Guidance and Gratitude: Statements by People in My Life That Shaped and Are Shaping My Path! ðŸ—£

Have you ever noticed how the right words, whether from a casual chat or during a deep quest for advice, can suddenly make everything fall into place? That’s what I’ve discovered. Sometimes, the clarity of why we do things, what we should pursue, and how to proceed comes from the most familiar sources—friends, family, mentors, colleagues—or even a fleeting yet profound interaction with a stranger. This series is both an exploration of those critical whys, whats, and hows, and a heartfelt thank you to the individuals who have offered far more than simple advice.

In this entry, I’m rolling out two pieces of advice that were real game-changers for me. They’ve helped me steer my leadership in new directions, given me the push to take action when I’m on the fence, and inspired me to reshape my dreams with intention. So pull up a chair and join me in revisiting these life-altering conversations. Who knows? They might just reshape something for you, too.

Urges and Urgency: The Late-Mid-Life Call to Immediate Action

Context: Navigating Crossroads After Personal and Professional Setbacks

Facing a series of tough personal and professional challenges, I was at a crossroads, unsure of my next step. The situation felt unprecedented, with each choice carrying significant weight. During this time, a mentor, though briefly in my life, offered sharp insights that helped clear the fog.

Advice: The Urgency of Action

During one of our earnest discussions, he shared an observation that immediately reframed my perspective. He said, “When we’re young, we tend to postpone our ambitions, much like preparing for an exam to get into a good school, believing that’s what will eventually lead us to our desires. But as we enter mid-life or the late stages of it, we no longer have the luxury of time on our side. We must act immediately on what we want, without postponing. The window for action is narrower in this phase of life, and it must be seized without delay or hesitation.

Attend to your aspirations without postponing.”

Impact: A Shift to Immediate Action

This advice struck a chord deep within me. It was a clarion call to shift from a mindset of deferment to one of immediate action. I stopped waiting for ‘the right time’ and started to make the most of the ‘time right now.’ I prioritized my goals, re-evaluated my daily habits, and took tangible steps towards what I wanted to achieve without delay.

Vison and Versatility: Reframing the Path to Impact

Context: Reaching Out Amid a Professional Dilemma

Facing the potential closure or complete overhaul of the product company I’d passionately built over five years, I was disheartened. In such moments, I’d typically turn to a trusted friend, who was well-versed in my dedication and the fervor behind my project. The fear of not reaching my goals loomed large.

Advice: Broadening the Ways to Achieve Aspiration

In a moment of vulnerability, my friend inquired about the true goal of my product company. Beyond success and financial gain, I admitted my primary motivation was to reach and aid one million users. That’s when he challenged me: “Focus on impacting one million people. If not through this business, explore other avenues for fulfilling this goal.” This shifted my perspective to consider the impact, not just the product.

“Product creation is not the only way to fulfill your aspirations.”

Impact: Rethinking My Approach to My Dream

The advice set me on a path of introspection and gradual progress. I’ve hit pause on the original trajectory of reaching my aspiration, yet in this moment of stillness, my mind is actively exploring alternative avenues to fulfill my aspiration, even if partial. Though not there yet, I’m in the process!

Inspiring Words: The TED Talks Edition

Discover how words can shape our journeys through these seven TED Talks, offering powerful insights into the impact of advice, mentorship, and vulnerability on personal growth and success.

Discusses connection and being open to advice.
Covers inspiring action through purpose.
Emphasizes the importance of embracing diverse viewpoints.


And that’s a wrap for this post. It’s just the start, really. I’ve got more stories lined up about the wise words that nudged me forward. Stick around, there’s plenty more gratitude and growth to talk about. Thanks for walking a bit of this road with me – your company means a lot. Catch you in the next one!

Contararian Views

As is customary in my posts, while I hold the advice given to me in high regard, it’s equally vital to consider and discuss the contrarian views that offer a different lens on these insights:

“Urges and Urgency”:

  1. Patience as Virtue: A rushed life may miss out on depth and reflection.
  2. Broad Success: Success isn’t only about urgent accomplishments but also about well-being and connection.
  3. Beyond Age: Life’s potential isn’t confined to age; every stage has its own pace and opportunities.

“Vision and Versatility”:

  1. Mastery in Focus: Specialization might lead to greater impact than constant versatility.
  2. Consistency Counts: Sticking with a vision can be more effective than frequent reframing.
  3. Commitment vs. Change: Constantly changing paths might be a barrier to fulfilling an original, impactful vision.

MidJourney Prompts with inputs from Chat GPT

Create an image that combines a winding path leading through a crossroads, with the dawn of sunrise in the background, symbolizing hope and new beginnings. Include silhouettes of diverse groups of people standing along the path, suggesting the presence of friends, mentors, and colleagues. Overlay the image with subtle, glowing phrases or quotes that have inspired personal growth. Incorporate elements of nature, like a sturdy oak tree with deep roots and sprawling branches. Add a few scattered handwritten thank you notes to represent gratitude.” –ar 16:9

Create an image that visualizes the concept of speed and immediate action in achieving one’s aspirations. Depict a figure running swiftly up a staircase that transforms into an upward arrow, symbolizing progress and urgency. The steps should be lit with a warm glow, indicating clarity and focus, with the top of the staircase merging into a bright horizon that represents the aspirational goals.” – Image #3 @sridvana

Generate an image of a landscape with a person at a crossroads, where five different paths begin. The paths should be a dirt track, a stone-paved road, a grassy lane, a sandy path, and a path through water. Each path should lead towards a distant mountain where a bright light shines at the summit, symbolizing the person’s aspiration.”