Meaning and Form: Art of Crafting a Company Name with a Handy Framework!🧩


Hey there, folks! Remember our last chat about how we came up with our company name and those cool emblems? Well, that got us thinking. Why not shape that experience into a neat little framework and a guide? Something that might give you a nudge the next time you’re pondering a name for, well, anything! Dive in with us as we take that elSpectra story and boil it down into some useful pointers.

The Framework – Elements

I. Meaning and Words: Unearthing the Core

Identity Clarity:
Who is the brand at its very core? An honest introspection leads to names that truly resonate.

Perspective Depth:
Every brand views the world through its unique lens. The name should capture this multifaceted vision.

Belief Balance:
Balancing the analytical with the emotional. It’s essential that the name strikes this equilibrium.

II. Form and Sound: Sculpting the Phonetics

Auditory Precision:
Names that not only sound good but also create lasting impressions. Memorable and impactful.

Musical Elegance:
Crafting names that aren’t just words, but lyrical compositions. They should evoke feelings and memories.

Distinct Identity:
In a saturated market, being unique is paramount. The brand name should stand out, loud and proud.

The Framework – Why Not a 3×3 Matrix?

This matrix provides a structured yet nuanced approach to the intricate art of naming, placing equal emphasis on both form and meaning. (see the names of the example companies – two known brands and a fictitious one that ChatGPT suggested for each cell)

Form / MeaningIdentityPerspectiveBelief
Pronunciation (Auditory)Immediate Clarity:
Names easily articulated and understood, ensuring rapid recall.
(e.g., Apple, Coca-Cola, ClearTech)
Vocal Depth:
Names that vocally convey multi-layered facets, echoing diverse dimensions
(e.g., ViewSonic, SoundCloud, MultiVue)
Sound Trust:
Names whose phonetics induce a sense of reliability and genuineness.
(e.g., TrueCaller, TrustPilot, TrueTrek)
Rhythm (Musical)Synced Beat:
Names with an innate tempo, reflecting the company’s heartbeat.
(e.g., Intel, Spotify, BeatBind)
Varied Tunes:
Names that resonate differently based on listener’s interpretation, echoing diverse views.
(e.g., Microsoft, Polycom, MeloSight)
Value Harmony:
Names whose cadence aligns perfectly with the brand’s core convictions.
(e.g., FairTrade, HarmonyWorks, ValuVibe)
Distinctiveness (Uniqueness)Standout Signature:
Pioneering names that carve their own niche.
(e.g., Netflix, Zillow, NexaNode)
Fresh Gaze:
Innovatively approached names offering an unparalleled perspective
(e.g., Panasonic, Canon, VistaVerse)
Genuine Mold:
Authentic, one-of-a-kind names that are a mirror to the brand’s ethos.
(e.g., WholeFoods, PureLife, EthoEdge)

This framework is more than just a guide; it’s a philosophy. A structured approach to dive deep into the essence of a brand, ensuring its name is reflective of its core values, vision, and voice.

Got ChatGPT to Create Another Framework like Above

If we were to create a generic matrix based on broadly recognized principles in the naming industry, it might look something like this:


Axis 1: Naming Strategy (Reflects the approach to naming)

Descriptive: Names that describe what a company does (e.g., General Motors).
Suggestive: Names that hint at the business or product (e.g., Twitter).
Abstract: Names that don’t necessarily have an inherent meaning but are coined for the brand (e.g., Kodak).

Axis 2: Emotional Appeal (Reflects the emotional tone or feeling a name might evoke)

Functional: Appeals to the practical, utility-driven side of the audience.
Expressive: Evokes emotion, feeling, or a particular mood.
Imaginative: Invites the audience into a story.

A 3×3 Matrix Again!

(see the names of the example companies – two known brands and a fictitious one that ChatGPT suggested for each cell)

Certainly! Let’s integrate real-life popular brands and fictitious ones into the matrix:

Naming Strategy / Emotional AppealFunctionalExpressiveImaginative
DescriptivePractical Clarity:
Names that directly tell what the business is and cater to its practical function
(e.g., HomeDepot, AutoZone, HomeAid)
Emotional Insight:
Names that emotionally describe a feeling or mood related to the business
(e.g., JoyfulBakes, SweetDreams, CozyNap)
Storyteller’s Guide:
Names that narrate a story while being descriptive
(e.g., AmericanEagle, MountainDew, SummitSeeker)
SuggestiveUtility Hint:
Names that hint at utility or core function of the business
(e.g., PayPal, PowerWash, SafeTransfer)
Feeling Forecast:
Names suggesting a certain emotion or experience
(e.g., Netflix ‘net flix and chill’, ComfortInn, BlissBox)
Alluded Adventure:
Names that allude to a narrative while being suggestive
(e.g., Puma, Firefox, JungleStride)
AbstractInvented Utility:
Abstract names with a clear, functional connotation
(e.g., Kodak, Xerox, ZentraTech)
Emotive Invention:
Abstract names that elicit a strong emotional connection
(e.g., Nike, Fanta, VivaVibe)
Abstract names that tie into a larger story or imaginative world
(e.g., Oculus, Skype, FantasiaFlow)


Wrapping up, folks: finding the perfect name can seem daunting, but with a guiding framework, it’s just another creative adventure. Whether drawing from big names or cooking up something entirely new, ensure it vibes with your brand’s soul. Happy naming, and keep that spark alive! 🚀🎨

Contrarian Views

While frameworks, like the ones we discussed, can be incredibly helpful for structuring the naming process and offering guidance, there are contrarian views that highlight potential drawbacks or limitations:

  1. Stifling Creativity: Frameworks can be seen as restrictive and potentially stifle raw, unbridled creativity. They might inadvertently lead to boxed thinking, where unique or out-of-the-box ideas are sidelined in favor of those that neatly fit within the given parameters.
  2. Over-Complication: Especially for startups or small businesses, delving too deep into a complex framework might over-complicate what could be a more straightforward process. Some believe in a more organic approach: if a name feels right, resonates, and is available, go for it!
  3. Generic Outcomes: Following a structured framework might lead to names that, while fitting the model perfectly, end up sounding like many other names in the market. This could dilute the brand’s unique identity.
  4. Time Consumption: Employing a detailed framework can be time-consuming. Some argue that in the fast-paced business world, especially in sectors like tech startups, time is of the essence, and an elongated naming process can be a hindrance.
  5. Overemphasis on Naming: While naming is crucial, some believe that too much emphasis on the naming process can divert attention from other vital aspects like product development, marketing strategy, or operational efficiency.
  6. Cultural and Linguistic Limitations: Frameworks often come from a specific cultural or linguistic context. Names that resonate well in one region, following a particular framework, might not have the same impact elsewhere.
  7. Unpredictability of Success: Some of the most successful brand names today might not fit neatly into any specific framework. For example, brands like Apple, Google, or Nike might not have been the outcome if a rigid framework was adhered to.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Imagine a clear vertical split screen divided into two distinct frames: Left and Right. Left Frame (Meaning Related): Background: A deep, introspective blue gradient. Foreground Imagery: Ethereal symbols representing the depth of meaning. Picture a fingerprint symbolizing identity, a kaleidoscope showcasing multiple perspectives, and a balanced scale embodying belief. Right Frame (Form Related): Background: A lively, energetic orange gradient. Foreground Imagery: Icons that visualize the tangibility of form. Imagine a sound wave for auditory precision, flowing musical notes capturing rhythmic essence, and a standout star or diamond signifying uniqueness. Centerpiece: Situated in the middle, imagine an ornate, radiant halo or nameplate in gold. This centerpiece gracefully overlaps both the left and right frames, acting as a bridge between the two. The part of the halo or nameplate over the left frame has a subtle ethereal glow, while the part over the right frame exudes a more vibrant shimmer. The design should echo the harmonious marriage of deep introspection with dynamic creativity, symbolizing the union of meaning and form in the art of naming. –ar 16:9

Emotion and Logic: Harmonizing Our ‘Why’ and ‘Who’ into elSpectra’s ‘What’ and ‘How’!🧩

October 27th holds a special place in our hearts; it’s the day when our brainstorming and decision-making culminated in the official birth of ‘elSpectra.’ For Chiranth and me, finding the perfect name for our company wasn’t just a necessity—it was a mission. We wanted a name that reflected our commitment to giving Tech and IT narratives a new depth, clarity, and impact, combining our analytical skills with our creative passions.

We explored a multitude of names, from ‘Makers & Relaters’ and ‘Relations’ to ‘DuVista’ and EveryVista,’ but it was ‘elSpectra’ that ultimately captured the essence of what we envisioned.

The Journey towards ‘elSpectra’

Meaning and Words: Unearthing the Core

In our journey to christen our brainchild, the initial pursuit was not for a name but for the words that encapsulated our core. This introspective expedition was less about surface labels and more about discovering the terminology that resonated with the spirit of our mission. The narrative of our identity was sculpted through three critical revelations:

‘Makers and Relaters’: A Moment of Clarity

Our naming journey hinged on duality: blending analytical and creative energies to resonate with tech firms’ stories. “Relaters” surfaced, highlighting our storytelling mission, while “Makers” captured our technical creativity. Though “Makers and Relaters” sparked interest, it felt too cumbersome. Despite not making the cut, it was a catalyst, sharpening our vision and propelling us toward our ultimate choice.

‘DuVista and EveryVista’: Exploring Multi-faceted Perspectives

Our journey led us to ‘vista,’ symbolizing far-reaching views and a sequence of envisioned events, mirroring our inter-disciplinary approach. ‘DuVista’ and ‘EveryVista’ played with this concept, but ‘vista,’ with ambiguous interpretations and common use in hospitality, missed the mark for our tech narrative. It wasn’t our endpoint, but a crucial step towards a name capturing our essence.

‘Emotion and Logic’: A Pub, a Question, and Aristotle

The turning point in our quest came unexpectedly in a casual pub setting. “What’s the fundamental foundation of Math?” a close friend and confidant inquired, unknowingly igniting a eureka moment. The answer? “Logic.” This simple yet profound realization steered us towards Aristotle’s rhetorical appeals — Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. We zeroed in on ‘Pathos’ and ‘Logos,’ epitomizing the emotional and logical facets integral to impactful storytelling. It was a breakthrough, aligning seamlessly with our vision and eventually inspiring our final choice.

Form and Sound: Crafting elSpectra

Shifting from conceptual depths to linguistic artistry, our focus turned to the tangible elements of our brand’s title. This stage was a quest for a name that was a sonic and visual emblem, epitomizing brevity, elegance, and memorability. Beyond a mere identifier, we were sculpting an auditory and visual symbol:

Brevity and Resonance: Pursuing Auditory Elegance

We steered away from the lengthy word-1 and word-2 structure, seeking a snappier, more intriguing name. Chiranth’s friend’s advice was a game-changer, prompting us to envision introducing our company out loud. The new rule was clear: no more than ten characters. This shift honed our attention on how a name sounds, moving us closer to our final choice, where brevity meets auditory grace.

Lyricality and Flow: The Musicality of Names

Our quest for the perfect name led us to consider its musicality. Being passionate about music, I wanted a name that sang. Chiranth pointed out an interesting trend: many global female names, like Sunita, Laura, Naomi, or Lakshmi, end with “a” or “i,” creating a lyrical flow. This soft ending ensures the name blends smoothly in speech, unlike the abruptness of a consonant finish. This revelation was instrumental, guiding us towards the melodious allure of our final choice, where the name itself is a tune.

The Finale: Emotion and Logic – Spectra, a Harmony of Duality and Multiplicity

Our naming journey reached its peak with two key words: “Emotion” and “Logic.” The goal was clear — under ten characters, ending with a melodious note. “Spectrum,” symbolizing diversity and depth, caught our attention, but we represented more — an emotional and a logical spectrum. The solution? “Spectra,” the plural form. Yet, “Emotion and Logic Spectra” exceeded our limit. The breakthrough came with initials, giving birth to “elSpectra” — a name where meaning, duality, lyricism, conciseness, and depth harmonize. It’s not just a name; it’s our identity, reflecting our obsession with depth and the musicality of words.

“elSpectra? It’s our ‘who,’ ‘what,’ ‘why,’ and ‘how!’ A fun tag that mirrors our obsession with depth and expression, serving us and our clients!”

Depiction and Versatility: Delving into Deep, Playful, and Extendible Design

Post-elSpectra naming, we tackled its depiction. Budget-conscious, we opted for a simple text logo and “el” for our social avatar. Chiranth then had a brainwave: why not an emblem, especially one inspired by Yin and Yang? We reimagined it, blending Emotion with a dash of Logic and vice versa — unconventional, maybe, but it clicked for us. With Powerpoint, Chiranth drafted versions, morphing from doodles to sleek designs.

Here’s a glimpse of our creative evolution, showing that elSpectra is as much about playful depth in imagery as it is in thought and expression.

Our Learnings

  1. Core Values Embodied:
    • Our chosen name, in its depth, is more than just a label. It encapsulates our dual essence of logic and emotion, perfectly embodying the inter-disciplinary skills we bring to our team and clients.
  2. Significance of Names in B2B vs. B2C:
    • For a B2B tech agency like ours, an immediate resonance of the name isn’t always crucial. Over time, as the business evolves and grows, the significance behind the name might come to the fore. However, it’s never a given.
  3. Uniqueness and Longevity:
    • While crafting a unique identity has its merit, it’s the ever-changing nature of the business world that keeps us grounded. Mergers and acquisitions can overshadow individual brand identities.

Contrarian Views

The process of naming a company often involves deep consideration of both meaning and form. However, there are contrarian views that challenge the importance or necessity of this process. Here are some:

  1. Overemphasis on Name:
    • The real brand-builder is product/service quality, not the name itself.
  2. Recognition Comes with Time:
    • A name gains significance through consistent marketing and customer experiences, not inherent meaning.
  3. Keep It Simple:
    • Names should be straightforward and descriptive, avoiding complexity or confusion.
  4. Future-proof Naming:
    • Choose versatile names; companies evolve, and their names should remain relevant.
  5. Global Market Challenges:
    • Pursue culturally neutral names, considering the diversity and linguistic nuances of a global audience.
  6. SEO is Key:
    • Digital visibility might trump deep meanings; names should be SEO-friendly.

Who we are, after-all!

We’re deep-divers at heart, you know? Couldn’t just pick a name; had to find ‘the one’ with a tale, a vibe, a whole echo of ‘us.’ It’s gotta mean, gotta sing, gotta be our story. That’s just how we roll!

Meanings of Words used – from ChatGPT

  1. Makers:
    • Individuals or entities that create or produce something, often implying craftsmanship, innovation, or entrepreneurship.
  2. Relaters:
    • Those who tell stories or relate events, or individuals who are able to empathize with or connect to others.
  3. Vista:
    • A distant view or prospect, often scenic, or a mental view of a succession of remembered or anticipated events.
  4. Vistas:
    • Plural of vista; referring to multiple distant views, prospects, or mental perceptions of future possibilities.
  5. Ethos:
    • The characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations.
  6. Pathos:
    • A quality that evokes pity or sadness, the emotional aspect of artistic expression.
  7. Logos:
    • The principle of reason and judgment, associated with the attempt to persuade an audience using logical arguments and supporting evidence.
  8. Emotion:
    • A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others, often intense and subjective.
  9. Logic:
    • Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity, a systematic approach to problem solving or decision making.
  10. Spectrum:
    • A band of colors, as seen in a rainbow, produced by separation of the components of light by their different degrees of refraction. In broader terms, it’s used to classify something in terms of its position on a scale between two extreme points.
  11. Spectra:
    • Plural of spectrum; referring to multiple bands or ranges of varying qualities, often in the context of abstract concepts or classifications.
  12. Inter-Disciplinary:
    • Combining ideas or tools from different disciplines to create something new or solve a problem.
  13. Multi-Disciplinary:
    • Involving several academic disciplines or professional specializations in parallel, each contributing from its perspective.

Thanks a lot for reading. It means a lot to us!