Emotional and Fast Thinking – Spontaneous Buyer – Targeted Content – Analysis! 🧩


In this blog post, I will explore the science behind crafting content, using ChatGPT, that resonates with Spontaneous (Fast Emotional) Buyers. We’ll dive into the provided content and quantify its appeal to Logic, Emotion, Fast, and Slow decision-making processes.

Example Content for CRM Pitch

For Spontaneous Buyer (Fast Emotional Thinker)


Ignite Your Sales: Feel the Pulse of Real-Time Connections


Streamline your connections, ignite your sales force’s potential! Our CRM isn’t just a tool—it’s the heartbeat of engagement. Feel the pulse of every deal. Act fast, with passion. Your competitors do!


Step into the future of seamless, intuitive CRM—where action meets impact in real-time. Embrace a platform that understands the urgency of your ambition, offering instant data insights, immediate updates, and an ultra-responsive interface. Experience empowerment with a system that’s a natural extension of your intuitive decision-making style: immediate lead insights, streamlined communication channels, and foresight-driven automation. With our platform, every interaction is designed to propel you forward, matching the urgency of your aspirations. Are you ready to transform instinct into action? To turn immediacy into success? Your journey in the fast lane of CRM starts now—dynamic, passionate, and relentless.


Why wait? Ignite your potential and connect instantly with your customers—Get started now!

Content Appeal Breakdown

Analyzing the provided content for the Spontaneous – Fast Emotional Buyer, here’s an estimated breakdown of the content’s appeal:

Content ComponentAppeals to LogicAppeals to EmotionAppeals to FastAppeals to Slow
Overview Pitch40%60%85%15%



The title “Ignite Your Sales: Feel the Pulse of Real-Time Connections” is heavily emotional, with words like “ignite” and “feel the pulse” appealing strongly to emotion and urgency, and less to logical processing.


This section combines logical elements like “streamline your connections” with emotional elements (“ignite your sales force’s potential”, “heartbeat of engagement”). The urgency is palpable with “Act fast, with passion”, catering mostly to fast decision-making.


While there are logical components in mentioning “immediate data insights” and “foresight-driven automation”, the pitch leans heavily on emotional aspects, discussing empowerment, urgency, ambition, and transforming “instinct into action.” The emphasis on immediacy, urgency, and real-time action caters significantly to fast decision-making.


The phrase “Why wait? Ignite your potential and connect instantly with your customers—Get started now!” is almost entirely emotional, urging immediate action and minimal contemplation, thus appealing strongly to fast decision-making and very little to slow, methodical decision-making.

Note: This breakdown is subjective and based on the presence of certain elements within the content. The actual perception may vary among individual readers.

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