Gadgets and Giggles: A Comic Quirk for Character Development of Our Business Circus Stars with their Wearables! ðŸ¤£


Hello, Cirque du Biz, viewers, if any 🙂 ! Way back when this comic series was just a twinkle in my eye and wearables were the new rage, I had this whimsical idea: naming wearables for each character. Picture our corporate stars sporting these quirky gadgets in future strips! I hesitated about sharing this early brainstorming session, but hey, why not laugh a bit, even if it’s at my own antics? After all, that’s the Cirque du Biz spirit! So here it is, my little trip down memory lane. Enjoy, and remember, in our circus of business, every chuckle is welcome!

Cirque du Biz Characters and their Wearable Branding

Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!


Addresses issues or problems effectively.

It can fix almost anyone, err.., anything, except for a bad hair day. Got a wig for that!

Waggz – The epitome of the “Yes Boss” mantra!


Enhances one’s loyalty especially towards those who are loyal to their bosses!.

Perfect for those wanting to be the boss’s pet. Might induce excessive nodding.

Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!


An aid to voice truths that others might not wish to hear.

When the truth stings, be sure I’ve got a zinger!

Chirpii – The HR Songbird of Mentorship & Discipline!


Keeps the wearer in constant joy and spreads glee to others.

Why settle for mundane when with Gleegear, every day’s a chirp-tastic, glee-filled delight?

XYise – Questions and Graphs, Written All Over His Face!


A tool for advanced multi-dimensional analysis.

Why limit to 3D when you can think in 5D with Dimensionator? Dive deeper, soar higher, and always think outside the… well, you get the drift!

Buzzo – The Blabbering Sales Dynamo!


Designed for long and extended pitching sessions.

Now I can pitch till the cows come home, and then… pitch to the cows too!

Breezey – The Jet-Setting Salesy Captain CEO of the Ship!


Specialized in generating business jargons instantly.

Why just say ‘hello’ when I can “leverage synergies and ideate the paradigm shift”? Jet-set with jargon!

Guru BOT – Old Wisdom, New Circuitry!


A device that ensures others listen and even lets them hear their own words for reflection.

Now you can not only listen to others but also can listen to yourself… and realize how you crap you sound!

Cirque du Biz – Circus of Business!


Marrying the whimsy of the circus with the clarity of spectacles, this wearable reveals the deep comedic undertones hidden in the shadows of the corporate tent.

See beyond the boardroom’s big top; where every pitch isn’t just a proposal, but a performance. Don your Circuspect and let the corporate comedy commence!

Closing, to be continued …

Wrapping up our whimsical wearable journey for the Cirque du Biz stars, I hope it brought a chuckle or two! Stay tuned for more lighthearted takes on our team, as we playfully experiment with characterizations. Keep laughing and stay curious! 🎪🤓🎉

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

A vivid, cartoonish image set in a corporate office that’s infused with elements of a circus tent. Center stage is a large, shiny digital wearable watch resembling an Apple Watch, floating above, emitting a glow that attracts attention. Multiple comic characters are seen excitedly jumping up, trying to grab the watch, their faces filled with anticipation. In the background, you can see office desks with circus props like juggling pins, hoops, and balls. The atmosphere is electric, hinting at the coveted prize that the watch represents. –ar 16:9

Some analysis of how ChatGPT is providing prompts

I took a number of conversations to get the above prompt. I asked ChatGPT to provide the differences between the different prompts, a few of them … following is a table .. just for funs and knowledge!

Feature / PromptPrompt 1Prompt 2Prompt 3
Corporate-Circus EnvironmentStressed – merger of corporate and circus vibesMerger of corporate and circus aestheticsMixture of corporate and circus elements
Digital Wearable Watch DescriptionNot explicitly mentionedDigital wearable watch (like Apple Watch)Large, sleek digital wearable watch (reminiscent of an Apple iWatch)
Prominence of WatchNot specifically emphasizedMore emphasizedHighly emphasized with detailed features
Comic CharactersMentioned (in background)Not specifically mentionedEager characters in quirky attire, jumping towards the watch
Circus Props in OfficeYes (not in detail)Yes (juggling pins, tightropes, etc.)Yes (juggling pins, hoops, balls on desks)
Vibrancy of ImageCartoonishVibrant, cartoonishHighly vibrant, cartoonish
Character EngagementCharacters are drawn to the watchNo direct character interactionCharacters actively leaping towards watch
General AtmosphereExcitement about the watch in circus-corporate settingCircus-themed corporate space without direct character interactionExcitement and eagerness in a circus-themed corporate setting
Detail Level of WatchGeneralMore detailed with mention of being “like Apple Watch”Extremely detailed, meant to be the focal point of the scene
By delving into the specifics, we can see the evolution in the description from Prompt 1 to Prompt 3. Each successive prompt adds more detail, specificity, and interaction related to the digital wearable watch and its surrounding environment.

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