Roles and Resourcefulness: Tailored Approaches to Team Leadership for Any Role! 🗣

Welcome back to our series, where we delve into pivotal statements that have not just crossed my path but have helped pave it. In the last entry, we explored the importance of timely action and reimagining aspirations. This time, I’m honing in on professional evolution—how innovative advice has sculpted my approach to the roles I play and the orchestration of my teams. Here’s to the wisdom that reshaped my leadership and may just inspire a redefinition of your own role.

1. Teams and Reconfiguration: Mastering Team Dynamics for Leadership Role Fulfillment

Context: Early Career Ambitions and Leadership Roles

In the budding stage of my career, I found myself grappling with my role’s direction. Amidst rising leadership responsibilities, I feared my position was veering too much towards administration rather than the coveted technical architect role I desired. Seeking clarity, I turned to my boss—a mentor known for his sharp business insight and clear vision.

Advice: Embrace the Multifaceted Leader Within

My mentor’s advice, although not a direct solution to my restlessness, sparked a realization. He said, “Your versatility over these three years suggests that you’ll seamlessly juggle various hats—program management, technology, business, and product management. Maintain the leader’s role, the one the organization values at its core.” It wasn’t about choosing one path but embracing them all, with leadership as the anchor.

You will anyway play multiple roles, so continue to keep the leader hat anyways

Impact: Restructuring for Role Satisfaction

His words catalyzed a change in my approach. I redistributed my team’s duties, empowering project managers with operational tasks they were keen to undertake and instilling in them a trust that negated my need for detailed oversight. This restructuring carved out the time I needed to delve into technology and solutions, a departure from how my peers managed their responsibilities. It was a strategic shift, enabling me to fulfill my technical aspirations while retaining my leadership mantle.

2. Roles and Adaptability: Embracing Multifaceted Challenges in Leadership

Context: A Halt in Go-Live Sparks a Role Reevaluation

In the early stages of my career, while leading a complex program, a significant technical issue threatened the project’s go-live, casting a shadow of doubt and worry. Despite having a senior architect already stretched thin over the problem, I couldn’t stand idly by. I rolled up my sleeves, delving into the technical depths alongside the team, determined to contribute to a solution.

Advice: Questioned Roles Lead to Refined Focus

In the midst of crisis, amid tension and concern, a boss’s sharp critique—questioning whether I was acting as a module lead or a program manager—ignited a fire in me. It was less of advice and more of a challenge. His words, intended to remind me of my primary role in communication and coordination, instead galvanized me to prove my multifaceted value. Equipped with insights from a previous mentor, I was already evolving beyond traditional role boundaries without neglecting my responsibilities.

Are you a module leader or a program manager?

Impact: A Strategic Balancing Act Unveils Solutions

The critique turned into a catalyst. While ensuring the flow of communication remained uninterrupted, I plunged into the technical fray. Our combined efforts paid off, and within days we unearthed the elusive solution, with me playing a not insignificant part. This experience cemented my belief in the ‘horses for courses’ approach—adapting roles to the situation while ingeniously upholding the core responsibilities of the original role.


In this series on adaptable leadership, we’ve touched on the importance of flexibility and service in our roles. Stay tuned for more as we continue to delve into the art of leading innovatively and empathetically.

Contrarian Views

Exploring Different Perspectives: While adaptability and servant leadership are widely advocated for their inclusive and dynamic approach, it’s essential to recognize that dissenting opinions exist, offering a more nuanced understanding of leadership efficacy.

  1. Decisive Leadership Preference: Critics suggest that adaptable leadership might falter in crisis situations where swift, top-down decisions are required.
  2. Leadership Overextension: There’s a concern that adaptability can lead to leaders losing focus and direction due to trying to juggle too many roles.
  3. Inconsistency Risk: Constantly changing leadership styles can cause confusion and a lack of clear strategy within a team.
  4. Competitive Disadvantage: Some argue servant leadership may not foster the competitive edge needed in certain aggressive industries.
  5. Role Ambiguity: Highly flexible roles can lead to unclear hierarchies and decision-making processes.
  6. Neglected Performance: Overemphasis on serving the team could result in overlooking business performance and innovation.
  7. Cultural Clash: Adaptable and servant leadership styles may not align with every organizational culture, potentially causing internal conflicts.

Flat-Titles and Tremors: When Leaders Get a Shake-Up! 🤣


In today’s corporate hustle, there’s a trendy push towards flat hierarchies and trimming down those fancy titles to something more… functional. Dive into this cheeky comic strip where we navigate the quirks of these simplified roles. Ever wondered where the ‘Boss’ stands in this streamlined setup? Grab your popcorn, it’s about to get entertaining! 😄

The Comic


Chirpii, the enthusiastic HR, is buzzing with excitement today. She’s about to unveil an innovative model on job titles to Wigss, the ever-curious boss.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Chirpii – The HR Songbird of Mentorship & Discipline!
Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Chirpii – Excitedly: “Boss, gurus told – ‘change every 3 years!’ So, I have a new proposal for a flat hierarchy.”

Wigss – Intrigued: “Me? I’m the leader?”
Chirpii – Clarifying: “Only 2 roles – Manager and Contributor. Leader is not a role; any role can be a leader.”

Wigss – Thinking out loud: “Aaah, I have a fix. I can be either of the two based on the situation.”

Diggz – Sarcastically: “NO, you are neither of the two, you are just a Boss.”
(Neither a Manager nor a Contributor, Hence not even a Leader too!)

Contrarian Views

Offering a contrarian perspective can help create a balanced viewpoint. Here are some contrarian views against the joke depicted in the cartoon:

  1. Value of Leadership: A significant aspect of leadership is not always about having a defined role but rather guiding and supporting the team towards achieving its goals. Just because someone is titled as “Boss” doesn’t mean they don’t provide value or contribute to the team’s success.
  2. Importance of Titles: While flat hierarchies and simplified roles are touted as modern and efficient, there’s a reason why traditional roles and titles have existed. They provide clarity, set expectations, and can offer a pathway for career progression.
  3. Misunderstanding of Flat Hierarchies: The joke may lead some to believe that flat hierarchies are about having fewer roles or not recognizing leadership. However, flat hierarchies are more about decentralizing decision-making and giving more responsibility and autonomy to team members, rather than eliminating leadership.
  4. Danger of Stereotyping: Making a broad generalization that “bosses are useless” can perpetuate a negative stereotype. There are countless organizations where leadership plays a pivotal role in guiding, mentoring, and leading teams to success.
  5. Subjectivity of Leadership: Leadership might not always fit into a defined role or title. Different people have varied definitions and understandings of what leadership means, and equating it strictly to a title can be misleading.
  6. Possible Misinterpretation: Some viewers might not find humor in the joke and instead perceive it as an inaccurate representation of workplace dynamics, potentially leading to misunderstandings or negative perceptions about the roles mentioned.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Design a cartoon-style image: In the center, place a character representing the boss. He appears utterly lost, confused, and angry, with his eyebrows furrowed and steam seemingly coming out of his ears. To his left, show a manager character who is proudly standing with a confident posture, smirking smugly. To his right, depict a contributor character who is looking content and relaxed, also sporting a smug smile. The background can be kept neutral or an office setting.” –ar 16:9 – Image #1 @sridvana

Control and Loyalty: Mastering the Business Balance by Limiting Employee Choices. 🤣


Ready to dive into another episode from our “Cirque du Biz” series? You know, the funny, satirical peep into the business world! Today, we’re scratching beneath the surface of control, choice, and that quirky thing called loyalty. Have you ever wondered why some folks in the business world seem to thrive in a controlled environment, marching to the same drumbeat day after day? Well, let’s join our favorite characters and get a chuckle-worthy insight into this phenomenon! Remember, it’s all in good fun, with a pinch of truth sprinkled in!

The Comic


Diggz has always been baffled by Waggz’s unwavering loyalty to Wigss. Determined to uncover the secret, he finally musters the courage to ask the boss directly.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Wigss – The Bald but Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!
– The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Diggz: Boss, have a serious one-on-one question no pun intended, why doesn’t Waggz improve?

Wigss: What do you mean?
Diggz: I mean what I mean, ok, again, why does he just follow your orders? Why is he so loyal?

Wigss: Yeah, you need to keep it like a Prison, good one though, where he has less but simple choices and after a certain period, fears the thought of going out and having to choose..

Diggz: Got it, now I understand, your boss must be keeping it the same for you I guess!

Contrarian Views

A comic or joke, like any form of media, can be perceived in many ways based on one’s perspective, background, or personal experiences. Here are some contrarian views against the theme of the joke:

  1. Misinterpretation of Loyalty: Some might argue that the joke simplifies or even misrepresents the nature of loyalty in a business context. True loyalty, they’d say, comes from mutual respect, shared goals, and a positive work environment, not from manipulation or limiting choices.
  2. Promotion of Toxic Work Environments: The joke could be seen as making light of or even endorsing controlling behavior in workplaces. Critics might argue that this kind of humor perpetuates acceptance of unhealthy work dynamics.
  3. Oversimplification: The corporate world is vast and varied. The joke might be seen as reducing the complex motivations and reasons behind employee loyalty to a simple matter of control, which doesn’t do justice to the myriad of reasons someone might stay loyal to their job or company.
  4. Potential to Offend: Some readers might have personal experiences with overly controlling workplaces or toxic bosses. For them, the joke might not feel humorous but rather a painful reminder of real challenges they’ve faced.
  5. Misunderstanding of Control: A contrarian view might suggest that what the joke portrays as “control” might, in some contexts, be necessary guidance, mentorship, or structure that helps employees succeed.

These views don’t necessarily negate the humor or intent behind the comic, but they offer different perspectives that can enrich the discussion around it.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

A cartoonish depiction set in a fusion of a corporate office and prison environment. On one side, there’s a boss character behind a sleek desk with subtle elements of prison bars. On the other side, an employee is working diligently at a workstation, but with one foot chained to the desk, symbolizing limited freedom. The ambiance should blend the professionalism of a corporate office with the restrictive nature of a prison. –ar 16:9