Conversations and Continuity: Charting Love, Life, and Labyrinths Through Time! 🎥


Hey movie buddies! Ever watched a film and felt like it’s telling your story? That’s the magic of movies with continuity – it’s like catching up with an old pal over coffee, seeing how they’ve changed, yet stayed the same. And isn’t it mesmerizing when conversations seamlessly weave the movie’s fabric, making us live every emotion? That’s cinematic gold.

Now, if you want a prime example, let’s chat about Richard Linklater’s “Before” Trilogy. It’s not just a romance. Nope. It’s watching love grow up, just like we do. And the coolest part? The films age in real-time with the actors. So, it’s like seeing friends at a reunion every time. In this post, I’ll be spotlighting the series’ themes and sharing a few dialogues that really hit home. Grab your popcorn and let’s dive deep into this cinematic journey, one life chapter at a time. Ready? 🎬🍿🎥

The Before … Trio by Richard Linklater

1. “Before Sunrise” (1995)

The story begins in Vienna, where a chance encounter between a young American man, Jesse, and a French woman, Céline, on a train leads to an evening of deep conversations and a budding romance. The film captures the magic of fleeting moments and the promise of young love.

Jesse: Alright, I have an admittedly insane idea, but if I don’t ask you this it’s just, uh, you know, it’s gonna haunt me the rest of my life
Celine: What?
Jesse: Um… I want to keep talking to you, y’know. I have no idea what your situation is, but, uh, but I feel like we have some kind of, uh, connection. Right?
Celine: Yeah, me too.

2. “Before Sunset” (2004)

Fast forward nine years, and the story takes us to Paris. A book reading reunites the pair, now in their thirties, and the film becomes a walk-and-talk journey, reflecting on lost years, rekindled emotions, and life’s what-ifs.

Jesse: Oh, God, why didn’t we exchange phone numbers and stuff? Why didn’t we do that?
Celine: Because we were young and stupid.
Jesse: Do you think we still are?
Celine: I guess when you’re young, you just believe there’ll be many people with whom you’ll connect with. Later in life, you realize it only happens a few times.
Jesse: And you can screw it up, you know, misconnect.

3. “Before Midnight” (2013)

Set in Greece, this final installment finds Jesse and Céline, now a committed couple with children, navigating the intricate dynamics of long-term love, parenthood, and personal dreams.

Jesse: I am giving you my whole life ok? I got nothing larger to give, I’m not giving it to anybody else. If you’re looking for permission to disqualify me, I’m not gonna give it to you. Ok? I love you. And I’m not in conflict about it. Okay? But if what you want is like a laundry list of all the things that piss me off, I can give it to you.
Celine: Yeah, I want to hear

Jesse: Okay well, number 1, you’re fucking nuts! You are. Good luck! Find somebody else to put up with your shit for more than like 6 months okay? But I, accept the whole package, the crazy and the brilliant. I know you’re not gonna change and I don’t want you to. It’s called accepting you for being you.

A Brief – Trio Combo – Before – Sunrise, Sunset, and Midnight

Conclusion and More …

Wrapping up our journey through the “Before” Trilogy, it’s evident how cinema can paint the stages of love: from the whimsical charm of young love, the hopeful strides of middle age, to the complexities of seasoned relationships. But remember, my cinematic tastes aren’t confined to just love tales. Up ahead, we’ve got thrilling trios that might just follow a similar arc: Energy, Hope, and Disaster. So, buckle up, because our filmic explorations are about to take a twisty turn! 🎬🍿🔍

ChatGPT’s other options for Energy > Hope > Disaster

Delving beyond ‘Energy, Hope, Disaster,’ here are five thematic trios (as per ChatGPT) to consider for our cinematic journey:

  1. Origin, Odyssey, Outcome:
  2. Ignition, Inference, Impact
  3. Propel, Pivot, Perish
  4. Genesis, Gradient, Gravitas
  5. Trigger, Traverse, Terminus

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create an image vertically split into three panels – Panel 1: sunrise with a young couple walking on a bridge. Panel 2: sunset with a couple at a Parisian café. Panel 3: starry night with an older couple and two children against a Grecian backdrop. –ar 16:9

Frost and Feelings: Unpacking the Snowman Metaphor in Music! 🎶


Hello, metaphor enthusiasts! Ever pondered the deeper meanings swirling around in songs, movies, and books? Today, we’re embracing the chill, setting our sights on a beloved winter symbol: the snowman. More than a playful figure, it’s a metaphor for ephemeral joys, delicate relationships, and the human desire to freeze precious moments in time. Sounds a bit romantic and abstract? Sure does, but oh, it’s beautifully compelling!

Lyrics (Verse-1 and Chorus)

Sia – Snowman (Lyrics)

Don’t cry, snowman, not in front of me
Who’ll catch your tears if you can’t catch me, darling?
If you can’t catch me, darling
Don’t cry, snowman, don’t leave me this way
A puddle of water can’t hold me close, baby
Can’t hold me close, baby

I want you to know that I’m never leaving
‘Cause I’m Mrs. Snow, ’til death we’ll be freezing
Yeah, you are my home, my home for all seasons
So come on, let’s go

Let’s go below zero and hide from the sun
I love you forever where we’ll have some fun
Yes, let’s hit the North Pole and live happily
Please, don’t cry no tears now, it’s Christmas, baby

My snowman and me
My snowman and me


Sia’s “Snowman” masterfully weaves the snowman metaphor into a tapestry of deep emotional resonance:

Impermanence and Transience

The lyrics “Don’t cry, snowman, don’t leave me this way / A puddle of water can’t hold me close, baby” poignantly capture the snowman’s fleeting existence, emblematic of life’s transient yet beautiful moments.

Vulnerability and Emotional Support

“Who’ll catch your tears if you can’t catch me, darling?” highlights mutual vulnerability and the essential nature of emotional support in relationships.

Enduring Love Amid Change

Phrases like “Yeah, you are my home, my home for all seasons” and “I’m Mrs. Snow, ’til death we’ll be freezing” defy the snowman’s temporary form, celebrating an enduring love that withstands all seasons of life.

Fragility and the Need for Care

“Don’t cry, snowman” is a tender reminder of the care that relationships require, much like the fragile structure of a snowman.

Seizing the Moment

“Let’s go below zero and hide from the sun” is a spirited call to embrace and cherish the present, just as one would revel in a snowman’s transient beauty.

Sia – Snowman [Official Video]

Contrarian Views

  • Oversimplification of complex emotions
  • Perceived sentimentality over substance
  • Emphasis on transience rather than growth or renewal

Other Songs with Snowman Metaphor

While Sia’s “Snowman” stands out for its unique use of the snowman as a deep emotional metaphor, most other references to snowmen in music tend to be seasonal, tied to the winter or Christmas period. In these instances, the snowman is typically used more as a symbol of the season’s festivities and cheer, rather than as a metaphor carrying a more profound or abstract meaning.

Midjourney Prompt with input from ChatGPT

Create an image of a whimsical male snowman symbolizing transient beauty and enduring love, set against a serene winter background. The snowman has a gentle, glowing aura and is holding a heart-shaped object. He’s adorned in a classic top hat and a cozy scarf. The scene is set during twilight with soft pink and purple hues in the sky, and the surrounding landscape is peacefully blanketed in snow, with delicate snowflakes falling around. The snowman’s features are tender and welcoming, embodying the loving spirit of the song’s lyrics. –ar 16:9