Proactiveness and Demands: Treading the Fine Line – With Whom and Where? 🤣


In the ever-evolving corporate jungle, buzzwords like “proactivity” get thrown around more often than coffee spills on a Monday morning. But what happens when an employee takes that advice a tad too close to heart… and maybe in the wrong direction? Dive into this comic to see how Diggz gives a whole new meaning to being “proactive” at the workplace! 😉

The Comic


Wigss believes that pushing employees to step up for customers might just be the game-changer. So, he’s rolling out a fresh tactic.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Wigss – Advising: Hey Diggz, why don’t you use your smartness and be a bit pro-active?

Diggz – Questioning: What do you mean by Pro-active?
Wigss – Clarifying: Not like those digs at the end where you respond to a situation after it has happened.

Diggz – Trying: Ok, let me try. Can you increase my salary out of turn pl.

Wigss – Correcting: I actually meant – be proactive with the customers not with me!

Contrarian Views

While workplace humor can bring smiles, some may find it offensive or overly exaggerated. Here are a few contrarian perspectives on the comic’s portrayal of “proactivity”.

  1. Buzzword Misuse: Critics argue the comic makes light of corporate buzzwords, perpetuating the idea of employee misunderstandings.
  2. Trivializing Advice: Some see the comic as trivializing vital workplace advice, reducing it to a punchline.
  3. Self-Interest Focus: Viewers may feel it exaggerates employees’ self-centeredness, portraying them as solely driven by personal gain.
  4. Insensitive Humor: Using salary discussions as humor might be viewed as insensitive, as they’re often serious matters.
  5. Boss-Employee Dynamic: The comic’s portrayal of the boss-employee dynamic could reinforce stereotypes about management-employee disconnect.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a cartoonish workplace scene where Wigss, the boss, looks puzzled and angry as he advises Diggz to be proactive about customer service. Diggz, with a cheeky and winking expression, responds by asking for a salary raise prematurely. The image should humorously emphasize the pay rise request and the contrasting expressions of the characters. –ar 16:9

Digital and Self: A Pun at Transformation for Others or for Themselves! 🤣


In the world of cutting-edge technology and Digital Transformation projects, it’s not uncommon to encounter a digital disconnect. While a company may be on the path to digital innovation, individual team members might have varying levels of digital literacy. This comic, written a few years ago, still resonates today, highlighting the timeless humor in the clash between ambition and digital dilemmas. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and chuckle at the age-old digital confusion in the workplace.

The Comic


Wigss is feeling ambitious yet restless, eager to shake things up. He’s about to gather his team and instigate some action.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Wigss – Restless: “Need to transform something. Give me ideas.”
Waggz – Enthusiastic: “Let us do digital transformation, that is the in thing now”

Wigss – Eager: “Good idea, let us start”
Waggz – Wagging: “Ok Boss”

Diggz – Amused: “You guys do not have a clue on what is digital. Ok, take a selfie and share it with me over chat.”

Wigss – Confident: “I know what Selfie is and how to share. Let us see, if you know Selfie. Come on, take my selfie with my mobile. I will then download and email you from my comp”.

Contrarian Views

This comic humorously tackles the contrasting digital abilities within a workplace, but it’s crucial to acknowledge that there will be other perspectives – a few as listed below:

  1. Promoting Inclusivity: Fostering an inclusive workplace where individuals of varying tech skills collaborate without ridicule is seen as more productive.
  2. Respecting Experience: Legacy members often bring valuable experience, and mocking their tech proficiency can diminish their contributions.
  3. Encouraging Learning: Some suggest providing digital literacy training instead of mockery to support employees’ growth.
  4. Maintaining Professionalism: Critics argue that humor, even well-intentioned, can sometimes be unprofessional in a corporate setting.
  5. Considering Individual Journeys: Recognizing that everyone’s tech journey is unique and that patience can be more effective than ridicule.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a cartoonish image featuring the boss (Wigss) trying to take a selfie with great effort and enthusiasm, while his team members (Waggz and Diggz) in the background are seen laughing at his attempts. The scene should emphasize the humorous aspect of the boss’s limited digital knowledge and his eagerness to engage with technology –ar 16:9

Blogs and Hits: When Honesty and Pep Talks Backfire! 🤣


Ah, the world of internal corporate blogs! Where employees often feel the liberty to pour their heart out, masked under the safety net of a closed network. But there’s always that one eager beaver who takes the boss’s “inspiring” pep talk a tad too literally. Brace yourself, for hilarity often ensues when boundaries blur!

The Comic


It’s a bustling day at the office. Wigss, aiming to inspire expression among his team, gathers everyone for a quick pep talk.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Wigss – Instructing: You must write blogs, if not external, at least on the internal portal. Waggz – take it as a challenge; need you to publish at least 5 blogs by the end of the week.
Waggz – Agreeing: Ok Boss.

Wigss – Emphasizing: Be frank, be provocative… whatever, but I need to see lots of hits…

Waggz – Publishes multiple blogs. Why COEs suck? Why my peer is useless? Why our CTO is a non-techie?…

Waggz – Gets Hit.
Diggz – Sarcastic: Yesss Boss, Waggz wags to anything you utter, as you can see, he got lots of hits too with his blogs!

Contrarian Views

Being aware of different perspectives ensures humor remains inclusive and respectful. Here are some contrarian perspectives:

  1. Internal Blogs’ Importance: Some believe internal blogs are vital platforms for sharing knowledge and expertise. Joking about their misuse could belittle their significance.
  2. Question of Professionalism: The comic highlights provocative writing about peers, which could be seen as unprofessional, potentially promoting a negative work culture.
  3. Boss-Employee Dynamics: The depiction of a subservient employee might not resonate well with advocates of egalitarian work cultures.
  4. Violence Connotations: Hinting at physical retaliation (with a baseball bat) can be viewed as distasteful, even in jest.
  5. Misinterpreting “Hits”: The wordplay might be seen as trivializing the genuine effort behind content creation and engagement.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a cartoonish illustration of an office scene. In the foreground, show a character named Waggz sitting at a computer, typing furiously, with multiple blog titles like ‘Why COEs suck?’ and ‘Why our CTO is a non-techie?’ visible on his screen. In the background, show a few colleagues peering over cubicles, whispering to each other and looking both shocked and amused. Also depict a character named Diggz holding a baseball bat, with a cheeky grin, looking at Waggz from a distance. Ensure the setting gives off a humorous and light-hearted vibe. –ar 16:9

Tracing and Comprehension: Learning Concepts through Systems Interactions and Business Process Workflows 🧩

Welcome back! In our previous exploration, we delved into the rich terrain of learning through listening and documenting. Today, we’re setting our sights on the silent choreography that powers our daily interactions—from the digital pathways triggered by a URL to the logistics dance behind a food delivery, to the complex journey of medicine through our system.

In this post, we’ll highlight two key methods that illuminate these processes: tracing systems and interactions, and understanding business process workflows. Both approaches offer unique lenses to not just observe, but truly comprehend the mechanics of complex systems. We’ll shed light on these methods and their utility in deciphering the tapestry of events that form the backbone of our experiences. Let’s embark on this enlightening journey together.

In Brief

  1. The Power of Tracing Systems and Interactions Understanding complex systems and processes requires the ability to trace and map interactions from start to finish. By doing so, we gain insights into the flow of actions, system health, user experience, and opportunities for improvement.
  2. Leveraging Business Process Workflows The precision of BPMN and BPEL facilitates the systematic documentation, refinement, and automation of business processes. This drives efficiency by managing events, tasks, decision points, and data flows, while addressing errors and deviations through structured workflows.
  3. Applying Transdisciplinary Intelligence Combining insights from various disciplines enhances our approach to systems and processes. This leads to innovation, creative problem-solving, and the strategic application of diverse knowledge, embodying the core of transdisciplinary intelligence.
  4. Alternative Comprehension Frameworks Utilizing frameworks such as Systems Dynamics, Lean Methodology, Six Sigma, and the Business Model Canvas provides additional perspectives for understanding and improving business processes and systems.
  5. Tips in Decoding Systems and Processes Mastery Mastering systems and processes involves starting with the big picture, iterating, using visual aids, learning from experts, grounding theories in real-world scenarios, remaining adaptable, and maintaining a focus on the end value.
  6. Contrarian Perspectives Despite the benefits of multifaceted learning approaches, critics argue that complexity could overwhelm, theories might not always translate into practice, access to diverse knowledge could be limited, methods may demand excessive resources, and their applicability could be too niche.

1. The Power of Tracing Systems and Interactions

In a world where processes and systems are increasingly interlinked, the ability to trace the flow of actions and interactions stands out as an essential skill. Tracing systems and interactions involves following the journey of a process or an event through various touchpoints and systems. This method is about connecting the dots, mapping out the path from start to finish, and understanding the contribution of each component within the larger ecosystem. By employing this method, we can visualize the network of interactions, anticipate the outcomes of changes, and identify potential improvements. It’s a way to make the invisible threads that connect our digital and physical worlds visible, tangible, and comprehensible.

Indicative Steps in Tracing Systems and Interactions:

  1. Identify Entry Points: Start by defining where the process begins, such as entering a URL.
  2. Recognize User Actions: Note the user’s actions that trigger system interactions.
  3. Map Out System Connections: Outline how each system is linked to another.
  4. Understand Communication Protocols: Examine how systems communicate and translate information.
  5. Monitor Responses and Outputs: Track what each system does in response to received inputs.
  6. Evaluate Non-Responsive Systems: Consider the role of passive systems in the chain.
  7. Analyze Data Flows: Observe the flow of data between systems.
  8. Assess Control Mechanisms: Identify what controls the flow of processes (like routers).
  9. Check for Feedback Loops: Look for systems that provide feedback and how it’s used.
  10. Inspect Error Handling: Understand how errors are managed and mitigated.
  11. Consider Security Measures: Evaluate how systems protect data and maintain integrity.
  12. Understand Scaling Dynamics: See how systems handle increased loads or scale down.
  13. Note Timing and Synchronicity: Observe timing and synchronization between systems.
  14. Observe Dependency Handling: Identify dependencies and how they’re managed.
  15. Document System State Changes: Record how system states change throughout the process.
  16. Evaluate End Points: Determine where the process ends and what constitutes completion.
  17. Review System Health and Performance: Look at the performance and health of each system involved.
  18. Reflect on User Experience: Consider the user experience throughout the process and how each step impacts it.
  19. Assess System Locations: Examine the physical or virtual locations of the systems and how that affects interactions.
  20. Integrate Environmental Factors: Account for external elements like regulations, market conditions, or physical environment that could influence system interactions.

2. Leveraging Business Process Workflows

At the heart of any organized effort, from intricate corporate operations to streamlined start-up ventures, lies the business process. It’s the blueprint that guides the systematic completion of activities towards achieving a specific goal. Through the precision of Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and the functionality of Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), we can document, refine, and automate these processes, turning the gears of productivity with greater efficiency and clarity.

Key Aspects of Leveraging Business Process Workflows:

  1. Events Handling: Tracking the initiation, intermediaries, and conclusions within a process flow, which BPEL ties to message exchanges and system responses.
  2. Activities Management: Detailing the tasks and subprocesses in BPMN, which translates to invoke, receive, and reply actions in BPEL’s structured activities.
  3. Gateways Decisioning: Directing the process path through BPMN’s decision points and BPEL’s conditional logic for operational dynamism.
  4. Sequence Flow Charting: Mapping the order of operations with BPMN arrows and BPEL sequences, ensuring a coherent activity progression.
  5. Message Flow Organizing: Coordinating communication between participants via BPMN’s message flow diagrams and BPEL’s message-based interactions.
  6. Artifacts Utilizing: Enhancing process comprehension with BPMN’s supplemental information, analogous to BPEL’s annotated documentation.
  7. Participants Incorporating: Including entities such as people and systems, represented in BPMN pools and indirectly in BPEL partner link roles.
  8. Choreography Coordinating: Showcasing participant interactions in BPMN diagrams against BPEL’s orchestrated message exchanges.
  9. Collaboration Plotting: Displaying business entity interplays in BPMN, while BPEL achieves collaboration through web service activities coordination.
  10. Exceptions Handling: Managing BPMN boundary events and BPEL fault handlers to address process deviations and errors.
  11. Transactions Grouping: Grouping BPMN activities into atomic transactions contrasted with BPEL’s transactional scopes and compensation mechanisms.
  12. Compensation Designing: Triggering corrective workflows with BPMN compensation events or invoking BPEL compensation handlers for transactional integrity.
  13. Ad-hoc Subprocessing: Allowing non-sequential activity completion in BPMN, replicated in BPEL through custom coding for flexibility.
  14. Data Objects Managing: Handling data usage and output in BPMN visualizations and through BPEL variables and message assignments.
  15. Data Mapping: Assigning and transforming data between BPEL activities, leveraging services or XSLT for seamless data flow.
  16. Looping and Iteration: Implementing repeatable BPMN and BPEL activity sequences based on specific conditions or set iterations.
  17. Concurrency and Parallelism: Representing simultaneous process paths with BPMN’s parallel gateways and managing concurrent BPEL activities with the flow construct.
  18. Execution Semantics Defining: Outlining BPMN’s process choreography against BPEL’s detailed service orchestration for executable process clarity.

Applying Transdisciplinary Intelligence

In the spirit of Transdisciplinary Intelligence, we explore how the interplay of Systems Interactions and Business Process Workflows can be enriched through cross-domain insights. By synthesizing concepts and perspectives from varied disciplines, we elevate our understanding of intricate systems and sophisticated processes to a level of deep innovation and complex problem-solving. The interweaving of fundamentals and patterns, along with the dynamic interpretation of context and quantification, represents the essence of this approach, crafting a comprehensive and adaptable learning paradigm.

Key Advantages

  • Conceptual and Perspective Depth: Understanding concepts (encompassing fundamentals and patterns) and perspectives (context and quantification) allows for a richer, more nuanced application of knowledge across disciplines.
  • Innovation through Diversity: Merging insights from different fields fosters unique problem-solving approaches in systems and processes.
  • Creativity Boost: Leveraging diverse domain expertise can unlock inventive solutions.
  • Mosaic Solution Crafting: Complex problems often demand an amalgam of perspectives; Transdisciplinary Intelligence facilitates this integration.
  • New Methodologies: The convergence of distinct knowledge streams can give rise to new, streamlined tools and workflows.
  • Agile Strategic Thinking: The capacity to repurpose fundamental concepts in novel ways is essential in a dynamic global landscape.

Alternative Comprehension Frameworks

As we navigate through the multifaceted landscapes of knowledge, alternative frameworks can offer us diverse vantage points. These paradigms, including the versatile Business Model Canvas, help us decode the complexities of various domains and disciplines, complementing our core methods of system tracing and business process workflows.

  • Systems Dynamics: Maps complex system behaviors over time.
  • Lean Methodology: Prioritizes value creation with minimal waste.
  • Six Sigma: Focuses on quality enhancement through statistical means.
  • Theory of Constraints: Targets and optimizes primary process bottlenecks.
  • Cynefin Framework: Assists in categorizing problems for tailored approaches.
  • Value Chain Analysis: Dissects activities for delivering market value.
  • Balanced Scorecard: Aligns activities with organizational vision and strategy.
  • Service-Dominant Logic: Emphasizes value co-creation in service interactions.
  • Business Model Canvas: Outlines and refines business models visually.

Tips in Decoding Systems and Processes Mastery

Embarking on the journey of mastering systems interactions and business process workflows can be a complex endeavor. Here’s a concise guide to navigating this landscape effectively:

  • Start Simple: Begin with an overarching view before delving into complexities.
  • Iterate and Adapt: Continually evolve your understanding through experience.
  • Visual Tools: Employ diagrams to distill and communicate complex ideas.
  • Learn from Experts: Draw on the knowledge of those with practical expertise.
  • Case Study Application: Apply theoretical concepts to actual business scenarios.
  • Adaptive Learning: Be prepared to shift your methods as new information arises.
  • Focus on Value: Always prioritize the underlying goals of the system or process.

Contrarian Perspectives

While the outlined learning methodologies promise a rich understanding of systems and processes, contrarian views suggest a need for caution. Critics may point out potential challenges and limitations:

  • Complexity Overwhelm: Skeptics warn that intense system tracing and workflow analysis can confuse learners with too much detail.
  • Theory vs. Practice Gap: Critics question the real-world effectiveness of these methodologies amid dynamic business practices.
  • Access to Transdisciplinary Methods: The broad knowledge required for Transdisciplinary Intelligence may not be feasible for all.
  • High Resource Demand: These methods are seen as time and effort intensive, potentially offering limited additional benefits.
  • Niche Application: Some argue these approaches may only be relevant in specific contexts, not as universal learning tools.

Stars and Spreads: Balancing the A-Team Conundrum, for Good or Bad? 🤣


You know that feeling when you get a brand-new set of colored pencils? You’re torn between using all the bright, vibrant colors in one epic drawing or spreading them out to make multiple drawings. Now, imagine those pencils are your A-team players. Let’s doodle into this comic to see a leader’s colorful conundrum in team allocation. Ready, set, sketch! ✏️🎨😊

The Comic


Chirpii, the enthusiastic HR, can barely contain her excitement as she gears up to announce a spectacular recruitment win to the team.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Chirpii – The HR Songbird of Mentorship & Discipline!
Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Chirpii – Excitedly: “Boss, I just got an ‘A’ team of 10 engineers to join us!”
Wigss – Intrigued: “Wow, that’s cool!”

Waggz – Eagerly: “Super, I have this complex project that needs an A team of all 10.”

Wigss – Thoughtfully: “Come on, be a bit useful and innovative. Let’s put them in 10 different projects, so we will have 1 A and 9 B team members in all 10 projects.”

Diggz – Sarcastically: “Yup, let’s make every project a mediocre one!”

Contrarian Views

While humor often exaggerates situations for comedic effect, it’s always good to be aware of various perspectives to ensure sensitivity and inclusivity.

  1. Over-simplification of Resource Allocation: Some might argue that the joke oversimplifies the challenges of resource allocation in real-world project management. Distributing skilled members across multiple projects can be a complex decision based on numerous factors, not just their skill level.
  2. Misrepresentation of “A-Team” Concept: The concept of an “A-Team” usually refers to a group of top-performing individuals. Breaking up such a team and distributing them across multiple projects might dilute their potential impact. The joke might be seen as undermining the power of collective expertise.
  3. Perpetuates Negative Stereotypes of Management: The cartoon may perpetuate the stereotype that management often makes short-sighted or ill-informed decisions, which might not sit well with those in leadership roles.
  4. Doesn’t Account for Team Dynamics: Having an “A” player in a team doesn’t necessarily guarantee project success. Team dynamics, collaboration, and how well team members work together are equally crucial. The joke might inadvertently downplay these aspects.
  5. Potential to Offend: Those who have been part of a so-called “B team” might feel that the joke diminishes their contributions or implies that they are inherently less valuable than “A team” members.
  6. Assumption of Homogenous Skill Levels: The joke assumes that all members of the “A-Team” have uniform skills and contributions, which might not reflect the nuanced skill sets and strengths that each individual might bring to a project.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a cartoonish image set in a modern corporate office. In the foreground, show Chirpii, a HR representative, holding a paper that reads ‘A-Team Engineers’. Surrounding her are ten engineers, each with a bright star or an ‘A+’ on their shirts, showcasing their top-tier skills. The engineers look confident and ready for action, while Chirpii beams with pride. In the background, there should be office desks with computers and office plants, giving the environment a lively and professional touch. –ar 16:9

Insight and Transfer: Transdisciplinary Intelligence – Applying Cross-Domain Insights for Deeper and Innovative Problem Solving 🧩

We’ve previously woven through the intricate concepts of Crystallized and Fluid Intelligence, and taken a deep dive into the potent essence of Distilled Intelligence. Today, we’re branching out into an exhilarating new expanse: Transdisciplinary Intelligence. Transdisciplinary, a word often used to describe an approach that transcends traditional boundaries of disciplines by integrating various perspectives, sets the foundation for our discourse. Building on this, we introduce “Transdisciplinary Intelligence” as a natural extension of Distilled Intelligence — not merely mastering knowledge within one domain but creatively applying its principles across diverse realms to foster innovation and solve complex problems.

A Framework To Encapsulate Transdisciplinary Intelligence

In the context of Transdisciplinary Intelligence, “Concepts” and “Perspectives” take on a strategic role. They are not only internal to a single domain but also serve as bridges to connect and enhance understanding across various fields. Here’s how they are refined through the lens of Transdisciplinary Intelligence:


Concepts in Transdisciplinary Intelligence are not just abstract ideas; they are the essence of a domain’s knowledge that is distilled and ready for cross-application.

  • Fundamentals: These are more than just core concepts; they are translatable principles that underpin multiple domains. In Transdisciplinary Intelligence, fundamentals must be adaptable, forming a common language or toolkit that can unlock new insights in diverse areas of study or practice.
  • Patterns: Recognized as transcendent themes, patterns in Transdisciplinary Intelligence are the signatures of knowledge that span boundaries. They represent universal truths or principles that, once identified, can lead to innovative solutions and creative problem-solving across disciplines.


Perspectives in Transdisciplinary Intelligence are not merely viewpoints; they are the lenses that magnify the adaptability and applicability of knowledge across different domains.

  • Context: Context becomes a dynamic narrative that shapes and is shaped by the transference of knowledge. In Transdisciplinary Intelligence, understanding the context is essential for tailoring fundamental concepts and patterns to fit the nuanced requirements of a new domain.
  • Quantification: This extends beyond mere measurement to the interpretation of data through a transdisciplinary lens. It entails understanding the metrics and methods of one field in such a way that they can inform and enrich the practices of another, leading to a data-informed, comprehensive understanding that transcends singular disciplinary boundaries.

Why Not a 2×2 Matrix Mapping Concepts and Perspectives

Perspectives / ConceptsFundamentalsPatterns
ContextContextual FundamentalsPattern Recognition in Context
• Identify core principles relevant to multiple fields• Detect recurring themes across different disciplines
• Adapt foundational knowledge to fit new scenarios• Leverage analogies to connect disparate ideas
• Translate basic concepts for diverse applications• Apply established patterns to novel contexts
QuantificationQuantitative FundamentalsQuantitative Patterns
• Employ metrics common to several domains• Use data trends to predict outcomes in new fields
• Standardize measurements for cross-discipline use• Correlate statistical models with varying disciplines
• Apply mathematical frameworks universally• Extract patterns from quantitative analysis

Transdisciplinary Intelligence in Action – Peek-View Examples

Let’s take a whimsical detour into the world of Transdisciplinary Intelligence. We’ll playfully juxtapose three pairs of seemingly unrelated fields to spark curiosity. It’s a lighthearted take, but don’t be fooled—these analogies might just ignite some profound thinking. So, let’s have a bit of fun and see where these mini explorations lead!

Narrative Arcs and Medicines: The Body’s Tale

Imagine a medicine as the protagonist in a body’s story, facing off against disease villains. Like any hero, it navigates a complex inner world, battling side effects and seeking allies like other therapies. The body’s unique landscape of genetics and lifestyle can be friend or foe in this epic for health. Along this journey, the medicine also encounters disease pathways, like plot twists, each offering new challenges and opportunities to outsmart the villainous ailments.

Building Complexes and Multi-Tenant Software: Shared Foundations, Unique Spaces

Multi-tenant software is like an apartment complex: it’s one structure offering both shared resources and private spaces. Developers and architects alike must balance communal benefits with individual needs. In both cases, careful planning ensures that whether it’s data or people, the flow remains uninterrupted, and the system — digital or concrete — remains robust and adaptable for the future’s demands.

Financial Transactions and Cybersecurity: Predictive Defense Strategies

In the realms of finance and cybersecurity, the common thread is the predictive defense against threats. Both manage risk and protect assets through forecasting and preemptive measures. In finance, this means identifying and stopping fraudulent activity before it impacts the bottom line. In cybersecurity, it’s about detecting and neutralizing threats before they compromise data. Both rely on constant vigilance and the ability to quickly adapt to ever-evolving threat landscapes, using advanced algorithms to predict and counteract unauthorized actions efficiently.

Strategies To Develop Transdisciplinary Intelligence

Applying Transdisciplinary Intelligence effectively requires not just a shift in knowledge application but also a change in mindset. Here are some strategies that can facilitate this innovative approach:

  1. Embrace Cognitive Flexibility:
    • Open your mindset to a wide array of ideas and concepts.
  2. Cultivate a Diverse Knowledge Base:
    • Broaden your learning scope to encompass various fields.
  3. Strengthen Analogical Reasoning:
    • Leverage analogies to build bridges between different ideas.
  4. Promote Collaborative Networks:
    • Forge connections with experts across diverse disciplines.
  5. Develop Meta-Learning Skills:
    • Master the art of learning how to learn.
  6. Encourage Ideation and Brainstorming:
    • Regularly set aside time to meld and mesh different concepts creatively.
  7. Design Integrated Projects:
    • Undertake projects that require insights from multiple disciplines.

Contrarian Views

While Transdisciplinary Intelligence champions the blending of knowledge across domains, there are contrarian perspectives that question its feasibility and impact.

  1. Depth vs. Breadth:
    • Concerns that breadth in learning might come at the cost of depth in any one discipline.
  2. Practical Implementation:
    • Skepticism about the practical application of cross-disciplinary insights in specialized fields.
  3. Cognitive Overload:
    • Warnings that an overload of diverse information could lead to analysis paralysis.
  4. Loss of Expertise:
    • Fears that Transdisciplinary Intelligence might dilute the expertise required for advanced domain-specific challenges.
  5. Cultural Resistance:
    • Observations that institutional and professional cultures often resist cross-disciplinary approaches.
  6. Resource Intensity:
    • The belief that Transdisciplinary Intelligence requires more time and resources than traditional methods.
  7. Communication Hurdles:
    • Concerns over the difficulties in communication and terminology between different fields of study.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a split-image that illustrates the concept of ‘Transdisciplinary Intelligence.’ On the left side, visualize a vibrant, intricate network of knowledge nodes and connections that represent the intelligence within one domain–use a palette of blues and greens to symbolize its unique character. This network is actively funneling its insights into a crystal-clear pipeline that bridges over to the right side. On the right, depict a different domain with its own network in warm tones of reds and oranges, receiving the flowing distilled insights from the left through the pipeline, indicating the transfer and integration of knowledge. The distinct colors and networks on each side highlight the diversity of the domains, yet the connecting pipeline emphasizes the unity and flow of transdisciplinary insights. –ar 16:9

Science-Tech and Human-Centric: My Hopes for an AI-Shaped Future! 🗣 🧩

9 Revisions


Hello! While deep experts are out there predicting the trajectory of our AI-fueled future, I’ve been mulling over my own two cents on the matter. The acceleration of AI is reshaping our world. As these systems increasingly step into roles once held by humans, from information technology to analysis, a significant paradigm shift is underway. We’re at the threshold of a vast reallocation of resources and expertise. History reminds us that technological disruptions, while unsettling some job landscapes, also birth new industries and opportunities. In this grand reshuffle, I’m particularly hopeful about two domains: the expansive realm of Science-Tech and the ever-essential sphere of Human-centric endeavors. If these sectors grow and evolve as I envision, it’s a future I’m eager to embrace.

And where do I fit into all this? After years in IT, I’ve ventured into Biopharma (Science-Tech), and alongside, the beats of music, drumming, and jamming with folks (Human-Centric) are echoing louder in my journey. Let’s embark on this exploration together.

The Two Future Streams

1. Science-Tech Frontiers: Bridging Today and Tomorrow

The realms of science and technology are continually evolving, ushering in transformative changes. With each innovation, we open doors to infinite possibilities and potential solutions to our most pressing challenges. Below are the pivotal areas that stand at the forefront of this evolution:

  • Human Augmentation: Harnessing technology to enhance human capabilities.
  • Interdisciplinary Research: Fusing diverse disciplines for groundbreaking solutions.
  • Exploration & Adventure: Pushing the boundaries, both on Earth and beyond.
  • Ecology & Sustainability: Crafting a greener, more sustainable future.
  • Materials Science: Innovating for industries with efficient materials.
  • Biopharma & Health: Revolutionizing healthcare through drug discovery and personalized treatments.
  • Automation & Robotics: Advancing industries and daily life through automated processes and intelligent machines.
  • Quantum Computing: Delving into the next frontier of computational prowess and possibilities.
  • Digital & Virtual Realities: Enhancing experiences and training through immersive simulations.

2. Human-Centric Endeavors: Rediscovering Our Essence

In the midst of technological advancements, there remains a timeless yearning for genuine human connections and experiences. The ways in which we, as humans, express, create, and connect form the essence of our existence. These facets underline our intrinsic need for the human touch:

  • Emotional & Mental Well-being: Prioritizing our mental health in an AI-driven world.
  • Education & Lifelong Learning: Evolving in sync with the times, constantly adapting and growing.
  • Community & Social Work: Building bridges, fostering ties, and addressing societal inequalities.
  • Personal Development: Seeking growth, mentorship, and coaching for a fulfilled life.
  • Arts & Performances: Valuing live art, theater, and music for their raw, unfiltered essence.
  • Ethics, Philosophy & Content: Navigating the moral compass in a rapidly changing landscape.
  • Cultural Preservation & Exploration: Safeguarding traditions while exploring new cultural horizons.
  • Mindfulness & Spirituality: Finding solace and meaning in a digital age.
  • Global Collaboration: Uniting across borders to address global challenges and share experiences.

Contrarian Views

While this optimistic viewpoint emphasizes the opportunities that could arise from an AI-fueled future, there are contrarian views which emphasize potential challenges and concerns:

  1. Technological Dependency: Some believe that over-reliance on AI and technology can make society vulnerable to cyber-attacks, system failures, and data breaches.
  2. Economic Displacement: While you mentioned job displacement leading to redirection towards other fields, critics argue that the transition might not be smooth. There could be significant economic disparities and hardships before any stabilization occurs.
  3. Loss of Human Skills: Over-reliance on AI could lead to humans losing essential skills. If machines handle everything, from driving to analyzing data, humans might gradually lose these abilities due to lack of practice.
  4. Societal Divide: With the rapid pace of tech evolution, there’s a fear that a divide will emerge between those who can adapt and those who can’t, leading to further societal inequities.
  5. Ethical Concerns: AI systems, if not properly regulated, could lead to surveillance states, privacy invasions, and potential misuse in various sectors, from military applications to manipulating public opinion.
  6. Human Centricity Could Decline: Some argue that even with the rise of human-centric jobs, the value of human connection could diminish if more of our interactions and experiences become mediated by technology.
  7. Existential Risks: There’s a school of thought, championed by figures like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking, that unchecked AI development could pose risks to humanity’s long-term survival.
  8. Cultural Homogenization: If AI systems, designed by a select few, begin to dictate or heavily influence art, music, and other human-centric activities, it could lead to a homogenization of culture, sidelining diverse and unique expressions.

The vision for the future as depicted in this post represents a balanced and optimistic redirection of resources and focus. However, like all predictions about the future, it’s essential to be aware of potential challenges and prepare to address them proactively.

Comics and Corporates: Unveiling the Business Circus! 🤣


Remember those cheeky business comics I’ve been sharing? Well, they needed a name. And how better to name them than with… another comic? 🎪

Meet Cirque du Biz – our Circus of Business! Inspired by the drama of Cirque du Soleil and the wit of Dilbert, we’re serving up a satirical spotlight on the corporate world. Dive into today’s comic and see how we landed on that zany title. Welcome to the show! 😄

The Comic for the Comic Series


In the heart of the IT jungle, the boss, donning his flamboyant Tuesday wig, rallied his team. “Folks, we’re more than code! Let’s brew a tagline with some zest!” Cue a room ready for a whirlwind of witticisms.

Meet the Characters

Wiggs – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Buzzo – The Blabbering Sales Dynamo!
Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
Chirpii – The HR Songbird of Mentorship & Discipline!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Wigss, Serious: Can you guys fix a new punchy tagline for our company?
Buzzo, Enthusiastic: “We pitch often, listen seldom!”

Waggz, Sighing: “We build software that works, at times!”
Wigss, Confident: “Yeah, my man!”

Chirpii, Helpfully: “We help people earn, somewhat!”
Wiggs, Sarcastic: “Ppssh, obvious!”

Diggz, Wittily: “We are in the “Cirque du Business”.
Wigss, Confused: “Wwwhhhat?

Cirque du Biz (Circus of the Business)

Dusted off from years ago, some of these comics might echo past vibes, yet they still resonate. While nostalgia is golden, stay tuned for fresh takes on today’s business quirks. The circus of business is ever-evolving, and so is our satirical lens!


Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
In board meetings, pay-rise days, client meetings, or evening get-togethers, Wigss has a unique wig for every occasion. Steering the company like a Don, he extracts the best from everyone. And amidst all this, he’s ever ready to personally help his crew out.

Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
While Waggz is a touch on the gullible side, there’s no questioning his dedication. He’s the one always nodding in agreement, fervently wagging away at every directive. Secretly, he wishes he had the wit of Diggz, but for now, he’s content being the loyal sidekick, even if it means occasionally getting lost in the shuffle

Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!
Diggz is all about those zesty one-liners. He secretly dreams of swapping places with Wigss, but hey, not everyone can rock those wigs. With a knack for sharp jabs that shake up the old ways, Diggz is the spice in every corporate meeting!

XYise – Questions and Graphs, Written All Over His Face!
Introducing XYise, the guy with a face that’s graph-tastically alive! He’s the number-crunching maestro, speaking dimensions, models, and fancy analytics jargon like it’s his second language (because, well, it kinda is). And guess what? He’s your money-saving superhero, ready to rescue your finances with a cape that’s just a bit too short for dramatic effect!

Chirpii – The HR Songbird of Mentorship & Discipline!
Beneath Chirpii’s soothing lullabies of mentorship lies a fierce protector of the company. Sweet in her counsel but with a hidden beastly side, she ensures harmony reigns supreme. Cross a line, and she’ll transition from gentle chirps to roaring notes. Don’t be fooled, when it comes to company’s interests, she’s the songbird you don’t want to mess with!

Buzzo, The Blabbering Sales Dynamo!
Meet Buzzo, our Sales Guy extraordinaire! Like a buzzing bee, he’s always on the move, generating leads with his non-stop chatter. While he may not have all the qualifications of a seasoned pro, Buzzo’s enthusiasm and talkative nature make him a memorable character in our corporate circus.

Guru BOT – Old Wisdom, New Circuitry!
Imagine this: he’s a robot with the face of the advisor on the wall! Guru BOT is part wise old-timer, part futuristic tech guru. He’s Wigss’ quirky best friend and advisor, and he’s got a switch – “Say with heart” or “Say with head” – that lets him switch between emotional and logical, sometimes in hilarious ways!

Breezey – The Jet-Setting Salesy Captain CEO of the Ship!
Always on the move, Breezey rarely settles at the office. Convinced a CEO’s true role is in sales, he often clashes with the Sales Head. While his attention might be fleeting, his knack for sealing deals is legendary. Occasionally, he breezes in with jargon-filled wisdom, leaving the team scratching their heads!

(Will introduce a few more female and male characters donning Scientist, Techie, Strategy, Marketing etc. roles, as I progress)

Contrarian Views

While many people enjoy and appreciate humor in business settings through comics and jokes, there are several contrarian views on the matter:

  1. Unprofessional Image: Some believe that using humor, especially satire, in a business context can undermine the professional image of an organization or individual. They argue that it may make stakeholders, clients, or employees question the seriousness with which business matters are taken.
  2. Misinterpretation Risk: Humor, especially satire and sarcasm, is subjective. What’s funny to one person might be offensive or confusing to another. There’s always a risk that the message will be misinterpreted, leading to misunderstandings or even conflicts.
  3. Distraction from Core Issues: Critics may argue that humor can sometimes serve as a distraction from more pressing business concerns. Instead of addressing real issues head-on, humor can be seen as a way of glossing over or avoiding them.
  4. Cultural Sensitivities: In our globalized world, businesses often have stakeholders from various cultural backgrounds. What’s humorous in one culture might be deemed inappropriate or even disrespectful in another.
  5. Overuse Diminishes Impact: If humor is overused, it can lose its impact. It might start to feel forced or inauthentic, and stakeholders may begin to ignore the intended message altogether.
  6. Not Everyone Relates: Not everyone has the same sense of humor. While some might find business jokes relatable and hilarious, others may feel left out or that the humor doesn’t resonate with their personal experiences.
  7. Potential for Misuse: There’s a thin line between humor that highlights issues in a constructive manner and humor that belittles or makes fun of individuals or groups. Critics worry about the potential for misuse or the propagation of harmful stereotypes.

It’s important to remember that while humor can be a powerful tool for communication and engagement, it’s not always the right tool for every situation or audience. It requires careful consideration of context, audience, and intent.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Generate an image that captures the essence of Cirque du Soleil within the corporate world of ‘Cirque du Business,’ a satirical cartoon series. Imagine an imaginative office environment where employees engage in a wide array of acts and performances reminiscent of the diversity seen in Cirque du Soleil. Picture tightrope walkers navigating the delicate balance of office politics, employees juggling an assortment of tasks and responsibilities, and acrobats gracefully maneuvering through the corporate hierarchy. The boss, resembling a charismatic ringmaster, orchestrates this corporate circus with flair, while the mundane office setting is transformed into a mesmerizing big top, complete with colorful lights and a circus tent atmosphere. Ensure that the characters maintain a conventional appearance, avoiding any unusual extra limbs. The tone should be both humorous and thought-provoking, capturing the quirks and absurdities of professional life through the lens of a whimsical circus. –ar 16:9

Masters and Partials: A Comic Perspective of Pre-Sales/Sales-Engineering! 🤣


In this playful comic, we delve into the diverse roles of pre-sales/sales-engineering professionals. Humorously depicted as jacks of all trades, it’s a gentle nudge at the sarcasm that they often know a bit of everything, yet not entirely of something. Despite this jest, I’ve had the privilege of contributing to, leading, and forming innovative and inter-disciplinary pre-sales teams. Their adaptability and extensive knowledge cannot be understated. Enjoy this comic take, but remember to celebrate the real heroes behind the scenes!

The Comic


An IT services company is in the spotlight. The team is trying to place an employee in the right team.

Meet the Characters

Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!

In board meetings, pay-rise days, client meetings, or evening get-togethers, Wigss has a unique wig for every occasion. Steering the company like a Don, he extracts the best from everyone. And amidst all this, he’s ever ready to personally help his crew out.

Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

Diggz is all about those zesty one-liners. He secretly dreams of swapping places with Wigss, but hey, not everyone can rock those wigs. With a knack for sharp jabs that shake up the old ways, Diggz is the spice in every corporate meeting!

Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!

While Waggz is a touch on the gullible side, there’s no questioning his dedication. He’s the one always nodding in agreement, fervently wagging away at every directive. Secretly, he wishes he had the wit of Diggz, but for now, he’s content being the loyal sidekick, even if it means occasionally getting lost in the shuffle.

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Waggz: “Boss, I just can’t fit this guy in any team.”

Waggz: “Tech team says he codes less analyzes more, BA team says he analyzes less, talks more.”
Wigss (Boss): “Fix him in Marketing.”

Waggz: “Tried that. Marketing says he is less of marketing and more of sales; Sales says he’s is less of sales and more of strategy …”

Diggz: “Fix him in Pre-Sales!”

Contrarian Views

Pre-sales roles are often humorously dubbed as “knowing a bit about everything.” Let’s explore some alternate perspectives that challenge this sarcastic joke:

  1. Holistic Understanding: In an interdisciplinary world, broad knowledge can outvalue deep expertise in a singular domain.
  2. Versatility as Strength: Adapting to multiple domains showcases cognitive flexibility—a prized trait in modern business.
  3. Specialists in Integration: Pre-sales experts don’t just know a bit about everything; they specialize in combining diverse knowledge.
  4. Seeing the Bigger Picture: Applying broad knowledge to real-world scenarios allows for better holistic solutions.
  5. Siloed Departments Lose Out: The real joke might be on departments unwilling to integrate or recognize the power of versatility.
  6. Empathy Drives Pre-Sales: Understanding multiple stakeholders necessitates top-notch empathy and communication skills.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Illustrate a humorous corporate scene in a bustling IT office environment: At the center, Wigss, the confident leader, stands tall, donning a flamboyant wig that symbolizes authority. The wig has a touch of flair, reflecting his quirky nature. To his left, Diggz, looking stylish, leans against a desk, holding a coffee cup. His eyes are locked onto Wigss, and a smirk reveals his cheeky nature. Maybe he’s just delivered one of his trademark one-liners, catching the attention of nearby colleagues. To the right of Wigss, Waggz, the ever-loyal manager, stands with a notebook in hand, pen poised, ready to take notes. His eyes are wide, and he’s nodding excessively, signaling his unwavering agreement with everything Wigss says. The background shows a typical IT office setup: colleagues chatting by water coolers, some engrossed in their computer screens, and a few sneaking peeks at the trio, curious about their animated discussion. Ambient details: A whiteboard with tech jargon scribbled on, potted plants for a touch of greenery, and overhead lights casting a warm glow. –ar 16:9

Head and Heart: Making Decisions with Guru BOT’s Beat! 🤣


Way back in 2015, I brewed up comics brimming with humor and a hint of sarcasm. Today, I’m unearthing a treasure from the archives. Enter Guru Bot: a BOT with a comical twist. In “Say with the Head” mode, it dishes out tech talk like there’s no tomorrow. But here’s the kicker: in “Say with the Heart” mode, it drops comedic gems, once hilariously suggesting, “Change the CEO.” Join The Boss, XYise, and our quirky BOT for a wild ride through the ups and downs of business life. Expect more retro laughs in my blogs. Buckle up for a sidesplitting journey! 🎢😂

The Comic


An IT services company is in the spotlight. Their big client is in a jam, and they need to whip out some game-changing, data-driven magic. The Boss, the bald and bespectacled head honcho, ropes in XYise, the resident number-cruncher.

Meet the Characters

Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!

In board meetings, pay-rise days, client meetings, or evening get-togethers, Wigss has a unique wig for every occasion. Steering the company like a Don, he extracts the best from everyone. And amidst all this, he’s ever ready to personally help his crew out.

XYise – Questions and Graphs, Written All Over His Face!

Introducing XYise, the guy with a face that’s graph-tastically alive! He’s the number-crunching maestro, speaking dimensions, models, and fancy analytics jargon like it’s his second language (because, well, it kinda is). And guess what? He’s your money-saving superhero, ready to rescue your finances with a cape that’s just a bit too short for dramatic effect!

Guru BOT – Old Wisdom, New Circuitry!

Imagine this: he’s a robot with the face of the advisor on the wall! Guru BOT is part wise old-timer, part futuristic tech guru. He’s Wigss’ quirky best friend and advisor, and he’s got a switch – “Say with heart” or “Say with head” – that lets him switch between emotional and logical, sometimes in hilarious ways!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Wigss: “XYise, our customer is waiting for us to give tips to fix their business”
XYise: “I did all the calculations and modeling… but I’m unable to arrive at a few prescriptive analytics, what to do?”

Wiggs: “Let us ask Guru Bot – ‘Say with your head.'”

Guru BOT: “You need to look at those 58 dimensions, 16th fact, 1200 network connections in the network graph apply Ontology, NLP… it will take a few more weeks even for me to prescribe.”

Wigss: “Ok, now Say with your heart.”
Guru BOT: “Yup, now let me feel what the customer feels… Got it. Time to get a new CEO – that is the prescription.”

Contrarian Views

“Sometimes it’s fun to play devil’s advocate and challenge our own creations. So here I go, negating myself! 😄

  1. Data Over Intuition: The comic’s heart-driven advice might make some argue for data’s paramount importance in business decisions.
  2. Misleading Simplicity: Simplifying complex issues, like “Change the CEO”, can be seen as overly reductive.
  3. Over-reliance on Characters: Multiple characters could potentially cloud the core message.
  4. Bots & Emotions: Assigning human emotions to bots? A slippery slope for some who believe tech should remain emotionless.
  5. Contextual Understanding: Not a comic for everyone. Only those familiar with typical business scenarios might truly grasp its nuances.”

MidJourney Prompt wiht inputs from ChatGPT

Illustrate a whimsical corporate boardroom scene: A modern, sleek table with The Boss, a bald and bespectacled man, seated at the head, and XYise, the number-cruncher, seated beside him. In the center, place Guru Bot, a futuristic-looking robot with two modes: “Say with the Head” and “Say with the Heart.” The Boss looks eager and expectant, while XYise is in deep concentration, analyzing data on a futuristic device. Guru Bot’s “Say with the Head” mode appears glitchy with sparks, but its “Say with the Heart” mode shines brightly. The overall ambiance should be humorous and light-hearted, capturing the moment just before the unexpected suggestion to “Change the CEO.” –ar 16:9

Meaning and Form: Art of Crafting a Company Name with a Handy Framework!🧩


Hey there, folks! Remember our last chat about how we came up with our company name and those cool emblems? Well, that got us thinking. Why not shape that experience into a neat little framework and a guide? Something that might give you a nudge the next time you’re pondering a name for, well, anything! Dive in with us as we take that elSpectra story and boil it down into some useful pointers.

The Framework – Elements

I. Meaning and Words: Unearthing the Core

Identity Clarity:
Who is the brand at its very core? An honest introspection leads to names that truly resonate.

Perspective Depth:
Every brand views the world through its unique lens. The name should capture this multifaceted vision.

Belief Balance:
Balancing the analytical with the emotional. It’s essential that the name strikes this equilibrium.

II. Form and Sound: Sculpting the Phonetics

Auditory Precision:
Names that not only sound good but also create lasting impressions. Memorable and impactful.

Musical Elegance:
Crafting names that aren’t just words, but lyrical compositions. They should evoke feelings and memories.

Distinct Identity:
In a saturated market, being unique is paramount. The brand name should stand out, loud and proud.

The Framework – Why Not a 3×3 Matrix?

This matrix provides a structured yet nuanced approach to the intricate art of naming, placing equal emphasis on both form and meaning. (see the names of the example companies – two known brands and a fictitious one that ChatGPT suggested for each cell)

Form / MeaningIdentityPerspectiveBelief
Pronunciation (Auditory)Immediate Clarity:
Names easily articulated and understood, ensuring rapid recall.
(e.g., Apple, Coca-Cola, ClearTech)
Vocal Depth:
Names that vocally convey multi-layered facets, echoing diverse dimensions
(e.g., ViewSonic, SoundCloud, MultiVue)
Sound Trust:
Names whose phonetics induce a sense of reliability and genuineness.
(e.g., TrueCaller, TrustPilot, TrueTrek)
Rhythm (Musical)Synced Beat:
Names with an innate tempo, reflecting the company’s heartbeat.
(e.g., Intel, Spotify, BeatBind)
Varied Tunes:
Names that resonate differently based on listener’s interpretation, echoing diverse views.
(e.g., Microsoft, Polycom, MeloSight)
Value Harmony:
Names whose cadence aligns perfectly with the brand’s core convictions.
(e.g., FairTrade, HarmonyWorks, ValuVibe)
Distinctiveness (Uniqueness)Standout Signature:
Pioneering names that carve their own niche.
(e.g., Netflix, Zillow, NexaNode)
Fresh Gaze:
Innovatively approached names offering an unparalleled perspective
(e.g., Panasonic, Canon, VistaVerse)
Genuine Mold:
Authentic, one-of-a-kind names that are a mirror to the brand’s ethos.
(e.g., WholeFoods, PureLife, EthoEdge)

This framework is more than just a guide; it’s a philosophy. A structured approach to dive deep into the essence of a brand, ensuring its name is reflective of its core values, vision, and voice.

Got ChatGPT to Create Another Framework like Above

If we were to create a generic matrix based on broadly recognized principles in the naming industry, it might look something like this:


Axis 1: Naming Strategy (Reflects the approach to naming)

Descriptive: Names that describe what a company does (e.g., General Motors).
Suggestive: Names that hint at the business or product (e.g., Twitter).
Abstract: Names that don’t necessarily have an inherent meaning but are coined for the brand (e.g., Kodak).

Axis 2: Emotional Appeal (Reflects the emotional tone or feeling a name might evoke)

Functional: Appeals to the practical, utility-driven side of the audience.
Expressive: Evokes emotion, feeling, or a particular mood.
Imaginative: Invites the audience into a story.

A 3×3 Matrix Again!

(see the names of the example companies – two known brands and a fictitious one that ChatGPT suggested for each cell)

Certainly! Let’s integrate real-life popular brands and fictitious ones into the matrix:

Naming Strategy / Emotional AppealFunctionalExpressiveImaginative
DescriptivePractical Clarity:
Names that directly tell what the business is and cater to its practical function
(e.g., HomeDepot, AutoZone, HomeAid)
Emotional Insight:
Names that emotionally describe a feeling or mood related to the business
(e.g., JoyfulBakes, SweetDreams, CozyNap)
Storyteller’s Guide:
Names that narrate a story while being descriptive
(e.g., AmericanEagle, MountainDew, SummitSeeker)
SuggestiveUtility Hint:
Names that hint at utility or core function of the business
(e.g., PayPal, PowerWash, SafeTransfer)
Feeling Forecast:
Names suggesting a certain emotion or experience
(e.g., Netflix ‘net flix and chill’, ComfortInn, BlissBox)
Alluded Adventure:
Names that allude to a narrative while being suggestive
(e.g., Puma, Firefox, JungleStride)
AbstractInvented Utility:
Abstract names with a clear, functional connotation
(e.g., Kodak, Xerox, ZentraTech)
Emotive Invention:
Abstract names that elicit a strong emotional connection
(e.g., Nike, Fanta, VivaVibe)
Abstract names that tie into a larger story or imaginative world
(e.g., Oculus, Skype, FantasiaFlow)


Wrapping up, folks: finding the perfect name can seem daunting, but with a guiding framework, it’s just another creative adventure. Whether drawing from big names or cooking up something entirely new, ensure it vibes with your brand’s soul. Happy naming, and keep that spark alive! 🚀🎨

Contrarian Views

While frameworks, like the ones we discussed, can be incredibly helpful for structuring the naming process and offering guidance, there are contrarian views that highlight potential drawbacks or limitations:

  1. Stifling Creativity: Frameworks can be seen as restrictive and potentially stifle raw, unbridled creativity. They might inadvertently lead to boxed thinking, where unique or out-of-the-box ideas are sidelined in favor of those that neatly fit within the given parameters.
  2. Over-Complication: Especially for startups or small businesses, delving too deep into a complex framework might over-complicate what could be a more straightforward process. Some believe in a more organic approach: if a name feels right, resonates, and is available, go for it!
  3. Generic Outcomes: Following a structured framework might lead to names that, while fitting the model perfectly, end up sounding like many other names in the market. This could dilute the brand’s unique identity.
  4. Time Consumption: Employing a detailed framework can be time-consuming. Some argue that in the fast-paced business world, especially in sectors like tech startups, time is of the essence, and an elongated naming process can be a hindrance.
  5. Overemphasis on Naming: While naming is crucial, some believe that too much emphasis on the naming process can divert attention from other vital aspects like product development, marketing strategy, or operational efficiency.
  6. Cultural and Linguistic Limitations: Frameworks often come from a specific cultural or linguistic context. Names that resonate well in one region, following a particular framework, might not have the same impact elsewhere.
  7. Unpredictability of Success: Some of the most successful brand names today might not fit neatly into any specific framework. For example, brands like Apple, Google, or Nike might not have been the outcome if a rigid framework was adhered to.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Imagine a clear vertical split screen divided into two distinct frames: Left and Right. Left Frame (Meaning Related): Background: A deep, introspective blue gradient. Foreground Imagery: Ethereal symbols representing the depth of meaning. Picture a fingerprint symbolizing identity, a kaleidoscope showcasing multiple perspectives, and a balanced scale embodying belief. Right Frame (Form Related): Background: A lively, energetic orange gradient. Foreground Imagery: Icons that visualize the tangibility of form. Imagine a sound wave for auditory precision, flowing musical notes capturing rhythmic essence, and a standout star or diamond signifying uniqueness. Centerpiece: Situated in the middle, imagine an ornate, radiant halo or nameplate in gold. This centerpiece gracefully overlaps both the left and right frames, acting as a bridge between the two. The part of the halo or nameplate over the left frame has a subtle ethereal glow, while the part over the right frame exudes a more vibrant shimmer. The design should echo the harmonious marriage of deep introspection with dynamic creativity, symbolizing the union of meaning and form in the art of naming. –ar 16:9

Emotion and Logic: Harmonizing Our ‘Why’ and ‘Who’ into elSpectra’s ‘What’ and ‘How’!🧩

October 27th holds a special place in our hearts; it’s the day when our brainstorming and decision-making culminated in the official birth of ‘elSpectra.’ For Chiranth and me, finding the perfect name for our company wasn’t just a necessity—it was a mission. We wanted a name that reflected our commitment to giving Tech and IT narratives a new depth, clarity, and impact, combining our analytical skills with our creative passions.

We explored a multitude of names, from ‘Makers & Relaters’ and ‘Relations’ to ‘DuVista’ and EveryVista,’ but it was ‘elSpectra’ that ultimately captured the essence of what we envisioned.

The Journey towards ‘elSpectra’

Meaning and Words: Unearthing the Core

In our journey to christen our brainchild, the initial pursuit was not for a name but for the words that encapsulated our core. This introspective expedition was less about surface labels and more about discovering the terminology that resonated with the spirit of our mission. The narrative of our identity was sculpted through three critical revelations:

‘Makers and Relaters’: A Moment of Clarity

Our naming journey hinged on duality: blending analytical and creative energies to resonate with tech firms’ stories. “Relaters” surfaced, highlighting our storytelling mission, while “Makers” captured our technical creativity. Though “Makers and Relaters” sparked interest, it felt too cumbersome. Despite not making the cut, it was a catalyst, sharpening our vision and propelling us toward our ultimate choice.

‘DuVista and EveryVista’: Exploring Multi-faceted Perspectives

Our journey led us to ‘vista,’ symbolizing far-reaching views and a sequence of envisioned events, mirroring our inter-disciplinary approach. ‘DuVista’ and ‘EveryVista’ played with this concept, but ‘vista,’ with ambiguous interpretations and common use in hospitality, missed the mark for our tech narrative. It wasn’t our endpoint, but a crucial step towards a name capturing our essence.

‘Emotion and Logic’: A Pub, a Question, and Aristotle

The turning point in our quest came unexpectedly in a casual pub setting. “What’s the fundamental foundation of Math?” a close friend and confidant inquired, unknowingly igniting a eureka moment. The answer? “Logic.” This simple yet profound realization steered us towards Aristotle’s rhetorical appeals — Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. We zeroed in on ‘Pathos’ and ‘Logos,’ epitomizing the emotional and logical facets integral to impactful storytelling. It was a breakthrough, aligning seamlessly with our vision and eventually inspiring our final choice.

Form and Sound: Crafting elSpectra

Shifting from conceptual depths to linguistic artistry, our focus turned to the tangible elements of our brand’s title. This stage was a quest for a name that was a sonic and visual emblem, epitomizing brevity, elegance, and memorability. Beyond a mere identifier, we were sculpting an auditory and visual symbol:

Brevity and Resonance: Pursuing Auditory Elegance

We steered away from the lengthy word-1 and word-2 structure, seeking a snappier, more intriguing name. Chiranth’s friend’s advice was a game-changer, prompting us to envision introducing our company out loud. The new rule was clear: no more than ten characters. This shift honed our attention on how a name sounds, moving us closer to our final choice, where brevity meets auditory grace.

Lyricality and Flow: The Musicality of Names

Our quest for the perfect name led us to consider its musicality. Being passionate about music, I wanted a name that sang. Chiranth pointed out an interesting trend: many global female names, like Sunita, Laura, Naomi, or Lakshmi, end with “a” or “i,” creating a lyrical flow. This soft ending ensures the name blends smoothly in speech, unlike the abruptness of a consonant finish. This revelation was instrumental, guiding us towards the melodious allure of our final choice, where the name itself is a tune.

The Finale: Emotion and Logic – Spectra, a Harmony of Duality and Multiplicity

Our naming journey reached its peak with two key words: “Emotion” and “Logic.” The goal was clear — under ten characters, ending with a melodious note. “Spectrum,” symbolizing diversity and depth, caught our attention, but we represented more — an emotional and a logical spectrum. The solution? “Spectra,” the plural form. Yet, “Emotion and Logic Spectra” exceeded our limit. The breakthrough came with initials, giving birth to “elSpectra” — a name where meaning, duality, lyricism, conciseness, and depth harmonize. It’s not just a name; it’s our identity, reflecting our obsession with depth and the musicality of words.

“elSpectra? It’s our ‘who,’ ‘what,’ ‘why,’ and ‘how!’ A fun tag that mirrors our obsession with depth and expression, serving us and our clients!”

Depiction and Versatility: Delving into Deep, Playful, and Extendible Design

Post-elSpectra naming, we tackled its depiction. Budget-conscious, we opted for a simple text logo and “el” for our social avatar. Chiranth then had a brainwave: why not an emblem, especially one inspired by Yin and Yang? We reimagined it, blending Emotion with a dash of Logic and vice versa — unconventional, maybe, but it clicked for us. With Powerpoint, Chiranth drafted versions, morphing from doodles to sleek designs.

Here’s a glimpse of our creative evolution, showing that elSpectra is as much about playful depth in imagery as it is in thought and expression.

Our Learnings

  1. Core Values Embodied:
    • Our chosen name, in its depth, is more than just a label. It encapsulates our dual essence of logic and emotion, perfectly embodying the inter-disciplinary skills we bring to our team and clients.
  2. Significance of Names in B2B vs. B2C:
    • For a B2B tech agency like ours, an immediate resonance of the name isn’t always crucial. Over time, as the business evolves and grows, the significance behind the name might come to the fore. However, it’s never a given.
  3. Uniqueness and Longevity:
    • While crafting a unique identity has its merit, it’s the ever-changing nature of the business world that keeps us grounded. Mergers and acquisitions can overshadow individual brand identities.

Contrarian Views

The process of naming a company often involves deep consideration of both meaning and form. However, there are contrarian views that challenge the importance or necessity of this process. Here are some:

  1. Overemphasis on Name:
    • The real brand-builder is product/service quality, not the name itself.
  2. Recognition Comes with Time:
    • A name gains significance through consistent marketing and customer experiences, not inherent meaning.
  3. Keep It Simple:
    • Names should be straightforward and descriptive, avoiding complexity or confusion.
  4. Future-proof Naming:
    • Choose versatile names; companies evolve, and their names should remain relevant.
  5. Global Market Challenges:
    • Pursue culturally neutral names, considering the diversity and linguistic nuances of a global audience.
  6. SEO is Key:
    • Digital visibility might trump deep meanings; names should be SEO-friendly.

Who we are, after-all!

We’re deep-divers at heart, you know? Couldn’t just pick a name; had to find ‘the one’ with a tale, a vibe, a whole echo of ‘us.’ It’s gotta mean, gotta sing, gotta be our story. That’s just how we roll!

Meanings of Words used – from ChatGPT

  1. Makers:
    • Individuals or entities that create or produce something, often implying craftsmanship, innovation, or entrepreneurship.
  2. Relaters:
    • Those who tell stories or relate events, or individuals who are able to empathize with or connect to others.
  3. Vista:
    • A distant view or prospect, often scenic, or a mental view of a succession of remembered or anticipated events.
  4. Vistas:
    • Plural of vista; referring to multiple distant views, prospects, or mental perceptions of future possibilities.
  5. Ethos:
    • The characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations.
  6. Pathos:
    • A quality that evokes pity or sadness, the emotional aspect of artistic expression.
  7. Logos:
    • The principle of reason and judgment, associated with the attempt to persuade an audience using logical arguments and supporting evidence.
  8. Emotion:
    • A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others, often intense and subjective.
  9. Logic:
    • Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity, a systematic approach to problem solving or decision making.
  10. Spectrum:
    • A band of colors, as seen in a rainbow, produced by separation of the components of light by their different degrees of refraction. In broader terms, it’s used to classify something in terms of its position on a scale between two extreme points.
  11. Spectra:
    • Plural of spectrum; referring to multiple bands or ranges of varying qualities, often in the context of abstract concepts or classifications.
  12. Inter-Disciplinary:
    • Combining ideas or tools from different disciplines to create something new or solve a problem.
  13. Multi-Disciplinary:
    • Involving several academic disciplines or professional specializations in parallel, each contributing from its perspective.

Thanks a lot for reading. It means a lot to us!