Head and Heart: Making Decisions with Guru BOT’s Beat! 🤣


Way back in 2015, I brewed up comics brimming with humor and a hint of sarcasm. Today, I’m unearthing a treasure from the archives. Enter Guru Bot: a BOT with a comical twist. In “Say with the Head” mode, it dishes out tech talk like there’s no tomorrow. But here’s the kicker: in “Say with the Heart” mode, it drops comedic gems, once hilariously suggesting, “Change the CEO.” Join The Boss, XYise, and our quirky BOT for a wild ride through the ups and downs of business life. Expect more retro laughs in my blogs. Buckle up for a sidesplitting journey! 🎢😂

The Comic


An IT services company is in the spotlight. Their big client is in a jam, and they need to whip out some game-changing, data-driven magic. The Boss, the bald and bespectacled head honcho, ropes in XYise, the resident number-cruncher.

Meet the Characters

Wigss – The Wig-Wearing Don (Boss) of the Company!

In board meetings, pay-rise days, client meetings, or evening get-togethers, Wigss has a unique wig for every occasion. Steering the company like a Don, he extracts the best from everyone. And amidst all this, he’s ever ready to personally help his crew out.

XYise – Questions and Graphs, Written All Over His Face!

Introducing XYise, the guy with a face that’s graph-tastically alive! He’s the number-crunching maestro, speaking dimensions, models, and fancy analytics jargon like it’s his second language (because, well, it kinda is). And guess what? He’s your money-saving superhero, ready to rescue your finances with a cape that’s just a bit too short for dramatic effect!

Guru BOT – Old Wisdom, New Circuitry!

Imagine this: he’s a robot with the face of the advisor on the wall! Guru BOT is part wise old-timer, part futuristic tech guru. He’s Wigss’ quirky best friend and advisor, and he’s got a switch – “Say with heart” or “Say with head” – that lets him switch between emotional and logical, sometimes in hilarious ways!

The Cartoon

<< From “Cirque du Biz”, A sridvana’s Comic Strip Conceived in 2015 >> — Excuse me for the PPT visuals! I once dreamt of jazzing it up with a cartoonist’s flair and a dose of humorous dialogues. But here they are, shared in their untouched charm for your blog-reading pleasure!”

Wigss: “XYise, our customer is waiting for us to give tips to fix their business”
XYise: “I did all the calculations and modeling… but I’m unable to arrive at a few prescriptive analytics, what to do?”

Wiggs: “Let us ask Guru Bot – ‘Say with your head.'”

Guru BOT: “You need to look at those 58 dimensions, 16th fact, 1200 network connections in the network graph apply Ontology, NLP… it will take a few more weeks even for me to prescribe.”

Wigss: “Ok, now Say with your heart.”
Guru BOT: “Yup, now let me feel what the customer feels… Got it. Time to get a new CEO – that is the prescription.”

Contrarian Views

“Sometimes it’s fun to play devil’s advocate and challenge our own creations. So here I go, negating myself! 😄

  1. Data Over Intuition: The comic’s heart-driven advice might make some argue for data’s paramount importance in business decisions.
  2. Misleading Simplicity: Simplifying complex issues, like “Change the CEO”, can be seen as overly reductive.
  3. Over-reliance on Characters: Multiple characters could potentially cloud the core message.
  4. Bots & Emotions: Assigning human emotions to bots? A slippery slope for some who believe tech should remain emotionless.
  5. Contextual Understanding: Not a comic for everyone. Only those familiar with typical business scenarios might truly grasp its nuances.”

MidJourney Prompt wiht inputs from ChatGPT

Illustrate a whimsical corporate boardroom scene: A modern, sleek table with The Boss, a bald and bespectacled man, seated at the head, and XYise, the number-cruncher, seated beside him. In the center, place Guru Bot, a futuristic-looking robot with two modes: “Say with the Head” and “Say with the Heart.” The Boss looks eager and expectant, while XYise is in deep concentration, analyzing data on a futuristic device. Guru Bot’s “Say with the Head” mode appears glitchy with sparks, but its “Say with the Heart” mode shines brightly. The overall ambiance should be humorous and light-hearted, capturing the moment just before the unexpected suggestion to “Change the CEO.” –ar 16:9

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