
Welcome to “Listening and Patterns.” This space was birthed from a simple yet profound exercise: “Your Two Words.” An exercise I encountered during my tenure at a previous company, inspired by this video. The task? To distill one’s essence, inspiration, or guiding principle into two words. While the original concept proposed one, I found that two words resonated more deeply, capturing a broader spectrum of one’s ethos. My intuitive response to this challenge? “Listening” and “Patterns.”

Listening and Patterns is not just another blog; it’s a place where I share my world with you. Here, you’ll find a delightful mishmash of thoughts inspired by movies, music, books, and even life’s little quirks. I’ve always had this nagging fear that people might think my musings are a tad bit “kiddish,” but you know what? I’ve decided to embrace it.

I’ve realized that Listening and Patterns is not just for the serious thinkers or the high-brow intellectuals; it’s for the curious, the dreamers, and the kid in all of us. This site started as a personal compilation of my thoughts, a little corner of the internet just for me. But then, I thought, why not share it with the world?

Most of what you’ll find here are short blogs or micro-blogs. They can be as brief as a single quote, a small observation, or even a fleeting moment that caught my eye. So, I invite you to embark on this journey with me. Let’s throw caution to the wind and rediscover the joy of curiosity, the wonder of patterns, and the beauty of embracing the kid inside. After all, life is too short to worry about what others might think. Here, it’s all about exploring, learning, and having a bit of fun along the way.


ChatGPT, MidJourney, DALL-E …

MidJourney prompts used for the above two images

An icon that depicts the Listening and Patterns

Design an image that conveys the idea of ‘Listening and Patterns’ as a bridge between the serious thinker and the inner child.

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