Strategy and Reality: Pitching Higher and Higher to go Lower and Lower! 🤣


In the bustling theater of corporate lingo and dynamic sales pitches, our charismatic trio, Wigss, Diggz, and Buzzo, are on a mission to “transform” and “strategize” their way into sealing a monumental deal. Amidst the glitter of polished jargon and captivating gestures, sometimes the most straightforward queries echo the loudest. Venture into this light-hearted escapade where soaring ambitions meet the grounded realities of the business world. Can Buzzo’s enthralling digital dance impress, or is the customer team tapping to a different tune altogether? 🎶

The Comic


Buzzo, pitching fervently, riding the waves of corporate jargon, while a challenging scene unfolds.

Meet the Characters

(read more about the following characters here)
Wigss – The Bald but Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!
Sales Guy – Buzzo, The Blabbering Dynamo!
Diggz – The witty sidekick of the Boss!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Wigss, Motivational: “Hey Sales Hero, dazzle and fix the customer team this time. Sing the strategy song or do the digital dance or an AI gig or something.”
Diggz, Doubtful: “Won’t work.”

Buzzo, Pitching: “We can transform your digital business with AI, we are a strategic partner…”

Buzzo, Pitching Higher: “We can create value, ….. end-to-end …… 360 degrees ….. ….. …. …. ….”

Customer Prospect, Inquisitive: “How many React and Data Science resources can you provide in the next 2 weeks? Pl, share your rate card too!”
Diggz, Sarcastic: “Thought so.”

After All … How Many? and How Much? Matters

Despite Buzzo’s passionate and high-flying pitch filled with technical buzzwords and grand promises, the customer, ever so practical, grounds the entire conversation with a simple and direct query about capacity and rates. The vast chasm between strategic jargon and practical needs has never been so hilariously evident!

Inspiration – Mileage and Maruti: “Kitna deti hai?” in Indian Auto Ads.

In the world of advertising, especially in Indian auto ads, it’s not just about glossy features or sleek designs. A classic Maruti TV ad nailed it when a customer simply inquired, “Kitna deti hai?” (How much mileage does it give?). It underscores that practical concerns often drive consumer choices more than glitzy presentations.

Maruti Suzuki – Kitna Deti Hai – Tank
Maruti Suzuki – Kitna Deti Hai – Yacht

Contrarian Views

Remember, humor is subjective. What resonates with one person might not with another. The joke might be seen as a light-hearted take on the sales process, but these contrarian views provide a more nuanced perspective.

  1. Depth of Strategy: The joke might oversimplify the value of strategic planning. Genuine strategy can bring transformative benefits.
  2. Sales Complexity: Pitches are varied and tailored. Not all are just buzzwords; many sales professionals put in significant effort.
  3. Customer Diversity: Not every customer is solely cost-focused. Some genuinely seek innovative solutions beyond immediate numbers.
  4. Undermining Skillset: The joke risks undervaluing the skills and expertise that go into selling transformative solutions.
  5. Reality of Negotiation: Sales is more than just numbers. It involves trust, relationship-building, and showcasing value. The joke might seem to reduce it to a mere transaction.

MidJourney Prompt with inputs from ChatGPT

Create a comic strip styled image with two main characters set against a modern corporate background: Buzzo: A young, dynamic salesperson exuding energy and confidence. He’s dressed sharply in a well-fitted suit, his tie possibly fluttering, capturing the essence of his animated pitching. His hands could be gesturing as if emphasizing a point, eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. Customer: A more serious, down-to-earth character. This individual is dressed in a subtle, professional manner, possibly with glasses, exuding an aura of practicality. Their posture is upright, possibly leaning slightly forward with a keen yet skeptical expression. The backdrop should be a sleek boardroom, reflecting the ambiance of high-level corporate discussions. Please ensure the image is void of any text or speech bubbles. –ar 16:9

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