Stories and Twists: Navigating the Ever-Changing Agile Labyrinth and Team’s Confusions! đź¤Ł


Ah, the world of Agile! A place where rapid responses, dynamic changes, and collaboration reign supreme. Enter the Product Owner, the guardian of requirements, the bridge between the client’s vision and the team’s execution. But sometimes, these requirements can take on a life of their own, turning routine sprints into epic sagas. Dive in and see the lighter side of navigating the Agile seas!

The Comic


A product owner steps forward, clutching a sheaf of user stories. The team gathers around, eager to dive into the new requirements they’re about to receive.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!
– The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!
Product Owner – Providing User Stories to the Team

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Product Owner – Confidently: “These are the user stories…”

Product Owner – With finality: “I’m done guys with the requirements for the next few sprints, please release code…”

Waggz – Completely baffled: “Wait … what? Who are the users actually?”

Diggz – Bewildered & Sarcastic: “Need to get the Boss to fix this guy. His requirements are a mystery, a thriller story. You don’t know where it ends, which path it takes, which character enters…”

Contrarian Views

When presenting humorous content, especially in a professional context like Agile or any other work methodology, it’s helpful to be aware of potential criticisms or differing perspectives. Here are some potential contrarian views regarding the joke:

  1. Misrepresentation: Some Agile practitioners might feel that the joke misrepresents the role of the Product Owner (PO). A proficient PO should provide clear and comprehensive requirements, ensuring that the development team understands the user stories.
  2. Team Dynamics: The joke might be perceived as perpetuating a stereotype that the Product Owner and the development team are often at odds. In actual Agile practices, collaboration and clear communication between the PO and the team are emphasized.
  3. Over-Simplification: Agile methodologies encompass a wide range of practices, rituals, and tools to ensure clarity in requirements. The joke might seem to oversimplify these practices, implying that misunderstandings are a common occurrence.
  4. Inclusion: While the joke focuses on the PO’s ambiguity, it could be argued that the onus is also on the development team to seek clarification when they are uncertain. The depiction might appear one-sided to some.
  5. Demeaning Professionalism: Some might feel that the portrayal of the Product Owner as delivering unclear requirements and the team’s response demeans the professionalism inherent in Agile practices.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a humorous, cartoonish scene set in a modern office environment. There are four characters: Product Owner: Wearing a tie and glasses, confidently holding up a paper titled “User Stories”. He looks professional and a tad smug. Waggz: A team member with a puzzled expression. His hands are thrown up in the air in confusion, and there are question marks around his head. Diggz: Another team member, scratching his head with one hand and holding a laptop in the other. His expression is one of total bewilderment. Background Characters: A few team members around, looking from the Product Owner to Waggz and Diggz, sharing in the confusion. The background should depict an office setting, with a whiteboard, some charts, and scattered papers. The overall tone is light and fun, highlighting the comedic chaos of the situation. –ar 16:9

Stand-ups and Metrics: The Facade of False Agile Conformance! đź¤Ł


Ah, the world of Agile! So many teams dive in, eager for those daily Scrum meetings and the allure of burn-down charts. But wait a minute, isn’t there more to Agile than just these surface-level ceremonies? The 12 guiding principles of Agile aren’t just a checklist to breeze through. Meetings might be the talk of the town, but let’s not forget the cornerstone: technical architecture and design. Especially in the iterative and incremental development model of Agile, a shaky foundation will cause tremors. Keep tweaking the same software piece without a solid base? That’s a recipe for chaos. Every iteration and test will be a painful reminder. Let’s unpack the real meat of Agile and see what it truly takes to be Agile and not just act it.

The Comic


An IT services company is in the spotlight. The team is trying to report their teams’ conformance to Agile/Scrum.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the characters here)

Wigss – The Bald but Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!
– The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Wigss: “Wagzz, CEO wants to know how are we with that Agile thing after a lot of investment on training and coaching last year.”

Waggz: “We are good Boss, we do all those Scrum calls, stand-up meetings.”
Wigss: “How do I communicate?”

Waggz: “Tell them we are following 10 of the 12 Agile principles – so 83.33% conformance to agile.”
Wigss: “That’s my man!”

Wigss: “Anyways, which 2 are you not following?”
“Technical excellence & good design …”
“Deliver working software frequently …”

Contrarian Views

While many tout the wonders of conforming to Agile in project management, there are some contrarian views worth considering:

  1. One-size-fits-all? Not every project benefits from Agile’s iterative approach. Traditional methods might be better suited for projects with set requirements.
  2. Scope Creep Risk: Agile’s flexibility might lead to continuous project additions, delaying final delivery.
  3. Team Burnout Potential: The non-stop cycle of sprints and feedback can exhaust teams.
  4. Speed vs. Quality: Agile’s quick turnarounds can sometimes compromise quality for speed.
  5. Interpretation Inconsistencies: Agile’s principles can be interpreted differently, leading to varied applications within an organization.
  6. Long-term Planning: Focusing on short-term goals might cause neglect of long-term strategies.
  7. Tool Over-reliance: Buying the latest Agile tools doesn’t automatically ensure proper Agile adoption. It might just add administrative work.

The Agile Manifesto (for reference)

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

Agile FocusNot Agile Focus While There is a Value to these too
Individuals and interactionsover processes and tools
Working softwareover comprehensive documentation
Customer collaborationover contract negotiation
Responding to changeover following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

The 12 Agile Principles

#Agile PrinciplePrinciple Name
1Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.Customer Satisfaction
2Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.Embrace Change
3Deliver working software frequently, with a preference for shorter timescales.Deliver Incrementally
4Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.Collaboration
5Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.Motivated Individuals
6The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.Face-to-Face Communication
7Working software is the primary measure of progress.Working Software
8Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.Sustainability
9Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.Technical Excellence
10Simplicity–the art of maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential.Simplicity
11The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.Self-Organizing Teams
12At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.Reflect and Adapt

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Illustrate a humorous comic strip-style scene in a quirky IT office environment for “Meetings and Metrics: The Facade of False Agile Conformance”. The characters should be exaggeratedly cartoonish: think of oversized heads, expressive faces, and comical postures. One character could be frantically chasing a runaway pie chart on wheels, another one might be using a magnifying glass to over-scrutinize a tiny metric, while yet another is comically stressed out, sweat pouring, as they attempt to hide a crumbling miniature foundation (symbolizing flawed technical architecture). Background details could include silly office items like sticky notes with funny reminders, computers displaying cheeky error messages, and a water cooler overflowing with paper cups. The tone should be light-hearted, colorful, and dripping with comic strip humor. –ar 16:9