Strings and Sticks: My Amateur Crude Tune-Crafting Saga on GarageBand! ðŸŽ¶


“Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you look back on a burst of creativity from years ago and wonder, ‘How did I even come up with that?’ That’s me, thinking about this cool phase I had.

While jamming with my band—me on the drums—I got curious about playing guitar. Not the real deal, but GarageBand. After a brief course, my iPad transformed into an entire band setup. Imagine me, playing lead and bass guitars, drumming, and throwing in some extra guitar fills, all by tapping and strumming on a screen! Heads-up, though: it was pretty crude, and while some friends teased, others actually admired that I could handle the instruments and compose.

From there, I crafted tunes, managing lead and bass, drums, and a few more musical bits. My creations included ‘Vasanthame,’ a springtime melody, ‘Super Kid,’ brimming with whimsy, ‘First Love,’ drenched in nostalgia, ‘She Smiles,’ my vocal experiment, the rock-esque ‘Live Your Life,’ and ‘Jalsa Jive,’ a playful dance number.

It was a whirlwind couple of months, and so exhilarating to create something fresh. Then, out of the blue, I stopped. Now, I can barely recall how I pulled it off, but what a ride it was!”



Tunes List and Brief

1. “Vasanthame (O Spring)” is a simple, rhythmic instrumental piece that carries a core theme of beckoning spring to arrive, its melody inadvertently evoking the nostalgic charm of Telugu and Tamil music director Mahadevan’s classic works, as observed by a friend.

2. “Super Kid” is a gentle instrumental track, made special by my son’s youthful voice as he sings, “I’m a Super Kid, I can do anything, I’m a Super Kid, I can conquer galaxies.” Its subtle nod to Michael Jackson’s “Black or White” lies in the initial child’s vocals. The tune takes a fun twist at the end, switching from a calm melody to a Hard Rock style, reflecting the fearless and explorative nature of every super kid.

3. “First Love” is a straightforward instrumental track, structured for a song with verses, chorus, and a solo. It tells a story of spotting a first love in a busy street, leading to a chase brimming with memories, all set to a melody that a friend likened to classic Telugu songs.

4. “She Smiles” features both music and vocals, covering the first two phrases of a song penned by my bandmate and friend. Though my vocal attempt may not be perfect, the focus lies in the composition, which I’m proud to have completed in roughly two hours. The lyrics, “It’s just the way she smiles, that’ll get you every time. It’s that heart on her sleeve, that’ll make you never leave,” capture an enchanting allure, and the quick composition process showcases an inspired burst of creativity.

5. “Live Your Life” is an attempt at a hard rock-style track, embodying themes of rebellion and renewal. It incorporates my crude vocals, purely to enhance the composition, emphasizing the mantra: “Break the rules, Break the patterns, Live your life once again.” While humbly drawing inspiration from Metallica, the piece features an earnest effort at a long guitar solo, resonating with the spirited call to live freely.

6. “Jalsa Jive” is a playful nod to the upbeat dance tracks of Telugu star Chiranjeevi’s past hits. It’s a simple, fun attempt to capture the lively spirit of those classic tunes.

7. “Jovial Jingle” is a musical morsel, a simple and light-hearted tune that resonates with warmth and effortless charm, comforting to the core.


“As I look back on those creative months, I’m unsure if I’ll ever pick up the tunes again, whether in GarageBand or any other form. Those compositions remain cherished memories, a reminder of the joy of creating. Here’s to the hope that one day, that spark will return.”

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create an image that visually represents the fusion of digital music creation and traditional rock instruments, centered around the use of GarageBand. The image should feature an iPad displaying the GarageBand interface, with elements like lead and bass guitars, drumsticks, and a musical note or two symbolizing the creation of music. The style should be dynamic and colorful, reflecting the excitement and creativity of composing music. Include subtle hints of the tracks ‘Vasanthame’, ‘Super Kid’, ‘First Love’, ‘She Smiles’, ‘Live Your Life’, and ‘Jalsa Jive’, perhaps through representations like a spring flower, a superhero cape, a heart, a smile, a rebellious streak (like a lightning bolt), and a dance step, respectively. The overall feel should be vibrant, inspiring, and a bit nostalgic, mirroring the journey of musical exploration and the joy it brought. –ar 16:9