CommunicationAvoiding open communication and conflict resolution when disapproval arises, allowing issues to persist and escalate.
Overly Rigid BoundariesSetting overly rigid or unreasonable boundaries when expressing disapproval, hindering relationships and flexibility.
Resistance to ChangeResisting change or growth when disapproval is expressed, potentially leading to stagnation and missed opportunities.
Negative ConfrontationConfronting disapproval with hostility or aggression rather than constructive dialogue, escalating conflicts.

Remorse (Sadness + Disgust)

Positive Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Taking ResponsibilityAcknowledging and taking responsibility for one’s actions or decisions that led to harm or wrongdoing, promoting accountability and growth.
Apologizing SincerelyOffering sincere and heartfelt apologies to those affected by one’s actions, showing genuine remorse and willingness to make amends.
Making AmendsActively working to make amends and rectify the consequences of one’s actions, seeking to repair relationships and trust.
Seeking ForgivenessHumbly seeking forgiveness from others and oneself, recognizing the need for healing and reconciliation.
Self-ReflectionEngaging in deep self-reflection to understand the root causes of one’s actions, aiming for personal growth and positive change.

Negative Actions

Action NameAction Brief
DefensivenessResponding with defensiveness or denial when confronted with the consequences of one’s actions, hindering resolution.
Minimizing HarmMinimizing or downplaying the harm caused by one’s actions, which can be perceived as insensitivity and lack of remorse.
Blaming OthersShifting blame onto others or external factors instead of taking personal responsibility, impeding self-awareness and growth.
Ignoring ConsequencesIgnoring or avoiding the consequences of one’s actions, leading to continued harm and unresolved issues.
Lack of EmpathyDemonstrating a lack of empathy or understanding for the pain or suffering caused by one’s actions, straining relationships.

Diverse avenues of exploring emotions

In this small attempt to provide examples of actions, we’ve explored how positive and negative feelings can lead to corresponding actions. However, emotions are multifaceted, and there are numerous ways to understand them. Beyond actions, alternative methods such as mindfulness, creative expression, journaling, open conversations, literature and film, self-assessment tools, cultural context, psychological research, literary analysis, nature’s impact, and dream analysis offer diver

Blogs and Hits: When Honesty and Pep Talks Backfire! 🤣


Ah, the world of internal corporate blogs! Where employees often feel the liberty to pour their heart out, masked under the safety net of a closed network. But there’s always that one eager beaver who takes the boss’s “inspiring” pep talk a tad too literally. Brace yourself, for hilarity often ensues when boundaries blur!

The Comic


It’s a bustling day at the office. Wigss, aiming to inspire expression among his team, gathers everyone for a quick pep talk.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Wigss – Instructing: You must write blogs, if not external, at least on the internal portal. Waggz – take it as a challenge; need you to publish at least 5 blogs by the end of the week.
Waggz – Agreeing: Ok Boss.

Wigss – Emphasizing: Be frank, be provocative… whatever, but I need to see lots of hits…

Waggz – Publishes multiple blogs. Why COEs suck? Why my peer is useless? Why our CTO is a non-techie?…

Waggz – Gets Hit.
Diggz – Sarcastic: Yesss Boss, Waggz wags to anything you utter, as you can see, he got lots of hits too with his blogs!

Contrarian Views

Being aware of different perspectives ensures humor remains inclusive and respectful. Here are some contrarian perspectives:

  1. Internal Blogs’ Importance: Some believe internal blogs are vital platforms for sharing knowledge and expertise. Joking about their misuse could belittle their significance.
  2. Question of Professionalism: The comic highlights provocative writing about peers, which could be seen as unprofessional, potentially promoting a negative work culture.
  3. Boss-Employee Dynamics: The depiction of a subservient employee might not resonate well with advocates of egalitarian work cultures.
  4. Violence Connotations: Hinting at physical retaliation (with a baseball bat) can be viewed as distasteful, even in jest.
  5. Misinterpreting “Hits”: The wordplay might be seen as trivializing the genuine effort behind content creation and engagement.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a cartoonish illustration of an office scene. In the foreground, show a character named Waggz sitting at a computer, typing furiously, with multiple blog titles like ‘Why COEs suck?’ and ‘Why our CTO is a non-techie?’ visible on his screen. In the background, show a few colleagues peering over cubicles, whispering to each other and looking both shocked and amused. Also depict a character named Diggz holding a baseball bat, with a cheeky grin, looking at Waggz from a distance. Ensure the setting gives off a humorous and light-hearted vibe. –ar 16:9

Cats and Love: Embracing the Purr of New Beginnings! 😺 ❤

My life was once void of pet-induced chaos—a stark contrast to my wife’s childhood home, which teemed with the company of dogs and cats. For years, my stance on keeping our home pet-free stood firm. That was until one seemingly mundane day, when my six-year-old’s chance encounter with a friendly cat on his way back from school changed everything. The cat’s arrival marked the end of my pet embargo, and the beginning of our adventures with Kiddos and then Boots. Though both are no longer with us, their memories paved the way for Kitty, Kevin, and Marco, our current feline family members. This is how these endearing animals became an integral part of my life.

Eyes and Embrace: The Language of Love

My cats are like eternal children, their routine simple yet filled with affection—from their insistent meows to their peaceful slumbers. Looking into their eyes, I’m reminded of the innocence in my son’s eyes, and it brings me an incomparable peace. They’ve become an integral part of my life; their small forms curling up with me at night is the epitome of comfort. Their need for gentle strokes and soft words, and my joy in providing them, is a testament to the purest form of love.

Feline Legacies: From Past Paws to Present Purrs

Once, a few cherished whiskered souls filled my home with warmth, and now, a few more continue to weave their tales of affection into my life.

Kiddos: My First Four-Legged Friend

Kiddos was my intro to cat life, full of newbie challenges. At first, I was set on no cats in the bed, but eventually, his playful energy won me over—just not at sleep time. He’d bulked up, playing like a champ, and boy, did he love his chicken treats. I was ‘the food guy’, and he’d be there waiting every time I walked in. But one sad day, he slipped out and didn’t make it back, leaving us way too soon.

Miss that little, energetic, and playful guy. Rest easy, Kiddos.

Boots: The Himalayan Heartthrob

Boots wasn’t just a cat; he was like a baby with fur. Whenever we saw little kids, we’d think of him—his meows were uncannily like a toddler’s chatter, I swear he was talking to us. I’ll dig up some videos to show you what I mean. Smart as a whip, he always picked the highest spot to watch over us, like he was supervising. And when it came to our weekend getaways, Boots was part of the crew, always ready to tag along. Sadly, after a long battle with an autoimmune disease, we had to say goodbye.

Writing this, I’m just… it’s hard. We miss you so much, buddy. Sleep peacefully, Boots, our little lover.

Kitty: The Feline Firecracker

Our girl Kitty is a whirlwind of energy, always up for a game. She’s been stirring up mischief since she was a kitten, especially with Boots, who’d watch her like a patient older sibling. Eight years on and she’s still our little troublemaker, darting to her toys the second I walk in, ready for playtime. Whether it’s a plastic string or a drumstick, she’s all in.

Here’s to you, Kitty—don’t ever change your playful stripes. Stay naughty, stay you.

Kevin: The Chatty & Cuddling Companion

Kevin is my sidekick, the chatty one of the bunch. He’s got a whole vocabulary for cuddles and bedtime snuggles—he’s practically my bedmate! Whether he’s perched on my shoulder or snoozing on my legs, he’s just pure comfort. And he’s got this way about him that sticks with you; I can be miles away and still smile thinking about his latest antics. He’s the empathetic soul in our cat crew, getting along with everyone, though he’s got a feisty streak and can be as stubborn as they come. Kevin lives for our chase games, darting into tunnels with that look in his eye that says, “Come find me!” What a character he is!

Kevin, you are my darling man. I want to enjoy life like this, with you by my side, forever.

Marco: The Feral Guardian

Marco, our wild child, isn’t one for cuddles—he’s got the heart of a lone ranger. But when it comes to defending his turf, especially on the terrace, he’s fearless. The sight of an intruder cat turns him into a little warrior, all puffed up and fierce, scaling the protective netting in a flash. It’s a sight that reminds me of the raw instincts we all harbor within. And yet, for all his ferocity, his voice is surprisingly soft, almost kittenish. He’s clever too, not just our watchful protector. He knows exactly how to ask for his favorite treats, even from a distance. A smart cat who keeps his cards close to his chest, revealing his smarts only when he chooses.

“Marco, each of us is unique, and we respect your individuality. You’re part of the family, always, even without the cuddles.”

Paws, Whiskers, and Heartstrings: My Life with Five Extraordinary Cats

Living with Kiddos, Boots, Kitty, Kevin, and Marco has been a journey of laughter, lessons, and love. They’ve turned my house into a home filled with playful antics, comforting purrs, and the occasional display of wild instincts. Each cat, with their distinct personality, has left an indelible mark on my heart. As we’ve grown together, they’ve become more than pets—they’re family.

In closing, this post is a tribute to my feline friends, a space where only our shared stories reside. There’s no place for opposing views here, just a pure celebration of the life and love shared with my five remarkable companions.

Variables and Chokes: The Comedic Conundrum of Variable Pay! 🤣


You know, there’s always that one unicorn – no, not the billion-dollar startup kind – but the mythical concept called ‘variable pay’. In theory, it’s meant to incentivize employees and align their goals with the company. But in practice? Well, it often feels like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded… while riding a rollercoaster… backwards. Ah, the sweet (and sometimes baffling) symphony of rewards, metrics, and the ever-elusive ‘performance criteria’. Ready for a chuckle-worthy exploration into this corporate maze? Dive right in!

The Comic


At the office coffee corner, the team huddled post-payslip distribution. Amidst the aroma of fresh brew, whispers and chuckles about variable pay began to brew.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Chirpii – The HR Songbird of Mentorship & Discipline!
Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
XYise – Questions and Graphs, Written All Over His Face!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Waggz – Frustrated: “Again, I got less variable pay than I thought.”

Chirpii – Concerned: “Let us check with XYise.”
XYise – Explaining: “There are 27 variables and 12 weightages across 5 operating units used in the variable pay calculation. Let us look at each now…”

Waggz – Disinterested: “Forget it.”
Diggz – Cynically Humorous: “I’m sure there’s a ‘Screw-the-variable-pay’ variable that gets slipped into that formula somewhere from the many variables used… And XYise’s variable pay is based on how much he saves …”

Waggz – Chuckling: “Just like Bangalore’s traffic. No matter the route, there’s always one choke point that screws up the plans. Guess our variable pay too has its pay-choke points!”

Contrarian Views

Remember, humor is subjective and exaggerates, and while many might find the joke hilarious, there will always be differing opinions on any subject.

  1. Complexity has its reasons: Some might argue that variable pay structures are complex for a reason. It’s an attempt to balance the myriad of considerations businesses have, such as employee performance, company performance, market conditions, and industry benchmarks.
  2. Motivation Factor: The variable pay, despite its complexities, is designed to motivate employees to perform better. It aligns their goals with the company’s objectives, ensuring that when the company does well, they benefit directly.
  3. Transparency Issues: The joke might assume that companies are not transparent with their variable pay structures. However, many organizations hold regular sessions to explain their compensation structures to employees, ensuring there are no surprises.
  4. Too Cynical: Making a joke that there’s a “screw-the-variable-pay” variable might be seen as overly cynical and not give credit to organizations that genuinely try to create a fair and motivating compensation plan.
  5. Standard Practice: Variable pay isn’t a novel concept. It’s widely accepted in many industries as a part of the compensation structure. Making fun of it could be seen as making fun of a well-established business practice.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

A cartoonish office setting with numerous charts, graphs, matrices, and data calculations prominently displayed in the background. In the foreground, focus on an individual sitting at a computer desk, eyes widened and mouth open in a shout of bewilderment and anger as they stare at an on-screen document. Veins can be seen popping on their forehead, emphasizing their strong emotional reaction. The ambiance suggests a complex and data-driven work environment, contrasting starkly with the person’s explosive response to the content they’re viewing. –ar 16:9

Submission (Fear + Trust) and Awe (Fear + Surprise): Navigating the Emotional Landscape with Possible Actions! 🧩


Welcome to my journey through Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions, a fascinating guide to my inner feelings. In this blog, I’m about to dive into the world of “Submission (Fear + Trust) and Awe (Fear + Surprise).” What makes it exciting? I’m going to explore real-life examples of both positive and not-so-positive actions tied to these emotions (using ChatGPT). It doesn’t matter whether they’re usually seen as good or not – emotions are complex! Before I set sail, check out my previous blog post, “Expression and Empathy: Navigating Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions – Pairs, Intensities, and Combinations,” for a quick refresher on this intriguing model.

Examples of Potential Actions

Submission (Fear + Trust)

Positive Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Trusting SurrenderEngaging in trusting surrender when facing challenges, allowing for personal growth and resilience.
CooperationCollaborating and cooperating with others in a spirit of trust, promoting teamwork and unity.
Open CommunicationFostering open communication and vulnerability in trusting relationships, deepening connections.
Willingness to LearnMaintaining a willingness to learn and adapt in a trustful environment, fostering personal growth.
EmpathyCultivating empathy and understanding in trust-based interactions, strengthening emotional bonds.

Negative Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Blind ObedienceSuccumbing to blind obedience in trustful situations, potentially leading to a loss of autonomy.
Naive TrustTrusting blindly without discernment, which may result in vulnerability to manipulation or harm.
DependencyDeveloping unhealthy dependency on trust, potentially hindering personal growth and self-reliance.
Ignoring BoundariesNeglecting personal boundaries in trusting relationships, which can lead to discomfort or harm.
OvercommitmentOvercommitting to the expectations of trust, potentially causing stress and personal neglect.

Awe (Fear + Surprise)

Positive Actions

Action NameAction Brief
AppreciationExpressing deep appreciation and wonder in response to awe-inspiring experiences, fostering gratitude.
ConnectionFeeling a profound sense of connection to the world and humanity when experiencing awe, promoting empathy.
Mindful PresencePracticing mindful presence and savoring the moment during awe-inspiring encounters, enhancing well-being.
InspirationDrawing inspiration and motivation from moments of awe, leading to creativity and personal growth.
Reflective WonderEncouraging reflective wonder and curiosity in response to awe, deepening understanding and insight.

Negative Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Overwhelm Becoming overwhelmed by feelings of fear and surprise during awe, potentially leading to anxiety or distress.
DisconnectFeeling a disconnect or isolation from the world and others when experiencing awe, hindering a sense of belonging.
NumbnessReacting to awe with emotional numbness or indifference, potentially missing out on the transformative power of awe.
AvoidanceAvoiding awe-inducing experiences out of fear or discomfort, missing opportunities for personal growth and inspiration.
SkepticismResponding to moments of awe with skepticism and disbelief, potentially dismissing valuable insights and experiences.

Diverse avenues of exploring emotions

In this small attempt to provide examples of actions, we’ve explored how positive and negative feelings can lead to corresponding actions. However, emotions are multifaceted, and there are numerous ways to understand them. Beyond actions, alternative methods such as mindfulness, creative expression, journaling, open conversations, literature and film, self-assessment tools, cultural context, psychological research, literary analysis, nature’s impact, and dream analysis offer diver

Stars and Spreads: Balancing the A-Team Conundrum, for Good or Bad? 🤣


You know that feeling when you get a brand-new set of colored pencils? You’re torn between using all the bright, vibrant colors in one epic drawing or spreading them out to make multiple drawings. Now, imagine those pencils are your A-team players. Let’s doodle into this comic to see a leader’s colorful conundrum in team allocation. Ready, set, sketch! ✏️🎨😊

The Comic


Chirpii, the enthusiastic HR, can barely contain her excitement as she gears up to announce a spectacular recruitment win to the team.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Chirpii – The HR Songbird of Mentorship & Discipline!
Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Chirpii – Excitedly: “Boss, I just got an ‘A’ team of 10 engineers to join us!”
Wigss – Intrigued: “Wow, that’s cool!”

Waggz – Eagerly: “Super, I have this complex project that needs an A team of all 10.”

Wigss – Thoughtfully: “Come on, be a bit useful and innovative. Let’s put them in 10 different projects, so we will have 1 A and 9 B team members in all 10 projects.”

Diggz – Sarcastically: “Yup, let’s make every project a mediocre one!”

Contrarian Views

While humor often exaggerates situations for comedic effect, it’s always good to be aware of various perspectives to ensure sensitivity and inclusivity.

  1. Over-simplification of Resource Allocation: Some might argue that the joke oversimplifies the challenges of resource allocation in real-world project management. Distributing skilled members across multiple projects can be a complex decision based on numerous factors, not just their skill level.
  2. Misrepresentation of “A-Team” Concept: The concept of an “A-Team” usually refers to a group of top-performing individuals. Breaking up such a team and distributing them across multiple projects might dilute their potential impact. The joke might be seen as undermining the power of collective expertise.
  3. Perpetuates Negative Stereotypes of Management: The cartoon may perpetuate the stereotype that management often makes short-sighted or ill-informed decisions, which might not sit well with those in leadership roles.
  4. Doesn’t Account for Team Dynamics: Having an “A” player in a team doesn’t necessarily guarantee project success. Team dynamics, collaboration, and how well team members work together are equally crucial. The joke might inadvertently downplay these aspects.
  5. Potential to Offend: Those who have been part of a so-called “B team” might feel that the joke diminishes their contributions or implies that they are inherently less valuable than “A team” members.
  6. Assumption of Homogenous Skill Levels: The joke assumes that all members of the “A-Team” have uniform skills and contributions, which might not reflect the nuanced skill sets and strengths that each individual might bring to a project.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a cartoonish image set in a modern corporate office. In the foreground, show Chirpii, a HR representative, holding a paper that reads ‘A-Team Engineers’. Surrounding her are ten engineers, each with a bright star or an ‘A+’ on their shirts, showcasing their top-tier skills. The engineers look confident and ready for action, while Chirpii beams with pride. In the background, there should be office desks with computers and office plants, giving the environment a lively and professional touch. –ar 16:9

Flat-Titles and Tremors: When Leaders Get a Shake-Up! 🤣


In today’s corporate hustle, there’s a trendy push towards flat hierarchies and trimming down those fancy titles to something more… functional. Dive into this cheeky comic strip where we navigate the quirks of these simplified roles. Ever wondered where the ‘Boss’ stands in this streamlined setup? Grab your popcorn, it’s about to get entertaining! 😄

The Comic


Chirpii, the enthusiastic HR, is buzzing with excitement today. She’s about to unveil an innovative model on job titles to Wigss, the ever-curious boss.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Chirpii – The HR Songbird of Mentorship & Discipline!
Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Chirpii – Excitedly: “Boss, gurus told – ‘change every 3 years!’ So, I have a new proposal for a flat hierarchy.”

Wigss – Intrigued: “Me? I’m the leader?”
Chirpii – Clarifying: “Only 2 roles – Manager and Contributor. Leader is not a role; any role can be a leader.”

Wigss – Thinking out loud: “Aaah, I have a fix. I can be either of the two based on the situation.”

Diggz – Sarcastically: “NO, you are neither of the two, you are just a Boss.”
(Neither a Manager nor a Contributor, Hence not even a Leader too!)

Contrarian Views

Offering a contrarian perspective can help create a balanced viewpoint. Here are some contrarian views against the joke depicted in the cartoon:

  1. Value of Leadership: A significant aspect of leadership is not always about having a defined role but rather guiding and supporting the team towards achieving its goals. Just because someone is titled as “Boss” doesn’t mean they don’t provide value or contribute to the team’s success.
  2. Importance of Titles: While flat hierarchies and simplified roles are touted as modern and efficient, there’s a reason why traditional roles and titles have existed. They provide clarity, set expectations, and can offer a pathway for career progression.
  3. Misunderstanding of Flat Hierarchies: The joke may lead some to believe that flat hierarchies are about having fewer roles or not recognizing leadership. However, flat hierarchies are more about decentralizing decision-making and giving more responsibility and autonomy to team members, rather than eliminating leadership.
  4. Danger of Stereotyping: Making a broad generalization that “bosses are useless” can perpetuate a negative stereotype. There are countless organizations where leadership plays a pivotal role in guiding, mentoring, and leading teams to success.
  5. Subjectivity of Leadership: Leadership might not always fit into a defined role or title. Different people have varied definitions and understandings of what leadership means, and equating it strictly to a title can be misleading.
  6. Possible Misinterpretation: Some viewers might not find humor in the joke and instead perceive it as an inaccurate representation of workplace dynamics, potentially leading to misunderstandings or negative perceptions about the roles mentioned.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Design a cartoon-style image: In the center, place a character representing the boss. He appears utterly lost, confused, and angry, with his eyebrows furrowed and steam seemingly coming out of his ears. To his left, show a manager character who is proudly standing with a confident posture, smirking smugly. To his right, depict a contributor character who is looking content and relaxed, also sporting a smug smile. The background can be kept neutral or an office setting.” –ar 16:9 – Image #1 @sridvana

Voyage and Vigor: Embracing the Lively Pulse of “Khalasi”! 🎶🕺

“Khalasi,” or “Gotilo Tame Gotilo,” released by Coke Studio India in August 2023, has me absolutely captivated! The dynamic beats by Achint Thakkar and Aditya Gadhvi’s spirited vocals make this Gujarati tune burst with life, echoing the energy of the open sea which I adore. It makes me yearn for a cruise, feeling the rhythm of the waves. The music video radiates joy and rhythm, packed with vibrant dance sequences that compel you to join in. This track is a vibrant portrayal of Indian regional music’s impressive ascent to prominence, wrapped in an invigorating cultural flair. Let’s groove to this beat!

A Few Key Aspects

Live Studio Performance

Coke Studio Bharat | Khalasi | Aditya Gadhvi x Achint

“Khalasi” vibrates with the joyous tale of a Gujarati sailor’s adventures. Achint Thakkar’s 70’s inspired music and Aditya Gadhvi’s lively vocals make the song a rhythmic journey of exploration and delight. Their performance, full of dance-like energy and infectious enthusiasm, embodies the song’s fresh and vivacious spirit, showcasing the charm of Indian regional music at its best.


KHALASI (Lyrics with english translation)

The song “Gotilo Tame Gotilo” is a rousing call to discover a seafarer who is not captivated by superficial vanity but is zealous in his adventures at sea. Through repeated refrains of “Find him, O find him,” it invokes a spirit of searching for someone pure in intent and bold in journeying from the shore to the depths of the ocean. The lyrics emphasize the sailor’s courage and persistence, as well as the joy and rhythm inherent in the voyage, urging us to go with the flow and embrace where we are. This anthem celebrates the indomitable spirit of the sailor, inviting us to delve deep within ourselves to find the ‘priceless pearl of our soul,’ untouched by pride or pretense.

The Story of the Lyrics

Section HeadingLyric (Gujarati)TranslationInterpretation
Call to AdventureGotilo tame gotilo gotilo gotiloFind him, O find himThe repeated call to find the sailor.
The JourneyKanthethi ja tu ja dariye / Dariye thi ja tu ja madhdariyeGo, from the shore to the shallows / And from shallows to the seaFrom the shore to the depths, symbolizing the journey into the unknown.
The Sailor’s CharacterNathi je majhama / Khali vavata dhaja ma / Evo had no pravasi gotiloOne who isn’t pleased with flags of vanity, / Find such a zealous travelerSeeking a sailor who is not lured by superficiality but is a passionate voyager.
The Challenge and ResolveTofano tarap mare / Halesao hanfi jay / Toy jeni himmat / ane ham nahi hanfeBut when the thunderstorms pounce and / The paddles start to pant / Even then, one who stays the course with courage and willAmidst storms and challenges, the sailor’s courage does not falter.
The Metaphor of Self-DiscoveryPotana j dariyama / Potanij dubkithi / Jatnu amulu moti loIn the depth of your mind / Take a dive and find / The priceless pearl of your soulA dive into the depths of one’s being to discover the ‘priceless pearl’ of the soul.
The Rhythmic Rallying CryHambo re hai hai haiya / Niklija laine tu tari naiyaYo-ho! Heave-ho! Yo-ho! / Take your boat and go!The rhythmic call of “Yo-ho! Heave-ho!” evoking the motion of sailing.
The Wisdom of the Sea – Ephemeral LifeKinare to Khali pade nani nani pagli / Nana eva sapna ni ret vali dhagaliOnly footprints on the shore and / Only Castles made of sandReflecting on the ephemeral nature of life, akin to footprints and sandcastles on the shore.

Beats and Moves – Infectious Dance Cover by Noel and Abhi

Noel & Abhi’s dance cover for “Khalasi” has exploded in popularity, with their Garba-inspired moves gaining traction on YouTube Shorts. Their choreography, a fusion of traditional and modern, is so compelling it has sparked a dance challenge, inspiring others to share their groove. It’s a rhythmic invitation that’s hard to resist.


As the rhythm of “Khalasi” fades out, it leaves behind an echo of its vibrant spirit, a reminder of the rich tapestry of Indian music and the universal call of adventure on the high seas. It’s a celebration, a call to dance, and a tribute to the indomitable spirit of exploration. Until we meet again, let the music play and the waves guide your journey. Keep grooving!

Memories and Mirth: The Power of “Cheers”! 🎶🧩


Stumbling upon Rihanna’s “Cheers (Drink to That)” recently, I was struck by its genre-blending sound and Rihanna’s captivating vocals. More than a throwback to college days, it’s a nod to our universal wait for the weekend’s reprieve, even in professional life. The song inspired a humorous 4-quadrant model of one’s progression from beer to tequila, highlighting the lighter side of our human experiences. Yet, at its heart, “Cheers” champions a deeper resilience, reminding us to embrace life’s joys, no matter how small. So, let’s indeed raise a glass to that sentiment. Cheers!

Lyrics and Brief Summary

“Cheers (Drink to That)” – August 2011 – Album: Loud

Official Music Video
Lyrics Video
Performance Video

Embracing the Present

“Cheers to the freakin’ weekend / I drink to that, yeah-e-yeah.”

These lines highlight the joy of living in the moment, casting aside the burdens of the past week and celebrating the present.

Navigating Life’s Critiques

“Life’s too short to be sittin’ round miserable / People gon’ talk whether you doing bad or good, yeah.”

This sentiment speaks to the importance of resilience. Despite facing inevitable judgments and opinions, it emphasizes finding happiness and remaining undeterred.

Harmony and Unity

“Everybody’s vibin’ so don’t nobody start a fight, yeah.”

Here, the emphasis is on fostering a peaceful atmosphere, promoting unity, and ensuring that everyone enjoys the collective experience.

A Fun 4-Quadrant Analysis of Drinking and Behaving

Not entirely certain when, but perhaps during one of those pleasantly tipsy moments, I whipped up this analysis just for kicks. Don’t overthink it; it’s all in good fun! The chart jestfully depicts the relationship between the type and quantity of drink and the resulting antics, swinging from polished creativity to unrestrained amusement.

A Brief Interpretation

  1. Low Consumption & Lighter Drinks (Beer/Mild Scotch – Creative & Formal):
    • In the bottom-left quadrant, limited sips of beer or mild scotch fuel creativity while retaining formality—think early hours of a corporate event.
  2. High Consumption & Lighter Drinks (Beer/Scotch – Creative & Informal):
    • Moving to the top-left, more beer or scotch loosens the atmosphere, merging creativity with casual vibes—akin to lively pub discussions.
  3. Low Consumption & Stronger Drinks (Tequila/Local – Weird & Formal):
    • In the bottom-right, a shot of tequila might bring quirky behaviors but with an attempt to stay formal, like a tipsy moment at a formal gathering.
  4. High Consumption & Stronger Drinks (Tequila/Local Brews – Weird & Informal):
    • At the top-right, indulging in strong brews or spirits leads to uninhibited, fun antics, reminiscent of wild beach parties.

Contrarian Views

Exploring the lighter and deeper shades of “Cheers” and the playful 4-quadrant model, let’s venture into a contrarian perspective:

“Cheers” Lyrics: While celebrating the present, the song might inadvertently champion hedonism, suggesting an overlooking of moderation and future consequences.

4-Quadrant Analysis: The model could be seen as overgeneralizing. Individual reactions to alcohol vary greatly, and tying behavior strictly to drink type might be reductive.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a vibrant image that captures the essence of the song “Cheers” by Rihanna. The background should have subtle hints of a weekend vibe–think glasses clinking, soft disco lights, and dancing silhouettes. Overlay this with a simplified, abstract version of the 4-quadrant analysis, representing different drinks and behaviors. Use contrasting colors for each quadrant, and incorporate minimalist icons like a beer mug, a scotch glass, a tequila bottle, and a local drink to represent each. The behaviors (Creative & Informal, Weird & Informal, Creative & Formal, Weird & Formal) should be symbolized through distinct, abstract symbols or patterns in each quadrant–maybe a lightbulb for ‘Creative’, wavy lines for ‘Weird’, a tie for ‘Formal’, and casual sneakers for ‘Informal’. Remember, no text should be present in the image, only visual elements –ar 16:9

Trust vs. Disgust: Navigating the Emotional Landscape with Possible Actions! 🧩


Welcome to my journey through Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions, a fascinating guide to my inner feelings. In this blog, I’m about to dive into the world of “Trust vs. Disgust.” What makes it exciting? I’m going to explore real-life examples of both positive and not-so-positive actions tied to these emotions (using ChatGPT). It doesn’t matter whether they’re usually seen as good or not – emotions are complex! Before I set sail, check out my previous blog post, “Expression and Empathy: Navigating Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions – Pairs, Intensities, and Combinations,” for a quick refresher on this intriguing model.

Examples of Potential Actions


Positive Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Building RelationshipsNurturing trust by establishing genuine connections with others, fostering a sense of security and rapport.
Open CommunicationPromoting trust through honest and transparent communication, which cultivates mutual understanding.
Demonstrating ReliabilityEarning trust by consistently delivering on promises and commitments, building a foundation of reliability.
Showing EmpathyFostering trust by demonstrating empathy and understanding towards the emotions and perspectives of others.
Sharing VulnerabilityStrengthening trust by sharing personal vulnerabilities and creating an environment of mutual openness.

Negative Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Betraying TrustDestroying trust through actions that betray the confidence and expectations of others.
Deceptive BehaviorUndermining trust by engaging in deceptive behavior, such as lying or concealing important information.
Violating BoundariesEroding trust by disregarding personal boundaries and causing discomfort or harm to others.
Manipulative IntentDiminishing trust through manipulative intentions aimed at personal gain rather than mutual benefit.
Displaying DistrustWeakening trust by consistently displaying distrust towards others, creating a hostile atmosphere.


Positive Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Maintaining HygieneUtilizing disgust as a motivator for maintaining personal hygiene and cleanliness, promoting well-being.
Avoiding Harmful SubstancesUsing disgust to steer clear of harmful substances or situations, safeguarding one’s health and safety.
Promoting Moral ValuesHarnessing disgust to reinforce moral values and ethical behavior, upholding societal norms and standards.
Encouraging Healthy ChoicesEmploying disgust to encourage healthy lifestyle choices, such as avoiding junk food or excessive consumption.
Fostering Safe EnvironmentsUsing disgust to identify potential hazards and take measures to create safer surroundings.

Negative Actions

Action NameAction Brief
Disregarding HygieneAllowing disgust to lead to neglect of personal hygiene, resulting in health risks and social discomfort.
Encountering Harmful SubstancesSuccumbing to the allure of harmful substances or behaviors despite feeling disgust, leading to detrimental consequences.
Ignoring Moral ValuesSuppressing feelings of disgust to engage in unethical or immoral actions, compromising personal integrity and societal norms.
Unhealthy IndulgenceOvercoming disgust to indulge in unhealthy habits or substances, disregarding the associated risks and health consequences.
Creating Unsafe EnvironmentsIgnoring feelings of disgust and neglecting safety measures, potentially leading to hazardous conditions in one’s surroundings.

Diverse avenues of exploring emotions

In this small attempt to provide examples of actions, we’ve explored how positive and negative feelings can lead to corresponding actions. However, emotions are multifaceted, and there are numerous ways to understand them. Beyond actions, alternative methods such as mindfulness, creative expression, journaling, open conversations, literature and film, self-assessment tools, cultural context, psychological research, literary analysis, nature’s impact, and dream analysis offer diverse insights into the complex world of emotions. These methods provide a rich tapestry of approaches to navigate and comprehend our emotional landscape.

Stories and Twists: Navigating the Ever-Changing Agile Labyrinth and Team’s Confusions! 🤣


Ah, the world of Agile! A place where rapid responses, dynamic changes, and collaboration reign supreme. Enter the Product Owner, the guardian of requirements, the bridge between the client’s vision and the team’s execution. But sometimes, these requirements can take on a life of their own, turning routine sprints into epic sagas. Dive in and see the lighter side of navigating the Agile seas!

The Comic


A product owner steps forward, clutching a sheaf of user stories. The team gathers around, eager to dive into the new requirements they’re about to receive.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!
– The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
Product Owner – Providing User Stories to the Team

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Product Owner – Confidently: “These are the user stories…”

Product Owner – With finality: “I’m done guys with the requirements for the next few sprints, please release code…”

Waggz – Completely baffled: “Wait … what? Who are the users actually?”

Diggz – Bewildered & Sarcastic: “Need to get the Boss to fix this guy. His requirements are a mystery, a thriller story. You don’t know where it ends, which path it takes, which character enters…”

Contrarian Views

When presenting humorous content, especially in a professional context like Agile or any other work methodology, it’s helpful to be aware of potential criticisms or differing perspectives. Here are some potential contrarian views regarding the joke:

  1. Misrepresentation: Some Agile practitioners might feel that the joke misrepresents the role of the Product Owner (PO). A proficient PO should provide clear and comprehensive requirements, ensuring that the development team understands the user stories.
  2. Team Dynamics: The joke might be perceived as perpetuating a stereotype that the Product Owner and the development team are often at odds. In actual Agile practices, collaboration and clear communication between the PO and the team are emphasized.
  3. Over-Simplification: Agile methodologies encompass a wide range of practices, rituals, and tools to ensure clarity in requirements. The joke might seem to oversimplify these practices, implying that misunderstandings are a common occurrence.
  4. Inclusion: While the joke focuses on the PO’s ambiguity, it could be argued that the onus is also on the development team to seek clarification when they are uncertain. The depiction might appear one-sided to some.
  5. Demeaning Professionalism: Some might feel that the portrayal of the Product Owner as delivering unclear requirements and the team’s response demeans the professionalism inherent in Agile practices.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a humorous, cartoonish scene set in a modern office environment. There are four characters: Product Owner: Wearing a tie and glasses, confidently holding up a paper titled “User Stories”. He looks professional and a tad smug. Waggz: A team member with a puzzled expression. His hands are thrown up in the air in confusion, and there are question marks around his head. Diggz: Another team member, scratching his head with one hand and holding a laptop in the other. His expression is one of total bewilderment. Background Characters: A few team members around, looking from the Product Owner to Waggz and Diggz, sharing in the confusion. The background should depict an office setting, with a whiteboard, some charts, and scattered papers. The overall tone is light and fun, highlighting the comedic chaos of the situation. –ar 16:9

Digits and Delusions: A Playful Take on Paychecks! 🤣


Numbers, especially when they’re in our salaries, have a magical way of catching our attention. How often have we heard folks flaunting the number of digits in their paycheck? But what if there’s a playful twist to that age-old brag? Dive into this comic for some childish fun, where digits might not be what they seem!

The Comic


At the office coffee corner, the team huddled post-payslip distribution. Amidst the aroma of fresh brew, whispers and chuckles about variable pay began to brew.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!
Chirpii – The HR Songbird of Mentorship & Discipline!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Waggz – Excited: Oooohuuuuu, Diggz – I got a 9-digit salary this time. Wjgss valued my loyalty.
Diggz – Teasing: Check the currency, it is in Vietnamese Dong!
Waggz – Shocked: Whhaaat?
Diggz – Sarcastically: Chirpii is experimenting, in a playful way, to see if employees get happier with a CEO’s salary… just not in a CEO’s currency!

Contrarian Views

Every jest carries different perceptions. Some might not appreciate the pun, and here are some opposing views to consider on the concept behind our recent comic:

  1. Cultural Sensitivity: Joking about currency values, especially with references like the Vietnamese Dong, can be seen as culturally insensitive. Some might argue that it inadvertently demeans a nation’s economic standing, and could be offensive to those from Vietnam or with Vietnamese heritage.
  2. Employee Value: Basing an employee’s worth or happiness on the sheer number of digits in their salary is a shallow perspective. True employee satisfaction comes from feeling valued, being in a supportive work environment, and achieving personal growth.
  3. Currency Misunderstanding: Currency’s value doesn’t strictly come from the number of digits. Some currencies are naturally ‘inflated’ in terms of sheer number counts but might have lesser value compared to others. It’s a poor metric to use for valuation.
  4. Childish Humor Concerns: While humor can be subjective, some might feel that using such a ‘childish’ or ‘kiddish’ way of presenting a topic as serious as salaries is not appropriate. They could argue that it trivializes the importance and struggles around wage discussions.
  5. False Impressions: Emphasizing the number of digits can create false hopes or misunderstandings, especially if someone is unfamiliar with the currency being referenced. They might assume a higher value than is actual.
  6. Professionalism: Some might argue that such jokes don’t have a place in a professional setting, especially if discussing payslips and salaries, which are typically confidential matters.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a cartoonish image of Wiggz, characterized with exaggerated features: big round eyes widened in astonishment, and a gaping mouth. He’s excitedly holding up a payslip close to his face. The payslip should be cartoonishly large with oversized, numerous digits to emphasize its length. The background is a fun, colorful office setting with quirky charts and graphs on the wall, and a comically cluttered desk. –ar 16:9

Maples and Oaks: Discord in the Forest! 🎶


In Rush’s “The Trees,” the forest is more than nature’s sanctuary; it’s a stage for societal commentary. Here, trees personify societal factions, their natural traits symbolizing deeper human conflicts. This isn’t mere backdrop but a narrative driver, where the characteristics of oaks and maples reflect human emotions and societal structures, setting the stage for a tale of equality, conflict, and resolution.


Rush – The Trees – Lyric Video

There is unrest in the forest
Trouble with the trees
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas

The trouble with the maples
(And they’re quite convinced they’re right)
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light

But the oaks can’t help their feelings
If they like the way they’re made
And they wonder why the maples
Can’t be happy in their shade

There is trouble in the forest
And the creatures all have fled
As the maples scream, “Oppression”
And the oaks just shake their heads

So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights
They say, “The oaks are just too greedy
We will make them give us light”

Now there’s no more oak oppression
For they passed a noble law
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe, and saw


“The Trees” by Rush is an allegorical song that uses the natural world, specifically a forest of trees, to explore themes of inequality, conflict, and enforced conformity. Each stanza develops this narrative by personifying the trees, giving them human emotions and agency. Here’s a breakdown of the themes and narrative connections in each stanza:

Unrest and Inequality

The opening lines introduce unrest in the forest — the maples want more sunlight, but the oaks, taller and larger, block the light. This sets up a scenario of perceived inequality, with the maples feeling oppressed.

Conflict and Resentment

The maples believe they’re in the right, resenting the oaks for taking all the sunlight (“they grab up all the light”). This highlights the conflict, with the maples feeling overshadowed, both literally and figuratively.

Innate Characteristics and Dissatisfaction

The oaks are described as being unable to change their nature (“can’t help their feelings”). They’re puzzled by the maples’ discontent with the natural order (“why the maples can’t be happy in their shade”), indicating a lack of understanding or empathy for those in different circumstances.

Escalation and Polarization

The conflict escalates, causing a broader disturbance affecting all forest creatures. The maples label their situation as “oppression,” while the oaks remain unmoved. This reflects societal polarization, where opposing groups can’t reach an understanding.

Action and Demand for Equality

The maples take organized action (“formed a union”) and demand change. They accuse the oaks of greed and seek equitable rights, mirroring social or political movements that arise in response to perceived injustices.

Enforced Conformity and Equal Outcome

The conclusion is darkly ironic. A “noble law” is passed to ensure all trees are equal, but this equality is enforced through destructive means (“hatchet, axe, and saw”). It suggests a critique of enforced conformity or equality of outcome achieved through violent or authoritarian measures, leading to a loss of diversity and vitality.

The song uses the metaphor of the forest to comment on human societal issues, warning of the dangers of both inequality and enforced conformity, while also pointing out the complexities of resolving conflicts arising from inherent differences.

Rush – The Trees – Video

Contrarian Views

  1. Natural Order: The song might be less about societal critique and more about the inevitability of natural hierarchies, emphasizing that disruption leads to chaos.
  2. Anti-Collectivism: Instead of a call for equality, the song could be a warning against the loss of individuality and the dangers of enforced collectivism.
  3. Conflict Absurdity: The lyrics might underscore the pointlessness of conflicts arising from unwillingness to accept natural diversity, advocating for coexistence rather than confrontation.
  4. Pessimism and Fatalism: The narrative could reflect a belief in the unavoidable destructive outcome of societal progress or the futility of utopian ideals.
  5. Utopian Skepticism: The ending may serve as a cynical commentary on the pursuit of perfection, suggesting that utopian pursuits often lead to oppressive, dystopian realities.

A Few Other Songs with Parts of the Tree as a Metaphor

  1. Roots:
    • “Roots Before Branches” by Room for Two uses roots as a metaphor for stability and identity before reaching out for new experiences or changes (the branches).
  2. Branches:
    • “Branches” by Midlake uses branches to represent different paths or choices in life, possibly suggesting the complexities and diverging journeys we undertake.
  3. Leaves:
    • “Leaves That Are Green” by Simon & Garfunkel uses the changing leaves as a metaphor for the fleeting nature of life and love, highlighting impermanence and change.
  4. Tree Rings:
    • “Rings” by Aesop Rock uses the tree rings metaphorically to discuss the passage of time and the layers of experiences that build up our lives, indicating growth and change.
  5. Seeds:
    • “The Seed” by Aurora uses the metaphor of a seed to symbolize potential and growth, but also the care and conditions needed for someone or something to thrive.

Gadgets and Habits: A Dance of Unintended Moves! 🤣


Remember the days when we’d tilt our heads in confusion at a beeping pager, wondering how to reply? Now, we swipe, tap, and scroll without a second thought. But sometimes, these tech habits seep into our real-world behaviors a bit too much. Ever tried shaking your phone thinking it’s a Polaroid? Or pinching to zoom on a physical newspaper? It’s amusing how gadgets can teach our bodies some… let’s call them ‘interesting’ new tricks. Ready for another chuckle at our tech-driven quirks? Buckle up, because here’s a tale where innovation meets unintended muscle memory!

The Comic


Meet XYise, our resident tech enthusiast, who’s been gleefully experimenting with the latest wearable glass. Word is, it’s already making quite an impression on him!

Meet the Characters

Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
XYise – Questions and Graphs, Written All Over His Face!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Waggz – Concerned: “Hey, XYise, what happened to your eyes?”

XYise – Nonchalant: “Nothing.”
Waggz – Curious: “Then, why do you every once in a while see towards your upper right corner?”

XYise – Puzzled: “Do I?”

Diggz – Amused: “He got used to that wearable glass!”

Contrarian Views

Remember, these contrarian views are just alternative perspectives and aren’t meant to diminish the humor of the joke. They just provide a different lens through which to view the topic.

  1. Functionality Over Quirk: Wearable glasses, like any other technology, are designed to be functional and aid productivity. While there might be initial adjustments to how one uses them, it doesn’t necessarily lead to lasting quirks like continuously looking in a particular direction.
  2. Technological Adaptation: Over time, people adapt to new technologies and learn to use them efficiently. Just as people initially found smartphones or even regular glasses odd, any quirks associated with wearable glasses will likely fade with familiarity.
  3. Ergonomic Design: Companies spend millions on R&D to ensure that their products are ergonomic and user-friendly. The idea that using a product would result in such a pronounced physical quirk might be seen as an over-exaggeration.
  4. Over-Generalization: Not everyone using wearable glasses will develop the same habits or quirks. Generalizing based on a humorous observation could be seen as unfair to users who don’t exhibit such behaviors.
  5. Tech Evolution: As with all tech products, wearable glasses will evolve. Initial versions might have quirks, but future iterations will likely address any user discomfort or awkwardness.
  6. Focus on Benefits: While the joke is light-hearted, it might overshadow the potential benefits of wearable technology, such as augmented reality, accessibility features, and hands-free operations.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a cartoonish and humorous image showcasing a tech enthusiast named XYise, prominently wearing a futuristic-looking wearable glass. He’s so engrossed that his eyes are constantly darting towards the upper right corner, a clear sign he’s using the glass’s features. Surrounding him are onlookers, with Waggz pointing at XYise and trying to get his attention, and Diggz standing a bit away, making a cheeky comment. The setting should have a modern, techy atmosphere, and it should be evident that some people are amused by XYise’s new gadget antics. –ar 16:9

Power and Psyche: Unraveling Ram Gopal Varma’s World Through His Possible Trio! 🎥

Hey, movie buddies! Ever come across a director whose filmmaking technique strikes a balance between raw authenticity and avant-garde style? Enter Ram Gopal Varma. During the initial decades of his illustrious career, this maverick filmmaker broke conventions with his distinct and gritty cinematic voice. Through his nuanced character explorations, sharp dialogues, and a flair for capturing the darker alleys of human emotions, he offered us a unique lens to view life. Today, let’s deep dive into three of his masterpieces that, though not officially dubbed a trilogy, portray power dynamics, crime, and the intricate folds of the human psyche seamlessly. 🎬🍿🎥

Varma’s Underworld Trio

1. “Shiva” (Telugu, 1989)

Set against the backdrop of college politics, the story revolves around Shiva, a student leader, who decides to stand up against injustice and a corrupt system. This film marked the beginning of Varma’s love affair with the underworld theme, and his unique storytelling approach.

Bhavani (Villian): These student leaders should be a strength to us, but they should not rely on and live off our strength.
Shiv’s Friend (Police): These political leaders, and goons like Bhavani, when they do things in an organized way, what can we do?
Shiva: I don’t know if I will this war , but my victory will be in trying to …

2. “Satya” (Hindi, 1998)

A gritty crime drama, “Satya” pulls us deep into Mumbai’s underworld. An amnesiac, Satya, lands in the city and gradually gets drawn into the world of crime, showcasing the labyrinth of human choices and their consequences.

Satya: Hey Bhiku, this is a business. We benefit from their fear, not from their death.
Bhiku: Who is the king of Mumbai? Bhiku Mathre!

Satya: In our business, the one who lays their hand first is the one who wins.

3. “Company” (2002)

A magnum opus of Varma, “Company” delves into the world of organized crime, friendships, betrayals, and power struggles. It’s a deep dive into the psyche of two gangsters, their rise, their rift, and their ultimate downfall.

Mallik: Are you afraid of death – Chandu: I’m not afraid of anything.
Mallik: In our business, there is no bigger mistake than to forgive a mistake.
Chandu: If the company can run without me… then I can also move on without the company.

Chandu: The blood used to build this company will be the same to destroy it.

25 Years of Shiva and Satya

Conclusion and More … Resistance > Dominance > Betrayal

Starting with “Shiva”, the theme revolves around personal “Resistance” against oppressive forces within an academic setting. The narrative then shifts in “Satya” to urban turf wars and the pursuit of “Dominance” in the city’s crime-laden streets. By the time we reach “Company”, the stakes rise even higher, with the theme delving into “Betrayal” and the intricate dynamics within sprawling criminal empires. This progression elegantly moves from intimate personal conflicts to the vast complexities of the criminal underworld, encapsulating a journey from individual defiance to grand-scale treachery..

ChatGPT’s other options for Resistance > Dominance > Betrayal

  1. Defiance, Ambition, Retribution
  2. Struggle, Power, Revenge
  3. Uprising, Conquest, Fallout
  4. Rebellion, Ascendancy, Distrust
  5. Opposition, Mastery, Backlash

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a split-screen image with three vertical frames, each exuding an atmospheric backdrop, while foregrounding a resolute hero engaged in a symbolic fight against the dark elements around him. Left frame: Depict a college setting, but not the idyllic kind. Instead, show the shadows of underworld influences creeping in–maybe in the form of graffiti on college walls, mysterious figures lurking, or hushed exchanges. Amidst this, our hero stands with defiance, possibly with fists clenched, representing the onset of his fight against a world that’s more corrupt than it seems. Middle frame: Illustrate the grim heart of a city like Mumbai. Show the raw underbelly: dimly lit alleyways, hazy neon signs of dingy bars, and the silhouettes of the mafia or gang members. Here, the hero might be in a stance of confrontation, under a lone streetlight, symbolizing his struggle in a world that’s openly hostile. Right frame: Showcase the deceptive allure of high-rise life. Glitzy skyscrapers not just in light, but also with hints of the dark world behind them–perhaps windows that hide shady deals or shadows that hint at underworld kingpins. Our hero could be poised on a building’s edge, looking over the city, a symbolic representation of his determination to cleanse the city and confront the powers that lurk in the glamorous shadows. –ar 16:9

Progress and Pain: The Unexpected Side Effects of Innovation! 🤣


Ah, technology and its ever-evolving wonders! Ever noticed how every new advancement promises to make life easier, but sometimes ends up throwing a curveball? Let’s join our tech-enthusiast friend as he pays a visit to the doctor. You’ll never guess the ‘twist’ his latest tech obsession has thrown into his life. Let’s dive into this comic and see if you can spot the modern-day hiccup!

The Comic


An IT services company is in the spotlight. Their big client is in a jam, and they need to whip out some game-changing, data-driven magic. The Boss, the bald and bespectacled head honcho, ropes in XYise, the resident number-cruncher.

Meet the Characters

XYise – Questions and Graphs, Written All Over His Face!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!
Doctor – Ortho Specialist

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

XYise – In Discomfort: “I have a pain in my shoulder.”

Doctor – Puzzled: “Do you play any hand games?”
XYise – Confused: “No.”

Doctor – Thoughtful: “Do you do some machine repair or play drums?”
XYise – Clarifying: “No.”

Doctor – Realizing: “Oh ok, I know, that is called RSI – Repetitive Stress Injury due to typing on keyboard.”
Diggz – Chiming In: “No, he uses his computer with this new way – gesture control!”

Contrarian Views

Ah, the marvels of modern technology! Here’s a different spin on the jest about gesture controls, shedding light on their brighter side:

  1. Advancements in Ergonomics: Gesture controls are specifically designed to be more ergonomic. They reduce the need for traditional input devices which can be the root cause of repetitive stress injuries.
  2. Adaptation Phase: Just like when keyboards and mice were introduced, there’s a learning and adaptation curve with gesture controls. Over time, people get accustomed, and the initial discomfort might decrease.
  3. Personalization: Modern gesture control systems allow users to customize and choose gestures that are comfortable to them, reducing the risk of strain or injury.
  4. It’s About Choice: While gesture controls offer a new way to interact with devices, they don’t necessarily replace traditional methods but provide an alternative. Users have the freedom to choose what’s best for them.
  5. Physical Activity: One could argue that gesture controls incorporate a level of physical activity, breaking the sedentary routine and possibly benefiting overall health in the long run.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Illustrate a humorous cartoonish image showcasing a tech-savvy individual, XYise, using gesture controls on his computer. As he swipes and waves his hand in the air, comically exaggerated pain lines emerge from his shoulder. Nearby, a traditional keyboard sits collecting dust, and in the background, Diggz, with a cheeky grin, holds up a manual titled ‘Gesture Controls for Dummies’ –ar 16:9